With Li Zhe's current alchemy strength, the mere six-tier pill is naturally nothing to say.

And Li Zhe came to this alchemy room only to determine what is different in this alchemy room.

The alchemy room in this pill league is naturally excellent for ordinary alchemists.

Below this alchemy room, there is an underground spirit fire vein, which is used for alchemy is much better than the spirit fire released by the monks themselves.

Moreover, in each alchemy room, there is an excellent pill furnace, which is sufficient for refining the third-grade pill.

But obviously, these things have no effect on Li Zhe.

After all, Li Zhe had the cold abyss pot and the condensed pill sacred fire. In comparison, the conditions here were not as good as Li Zhe using his own things to refine the pill.

The only advantage is that there is an extremely powerful isolation formation in this alchemy room. Even if it is the fryer during the refining process, the extremely strong fluctuations produced will not be noticed by the outside world, but it can save outsiders' interference. .

In just one day, Li Zhe had finished refining all the five barrier-breaking pills.

After all, it was the first refining, and Li Zhe also failed one furnace, and the remaining four furnaces produced twelve barrier-breaking pills.

According to the rules of the Dan League, Li Zhe should hand in six, but Li Zhe only gave four to Yu Liang, and asked him to hand it in.

Although Li Zhe was a fifth-class alchemy master, failure in refining was naturally normal. Immediately, Yu Liang didn't say much, and directly turned in all the four pills.

"Let's go, and go back."

When Yu Liang finished handing in the pill, Li Zhe had already been waiting outside the alchemy room.

Immediately, Yu Liang also respectfully responded, and followed Li Zhe back to Li Zhe's cave.

After entering the cave, Li Zhe glanced at Yu Liang quietly, and then whispered: "How long have you been stuck in this state? I think you are full of anger. You should have reached the peak of the Void God Realm long ago?"

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Yu Liang was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a dry smile: "Three years..."

As he spoke, Li Zhe raised his hand slightly and threw out four barrier-breaking pills into Yu Liang's hands: "Take them and take them. Even if these pills can't help you condense the pills, they should be able to help you. Strength goes even further."

Yu Liang subconsciously raised his hand to catch it almost when Li Zhe was throwing the pill, but when Li Zhe spoke, Yu Liang was taken aback, holding the pill in his hand, and asked flatteredly. : "You...the pill that you just refined...is it for me?"

"Naturally, in my realm, there is no need for this kind of pill."

Li Zhe smiled and nodded, and said softly.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Yu Liang's wrist trembled, and then he put the four barrier-breaking pills into his storage bag.

Then, he bowed his fist to Li Zhe, and said respectfully: "Thank you Alchemy Master, Yu Liang has nothing to do with you, so you can only do your best for every order in the future!"

Seeing Yu Liang's appearance, Li Zhe smiled slightly and said quietly, "How long will it be until the next promotion trial?"

"The promotion trial is once a month. This month's trial ended the day before yesterday, and the next time will not take a month."

Yu Liang was taken aback, and then he respectfully said to Li Zhe.

Hearing this, Li Zhe nodded and said: "Well, you go and sign up for me, and then go to retreat and digest the medicine. I will retreat until that time, and you will come to me that day."

Upon hearing this, Yu Liang raised his head in shock and looked at Li Zhe.

He didn't know anything else, but Yu Liang, who grew up in this Dan League since childhood, still knew very well.

That is an ordinary alchemist, it takes at least nearly a hundred years from getting started to becoming a fourth-class alchemist.

However, Li Zhe is indeed just getting started, and he is about to participate in the promotion meeting of the fourth-class alchemist!

However, this was also Li Zhe's order. Yu Liang swallowed his saliva. This was the only way to respectfully bow to Li Zhe before turning and leaving.

At this time, Li Zhe silently walked into the training room on the right side of the room.

When he was just making alchemy, Li Zhe deliberately felt it. He felt that the problem with refining the fourth-grade pill should not be too big.

Immediately, Li Zhe's divine consciousness moved, and divine consciousness instantly covered the room on the left, quickly swiping all the alchemy books on the book to one side, and recorded it in the divine consciousness.

Then, Li Zhe cross-legged directly into the jade bottle space, and began to digest the alchemy knowledge he had obtained.

Soon, Li Zhe recorded all the classics prepared in this room into his own sea of ​​knowledge.

In these classics, almost all the knowledge of alchemy is covered. It can be said that today Li Zhe can successfully be regarded as a true alchemist.

Moreover, this also includes all levels of trial pill pill recipes.

The so-called trial pill prescription is the most basic pill of each level. Naturally, this kind of pill prescription is not necessary to keep it secret, and it can be found anywhere.

Immediately, Li Zhe started to learn the refining of the fourth-class pill directly in the jade bottle space.

However, Li Zhe soon discovered that it was not too difficult to refine these fourth-class pill by himself, and could even be described with ease!

In just one hour, ten hours in the jade bottle space, Li Zhe had already refined three furnaces of fourth-class pill, and the success rate was at least 50%!

Li Zhe was slightly puzzled, a little surprised at his talent for alchemy.

Of course, what Li Zhe didn't know was that it was all due to his own attempt to refine that Ning Ying Pill.

After all, Ningying Pill is considered top-grade among the four-grade pill!

The reason why the real spirit phantom gave Li Zhe the status of a fifth-class alchemist was just because he didn't want Li Zhe to be too eye-catching and to be able to practice alchemy together.

However, what he didn't expect was that Li Zhe had just joined the pill league for a month, and he was already preparing to participate in the promotion trial...

At the same time, Na Yu Liang also went back to practice after signing up for Li Zhe in the elders' pavilion.

In the elders' pavilion, in the alchemy room, several elders are sitting together, checking the list of promotion this time.

Because of the trial of promotion once a month, in fact, very few people participated each time, after all, it was not gathered together for several years.

Doing this is also for the alchemist in the door to be able to quickly improve.

It will not be obvious that he has a higher level of alchemy strength, and he will have to wait for several years to improve.

On weekdays, the most promotion trials are basically the most alchemists of seven or eight or nine grades.

Today, there are more alchemists like Li Zhe who have been promoted to the fourth class.

You know, in this Dan League, as long as you reach the fourth-class strength, you can almost apply to become an elder!

After becoming an elder, you can choose some highly talented alchemists to become your own disciples just like in the sect.

In this way, if one's own disciples are successful in refining alchemy in the future, they will be able to help the development of their own power after leaving the pill league.

Of course, accepting disciples naturally requires the willingness of both parties, but there is no coercion.

"This time there is actually a fifth-class alchemist who is going to be promoted, but in a few years, no such high-class alchemist has participated in this promotion trial."

"Yeah, it's just that this person seems to have just joined my Dan League. He has participated in the promotion so quickly, and I don't know if he is really capable or is too lofty."

Several elders gathered around and discussed with great interest.

However, on the side of this group of elders, there was a man with a gloomy face, sitting quietly, not participating in the discussion.

This person is no one else, but the fourth-class alchemist who met Li Zhe in the alchemy room yesterday!

After learning that Li Zhe was going to participate in the promotion trial, he always looked like this.

In this pill league, his talent is considered to be very good. In just over a hundred years, he has reached the fourth-class alchemist. This level of strength can even be returned to his own sect. There is a better treatment than the ordinary sect elders!

In addition, in this pill alliance, because of the rapid advancement, even the same alchemist is more respectful of him.

For various reasons, it directly caused him to be very arrogant in his heart, and he also subconsciously felt that he was superior to others.

However, Li Zhe, a guy who just ignored him in public yesterday, is now participating in the trial and becoming a fourth-class alchemist like himself!

This point directly made him feel uncomfortable.

"Elder Tao, what's the matter with you?"

At this moment, an elder sitting beside him also turned his head in doubt, looked at him and asked.

Hearing this, the elder Tao's eyebrows condensed, and then he shook his head and said with a faint smile: "It's nothing, I just feel that the younger generation is terrible, and it's a bit shaky for a while."

Hearing this, everyone smiled slightly and nodded one by one.

Among other things, Li Zhe was a fifth-class alchemist before joining the Pill League, and he was indeed full of talent.

After all, in the outside world, even if the sect is vigorously training, it is rare to have such achievements.

"In this way, during the trial, let me also be an examiner, and let me see if the strength of this newcomer is so powerful."

At this time, the elder Tao smiled slightly, and said slowly with a kind appearance.

It has been decades since the Taoist elder was promoted to the fourth-class alchemist, and rumors have recently been attacking the refining of the third-class pill.

This made other elders respect him. After all, no one knew when he would suddenly be promoted and become a third-class alchemist.

It should be understood that the gap between the fourth and third classes is like a chasm. Even if a real person is as powerful as a spiritual illusion, he is now stuck above the third class, which is enough to see this difficulty.

Therefore, everyone naturally has no opinion on his proposal.

And after seeing everyone's consent, the corners of this elder Tao's mouth also showed a hint of sarcasm...

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: (ltnovel.com) The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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