After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2083: Determined to ask for help

It was also after Li Zhe left, less than a cup of tea, the three figures appeared directly in that small world.

These three figures are the leader and the two deputy leaders of the Dan League now.

As soon as he arrived, his brows suddenly condensed, and he directly raised his head and looked into the sky. The thunder demon was still tumbling and wailing.

"I'll go see what's going on."

The spiritual real person on the side also said in a calm voice at this time.

Between the words, they didn’t wait for the two to reply. The Spiritual Reality was a flash, directly reaching the mid-air, with a move with the palm of the hand, the Thunder Demon was immediately under the beckoning of the Spiritual Reality and reached the Spiritual Realm. In front of a real person.

"Relax, let me see your injury."

The spiritual real man looked at the Thunder Demon and said softly.

The shot of the real spirit phantom just now came too swiftly and swiftly, and the Thunder Demon didn't even know that the person who hurt him was actually right in front of him.

Now it has no resistance to the words of the spiritual real person, and directly closed its eyes slowly, and forcibly endured the injury and stopped its body.

However, at this moment, the real spirit phantom directly raised his hand and placed his hand on the forehead of the Thunder Demon.

This action was too natural, and the Thunder Demon didn't react at all.

At the moment when the spiritual real person's hand was put on, the Thunder Demon felt his divine consciousness, and a sense of exhaustion suddenly surged, and he fell into a coma in an instant.

Immediately, the psychic true talent invaded the Thunder Demon’s sea of ​​consciousness at a moment of lightning speed, and erased and erased the image of Li Zhe that he firmly remembered in the sea of ​​knowledge. Turned into a vague existence.

After that, the true psychic talent directly supported the body of the Thunder Demon with spiritual power and flew down.

"What's wrong with it?"

That's also the time when the leader asked the spiritual real person.

Upon hearing this, the real spirit phantom shook his head slightly, pointed to the injury on the body of the Thunder Demon, and said in a deep voice: "Looking at the injury is similar to what the Demon Dao did.

Listening to the words of the spiritual real man, the leader and the other deputy leader also turned their eyes to the injury on the body of the Thunder Demon.

I saw that now, on the huge body of the Thunder Demon, there are more than just a few meters long scars. The edges of the scars are all with a little black aura, and the wounds are constantly corroding the Thunder Demon. Body.

It is precisely because of this that this Thunder Demon will always be in that painful state. He can't compete with the injury left by the spiritual real person. He can only make it worse, and the worsening of the injury also makes it even more severe. Embarrassed.

As for the two of them, their eyebrows were also slowly frowning at this moment. These injuries were indeed very similar to magic methods, too tyrannical and vicious.

Immediately, the leader took a deep breath, the light flashed in his hand, and a jade bottle fell into his hand.

Then he held the jade bottle and gently shook it, and the powder in the bottle was also scattered at this moment, falling on the wound of the Thunder Demon.

It wasn't until the powder was applied that the Thunder Demon's wound finally stopped spreading at this moment, and the wound began to heal quickly.

"I think he is really in pain, because he was forced to fall into a deep sleep, and now he can be woken up."

It was also at this time that the real psychic was speaking slowly to the two.

Hearing that, both of them nodded slightly, just now that the Thunder Demon had such a painful appearance, the spiritual real person caused it to fall into a short sleep, and both of them felt that there was no problem.

Immediately, the real spirit phantom raised his hand, and the spiritual light in his hand flickered slightly, and the Thunder Demon also slowly woke up at this moment.

The Thunder Demon opened his eyes, and after seeing the three people in front of him, the face like a human face instantly became extremely aggrieved.

However, unlike what Li Zhe faced, facing the three people in front of him, the Thunder Demon naturally didn't dare to really use his own charm skills, and he really felt wronged right now.

He clearly suppressed it successfully, and even killed the enemy.

However, in an instant, I didn't even see the attack I felt, but it directly changed the situation to what it was right now.

Because the Thunder Demon race inherited the toughness of Thunder Dragon and the characteristics of the Succubus Clan, it could not really speak out.

However, the power of its divine consciousness is extremely powerful, and at this instant, it is directly surging out of its divine consciousness, dividing it into three.

In an instant, the power of the three divine consciousness poured into the sea of ​​knowledge of the three people, and the ins and outs of the whole thing were fully displayed in the sea of ​​knowledge of the three people at this moment.

However, at this moment, the two leaders frowned at the same time.

Because they keenly discovered that in the memory of the divine consciousness, the enemy's body was very vague, as if it were a phantom, and it was completely impossible to tell who it was!


At this time, the Thunder Demon also roared in a low voice and uttered a low voice of mourning.

With the power of divine consciousness in that voice, he also told the three of them that he really couldn't remember the other person!

At this moment, the three of them looked at each other, the leader was a flash, reached the front of the Thunder Demon, raised his hand, and put his hand on the Thunder Demon's forehead.

The Thunder Demon didn't resist, but just let him search for his own sea of ​​consciousness.

Time passed slowly, for a long while, this leader frowned, shook his head, and said: "His Sea of ​​Consciousness should have not been invaded. It seems that this is really some kind of spell of the other party."

As soon as these words came out, the leader and the real phantom also looked at each other. This enemy seemed to be more difficult than they thought.

Only the spiritual real person knows the reasons for all this, and all the performances at the moment are just cooperating with the other party's acting.

And the other two had never thought that the spiritual real person would participate in this matter, so they did not find the hands and feet of the spiritual real person in all this.

"Could it be that someone from the magic path sneaked into my Dan League?"

At this moment, the deputy leader frowned and murmured.

However, at this moment, the leader waved his hand slightly, denying this possibility.

"You two are going to be confused by this wound and this weird technique. Think about it carefully in your memory. What did that person do when he first came over?"

The lord took a deep breath, watched the two of them and asked slowly.

As soon as these words came out, the leader's eyes suddenly brightened, and he murmured, "Julinghua?!"

As soon as the word Ju Linghua came out, the real spirit phantom was also suddenly shocked. He shook his head without a trace, and said that next, it depends on Li Zhe himself, which can be regarded as a test for Li Zhe himself.

The three people present are all high-level alchemists, and they are very clear that the spirit gathering thing can only be used to refine the third-grade spirit gathering pill, other than that, there is no other use!

But the demon clan alchemy uses spirit and blood to make medicinal inducements, and there is no need for such spirit grasses as medicinal inducements at all!

In other words, the person who broke in was definitely an alchemist, and his rank was not low!

"Check, start with the third-rank alchemist who remains in the pill league, check the fourth-rank if there is no problem with the third-rank, you must find out!"

At this moment, the leader also took a deep breath and said loudly.

Hearing that, the deputy leader and the spiritual real person nodded at this moment and responded.

Both of them responded at this moment and started to investigate.

At the same time, Li Zhe was carefully brought to the training room on the right side of the cave by Yu Liang's spiritual power.

After all, there is a Spirit Gathering Array here, and the spiritual power is more abundant, and recovery here is naturally much faster than recovery in the hall.

This time, Yu Liang did not leave anymore, but directly sat cross-legged at the door of the practice room, guarding the cave for Li Zhe.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, a full ten days had passed.

During these ten days, Li Zhe had been in a coma and showed no signs of improvement.

The only improvement is that Li Zhe's breath has become a bit more stable compared to before.

Although he was still extremely weak, he seemed to be free from the danger of his life.

Seeing Li Zhe's appearance, Yu Liang gritted his teeth at this moment, and decided to go to Dan League for help.

After all, in this pill league, there are various alchemists, and various top pill medicines are countless.

He felt that as long as Li Zhe got help from the Dan League, he would naturally recover better.

For the cultivator, the injury is not terrible. After all, there is spiritual power and pill. No matter how strong the injury is, as long as it does not die, it will heal sooner or later.

The only frightening thing is that the injury is very likely to hurt the foundation. If it really hurts the foundation, even if the injury improves in the future, there is no possibility of it.

Therefore, considering Li Zhe, Yu Liang also took a deep breath at this moment, stood up, left the cave, and decided to go to the Dan League for help.

Soon, Yu Liang came to the main island of the Dan League, where the main hall of the league was also located.

However, as soon as he arrived here, Yu Liang was surprised to find that it seemed that the high-rank alchemists in the entire pill league had gathered here!

As far as the eye can see, in front of the hall of the leader, there are already almost ten third-class alchemists. Such existence is almost hard to see in the past. After all, everyone is studying their own medicine.

"Yu Liang, why are you here? I heard that you have found an alchemist?"

It was at this moment that a Taoist boy who was standing on the edge of the hall of the leader and waiting, looking at Yu Liang, greeted and asked in a soft voice.

Yu Liang opened his mouth and said, " alchemist he is now..."

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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