After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2081: Sneak into the medicine garden

At this moment, Li Zhe was not eager to go to the place recorded in the note.

Instead, he got up and reached the left side of his own cave mansion, where a lot of classics were placed.

In the books here, most of Li Zhe has already recorded it in his own sea of ​​knowledge through the sweep of his divine consciousness.

There is only one book that Li Zhe hasn't read yet. This is the heavy red book placed in the most conspicuous position in this room.

There is a formation in this book, which makes it impossible for people to quickly read the content through the divine sense.

And this book is a variety of historical records in the Dan League, which is equivalent to the historical records in the Dan League.

Thinking of the existence of this formation is only for the alchemist to watch the historical records of this pill alliance with great respect, rather than sweeping it at will, and it can be regarded as a formal thing.

The book was discovered when Li Zhe's spiritual knowledge was scanned, but after all, this was not a book on alchemy, so Li Zhe didn't care about it at the time.

And now Li Zhe is here not for anything else, just to be able to find the information of the person who left the note from this book, in order to confirm whether the information he got is true.

After all, in this pill alliance, there is a rule, that is, the alchemist is forbidden to wander around in the pill alliance.

At the same time, the location recorded in this note is in the formation fog of the Dan League, and the formation fog has the formation mechanism.

At that time, I am afraid that even the spiritual real person will not be able to save him!

Once the record in that note is wrong, then if Li Zhe is discovered by this formation, I am afraid that next, it will directly cause Li Zhe to be noticed by the alchemy, but he is an alchemist who has not issued a spiritual oath. !

Li Zhe must first confirm the authenticity of the information he has obtained before he can take risks.

At this moment, Li Zhe began to open the book silently and read it slowly.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, a full hour passed. Li Zhe also turned the book to the last page and read the entire book.

And the corners of Li Zhe's mouth now have an intriguing taste.

In the records of the Dan League, Li Zhe discovered a person who should have left this note back then.

This person is the Taoist boy of the former leader of the Dan League.

However, unlike the Dao Tong now, that Dao Tong himself is also an alchemist, but because he respects that alchemist and wants to learn the way of alchemy, he followed him and became a Daoist. child.

According to the records in the Dan League, the leader was pretty good to this Dao Tong in the beginning, and many things were left to him.

However, this Dao boy was gradually dissatisfied with being a Dao boy under this leader, and was eventually abolished by the leader and expelled from the Dan League.

Nowadays, Dao Tong is not allowed to practice alchemy and needs to sign a contract with alchemist, all because of this.

And that Dao Tong was also involved in the construction of Nadan Pavilion at the beginning, and wanted to come to that note, because for some reason, it was left there.

After all, since the Dan Pavilion was built, only people have added the Dan Fang, but no one has ever moved the Dan Fang that was originally placed.

It should have been left by the Taoist boy.

"It's kind of interesting. Even the owner's medicine garden has made up his mind. No wonder it was abandoned for repair..."

Li Zhe shook his head slightly and murmured.

Immediately, Li Zhe put the book back again, while his figure flashed and left the cave.

Today's Pill League has thousands of alchemists, and the alchemists who can enter the Pill League, even the alchemists with the lowest talent, can basically reach the fifth-class water grade.

In the entire practice world, almost most advanced alchemists came from here.

Although most alchemists will return to their own sects to start refining pills when they reach a certain level.

For this reason, most of the alchemists in this pill league nowadays are some low-level alchemists, or those who have just entered it, their cultivation bases are not too high.

In the entire Dan League, although there are real people in the Purple Mansion Realm, they will not appear in the Dan League when there is no major event.

Therefore, at this moment, after Li Zhe's aura is completely concealed, no one in the entire Dan League has the ability to discover his existence!

Now, Li Zhe has left his cave and came all the way to the land below the Dan League.

Below this is a large medicinal field, and you can see many Taoists taking care of the spiritual grass below.

In the distance, you can see rows of buildings, which are used to store herbs and where Taoists live.

After Li Zhe silently confirmed the direction, he walked toward the direction recorded in the note.

The place where the Dan League is located is huge. After confirming the direction, Li Zhe swiftly walked towards that side. On the way, no one noticed Li Zhe's existence.

Soon, Li Zhe came to the edge of the Dan League, and in front of him was the fog produced by the Dan League's enchantment formation.

Standing here, I couldn't see anything, as if this place was indeed just above the Dan League formation, an ordinary place.

If ordinary people are standing here, there is absolutely no way to think of any hidden places here.

And according to the record on that note, it was within five meters of the fog in front of Li Zhe's eyes, and that was where the medicine garden was hidden in the dilapidated little world!

Immediately, Li Zhe took a deep breath and stepped into the fog of the formation ahead.

That is to say, after Li Zhe walked into the fog of the formation, he felt the strong atmosphere of the formation around him.

It was as if he would be detected by the formation as long as he went a little deeper.

If an ordinary person arrives here, he will probably be frightened by this breath.

However, Li Zhe keenly felt that this breath just lingered around him, and did not come directly toward him.

"It looks like it should be correct..."

Li Zhe narrowed his eyes and murmured in a low voice.

This short distance of five meters, after Li Zhe took a few steps, he had already arrived.

At the moment of reaching this position, the fog that was originally thick enough to make Li Zhe unable to see clearly in front of him suddenly dissipated at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, a light gate exuding waves appeared in front of Li Zhe.

This is the entrance to a small world.

Li Zhe was clearly aware of this through the breath above the light gate.

Li Zhe stepped forward, gently lifting his palm, covering the light gate.

Immediately, he discovered that there was a small restriction formation above this light gate.

This formation is slightly similar to the formation in the alchemy pavilion, and it is necessary to check the alchemist's alchemy to confirm whether the incoming person is qualified to enter it.

However, the corners of Li Zhe's mouth were slightly cocked, and he keenly realized that this was a trap.

After all, according to the record on that note, this place, but only the leader can enter it.

If an ordinary alchemist came here accidentally and took out his own alchemy, the alchemy alliance would know who came.

At the time, the alchemist did not abide by the rules, and even if the punishment of the spirit oath could be endured, he still had to accept the punishment of the pill alliance.

Faced with this formation, Li Zhe has his own way of dealing with it.

Seeing a flash of light in Li Zhe's hand, the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword had already fallen into his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhe raised his hand, took the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword and swiped it lightly, and an opening was instantly opened above that formation.

Li Zhe's figure also got into it at this time.

Just like experiencing a teleportation array, after walking into the entrance of this small world, Li Zhe felt his dizziness for a moment.

But soon, he reacted.

Li Zhe at this moment is already standing on a field.

At the moment he arrived here, Li Zhe even kind of returned to the small world of spiritual reality, like an endless field of medicine.

As far as the eye can see, there are no medicine gardens that can be seen, and there is a strong medicinal fragrance that fills the world.

However, the only difference from the medicinal garden of the phantom real person is that the spiritual grass in this world is more rare, and the age is longer.

After all, it was a thousand years ago that he took office as the leader. This medicine garden has existed here, and it has been more than a thousand years.

Immediately, Li Zhe took a deep breath and began to quickly search in the medicine garden.

Soon, a coquettish, spiritually radiant flower came into Li Zhe's eyes.

Gathering flowers!

And look at this, at least it is also a millennium year!

Li Zhe's expression was slightly happy, and immediately before his figure flickered, he reached the thousand-year-old Spirit Flower Gathering.

After confirming that this flower was indeed the Millennium Spirit Gathering Flower he wanted, Li Zhe squatted down and prepared to pick this flower.

However, as soon as Li Zhe's palm touched the soil below, a golden light flashed across the soil!

Immediately afterwards, countless formation runes directly rose from the soil below, covering all the herbs under the golden light of this formation!

Li Zhe's eyebrows condensed, his heart is not good, it seems that he has touched some restriction.

However, at this moment, Li Zhe felt a chill in his heart, and a killing intent spread from behind him!

Almost at this moment, Li Zhe directly drew out his Magic Devouring Spirit Sword and turned around.

But at this moment, in the sky behind him, a monster with a dragon body but a human face was watching him quietly with an indifferent expression.

This demon beast, I am afraid it is a demon beast that specializes in guarding this medicine garden!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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