After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2089: Refining the three-level pill

"Do you remember the specifics of Danfang?"

At this time, the leader also looked at Li Zhe and said slowly.

Although the spirit gathering pill is known to these high-level alchemists, this gathering spirit pill has long been lost, and there is no specific pill, just knowing that it can be used in this way.

Li Zhe also squinted his eyes slightly. It's not that he can't tell the pill.

It's just that, the pill of the Spirit Gathering Pill, and that of the Spirit Yuan Pill, are only the difference between the medicine of the Spirit Gathering Flower.

If I said it now, then it would naturally seem a little intriguing if I just handed over the intention of the pill.

After all, this Spirit Gathering Pill is an upgraded version of Ling Yuan Pill. Under these circumstances, he did not take the initiative to hand over the Spirit Gathering Pill, but just handed over the Ling Yuan Pill.

This will make it seem that he has a very general idea about the Spirit Gathering Pill, and it is easy to be suspicious again.

Of course, there is actually a spiritual oath, even if Li Zhe gave it, the leader and others will no longer doubt him, this is just Li Zhe's own worries.

But under these circumstances, be careful, there is no problem.

Immediately, Li Zhe also gave a bitter smile, and said with a little helplessness: "The pill he gave me is a fake pill. After I got the pill, I found out after a long time when I went back and thought about it. I want to go. When I was looking for him, he had already left the sect..."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, the leader also nodded slightly.

Now that there is the endorsement of the spirit oath, Li Zhe's words are naturally unquestioned, and Li Zhe can now be regarded as cleared of suspicion.

At this moment, the leader had already asked all the questions he wanted to ask, and he didn't have much to ask.

"Do you have anything else to ask?"

Immediately, the leader turned his head and looked at the real spirit phantom and the deputy leader.

Both of them shook their heads slightly.

The spiritual real person knows in his heart that Li Zhe is not restricted by the spirit oath, and it is the same whenever he asks.

The deputy leader didn't know much about Li Zhe himself, and there was nothing to ask.

"If that's the case, you should go back first, and I will have a general understanding."

Immediately, the leader raised his head and said slowly to Li Zhe.

Hearing this, Li Zhe also slowly breathed a sigh of relief. This level has finally passed. As long as it is not discovered, the rest is easy to talk about.

Li Zhe also clasped his fists to the three of them at this moment, and then he turned around and left the hall of the leader.

It was also after Li Zhe left the hall that the spirit oath he had just made dissipated on the heart substitute.

In this way, Li Zhe completely let go of his heart, after all, staying in this Dan League is unlikely to act according to the rules.

Now he knew it, this mind-substitute could only stop one spirit oath from attacking, and if there were two, it would be slightly reluctant.

"Alchemist, is it okay?"

Seeing Li Zhe coming out of the hall, Yu Liang stepped forward to meet him and asked cautiously.

Hearing this, Li Zhe smiled and nodded, and said softly: "This matter is over."

Hearing Li Zhe's answer, Yu Liang was completely relieved. After all, if Li Zhe had a problem, he would not be much better for the Taoist boy who covered him.

But after all, everything is over.

"Okay, the matter is over. You also wasted a little time. Go back and practice well. I will call you when something happens."

Immediately, Li Zhe spoke slowly to Yu Liang.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Yu Liang nodded slightly and responded.

Although he wanted to follow Li Zhe's side, he naturally wouldn't resist Li Zhe's orders.

Li Zhe is the same. Although it is convenient to have Yu Liang by his side, he is still not used to the feeling of someone following at any time.

Immediately, Li Zhe and Yu Liang each went to their own residence.

Returning to his cave mansion again, Li Zhe let out a long sigh of relief, and the whole thing finally passed completely.

"It should have been thought of long ago, how can this kind of spiritual medicine garden be unguarded, it is still too impatient."

At this moment, Li Zhe sat in the training room of the cave mansion and murmured softly.

"After all, everything here is restricted by spirit oaths. I didn't expect that there are precautions in the spirit medicine garden, but it is normal."

At this time, Diaobao Boy also expressed his thoughts.

In fact, this is also the reason why Li Zhe did not consider so much at the beginning.

At this moment, Li Zhe also gave a wry smile, and now it seems that the Spirit Medicine Garden itself basically doesn't have to think about it anymore.

The strength of that Thunder Demon, Li Zhe estimated that even if he reached the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm, it would be extremely difficult to compete with that Thunder Demon's strength.

After all, the Thunder Demon has the blood of the succubus, and the charms it uses can almost instantly grab people's minds and are extremely difficult to resist.

And without the thousand-year-old Spirit Gathering Flower as a medicinal guide, the third grade of her own Spirit Gathering Pill, basically no longer need to think about it.

However, he was still able to refine the three-rank spirit essence pill, although its effectiveness was not as good as the spirit gathering pill, but it was better than nothing at all.

It's just that nowadays, the thing that worries Li Zhe the most is that in that jade bottle space, it is impossible to simulate the things that may be encountered in various alchemy such as pill thunder.

In the jade bottle space, practicing refining these three-grade pill, basically can only find a feel, it can't really simulate it completely.

Moreover, if you are used to refining in the jade bottle space, after reaching a certain level, it will affect your true refining of the third-grade pill!

After all, the refining is not a real scene. At first, it can indeed improve proficiency, but later it will affect your judgment when it is true alchemy.

Immediately, Li Zhe raised his hand and directly took out the Han Yuanding Ding and placed it in front of him.

Li Zhe took a deep breath, he was about to start directly here, refining his own spirit essence pill.

After all, for Li Zhe, the four-level pill was not attractive, only the third-level pill was refined.

But he was not a third-class alchemist, and he couldn't get the raw materials from the pill league to practice, so he could only refine it by himself.

Originally, Li Zhe came to this alchemy alliance to practice alchemy and obtain alchemy prescriptions. Now that the alchemy prescriptions are obtained, the pill refining has also been promoted to the level of fourth-class alchemy masters.

Under these circumstances, this Lingyuan Pill could just start refining.

Li Zhe obtained thousands of medicinal herbs from the Taiyi Immortal Sect, but in fact, these medicinal materials really need to be refined, which is enough to refine them two to three hundred times.

After all, the refining of high-level pills requires a lot of materials.

According to Li Zhe's own ideas, he should wait until he is 60 to 70% sure before starting to refine.

But in that case, according to the current progress, I am afraid it will take more than ten years or even decades. He has no choice but to start now, and the waste of raw materials can only be wasted.

Immediately, Li Zhe had a flash of inspiration in his hand, and the condensed pill sacred fire instantly burned in his hand.

The refining of the Lingyuan Pill also started from this moment and officially began.

It was extremely time-consuming to refine the Lingyuan Pill, and in the past Li Zhe had to refine it once every three or four hours.

But now that he has a deeper understanding of alchemy, this process has gradually slowed down, and he needs more time to condense the materials.

The time of five days is fleeting. In these five days, Li Zhe has also refined ten furnaces of Lingyuan Pill, and the power is zero!

The real refinement of this spirit yuan pill was too slow and the difficulty was too high.

Now, after the refining of the ten furnaces, Li Zhe sat cross-legged directly on the spot, and the divine consciousness spent in refining the pill was too much.

The outside space is no better than the jade bottle space. It really needs to be refined, and the divine consciousness is constantly being consumed. Li Zhe is now in his peak state, which can only support ten continuous refining.

But with the jade bottle space, the speed of divine consciousness recovery is extremely fast, basically the progress of refining for five days and one day off.

Time goes by, spring and summer rotation.

For ordinary people, it is another year of change, but for Li Zhe, the passage of time does not make him care too much now.

One year has passed, and now Li Zhe has made this Lingyuan Pill very smoothly, but the success rate is still low.

In this whole year, he has refined nearly two hundred spirit yuan pills. The farther behind, the faster he refines, but the success rate has been slow.

Up to now, only a dozen of the two hundred furnaces of Lingyuan Pills have been successfully released.

However, these dozens of pots of pills have also successfully produced nearly a hundred third-level Lingyuan Pills!

Immediately, Li Zhe also stopped directly and did not continue refining.

He now has only the last ten furnaces of materials left. He does not intend to use these materials to refine the spirit essence pill, but keeps them until he finds the thousand-year-old spirit gathering flower to refine the spirit gathering. Dan.

After all, too much pill will produce a certain degree of resistance. These 100 Lingyuan Pills are enough for Li Zhe to eat the Lingyuan Pill to the extent that it has no effect on him.

At this moment, Li Zhe also put away Han Yuanding.

These days, under Li Zhe's continuous refining of the third-grade pill, the Han Yuanding has become more lustrous, but the changes are not big.

After all, compared to Han Yuan Ding, such a short year of refining was not a big deal, but it did improve Han Yuan Ding.

Now, Li Zhe is also preparing to start taking this Ling Yuan Pill to use it to attack the late stage of the Nascent Infant Realm.

At this moment, with Li Zhe sitting cross-legged, the first Lingyuan Pill was swallowed into his mouth. In an instant, the Lingyuan Pill turned into a surging spiritual power and rushed into Li Zhe’s Dantian. Among.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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