After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2094: Yipin Danfang

Now that he has made a decision, Li Zhe has always thought of doing it.

He didn't believe it, he would be so memorable, two times he would encounter people above the deputy leader level appearing on the eighth floor of Nadan Pavilion.

Soon, Li Zhe arrived before Nadan Pavilion.

But this time, Li Zhe felt the feeling of a true star holding the moon.

As far as Li Zhe is concerned, naturally he prefers to act low-key.

However, this time in the Alchemy Master Competition, his performance was really too dazzling.

Not to mention the pill pattern pill thunder, it was the fourth-class alchemist Li Zhe who successfully refined a third-grade pill, which was enough to attract enough attention for Li Zhe.

In this competition of alchemists, almost all alchemists in the pill league have gone.

Immediately, Li Zhe had just arrived at the alchemy pavilion, and a group of alchemists came forward to say hello, hoping to get some guidance from Li Zhe.

What's more, there are still several people who hope that after Li Zhe succeeds in becoming an elder, he will accept himself as a disciple...

Li Zhe was able to deal with it with a wry smile immediately, but there was nothing he could do about it.

After all, people come up with good intentions, and Li Zhe is also not very unfeeling.

However, it was also through this opportunity that Li Zhe also knew roughly that there seemed to be no alchemy master of the fourth-class or higher level to come to this pill pavilion.

Immediately, Li Zhe quickly went upstairs because of his need to comprehend the pill.

After reaching the sixth floor, with the formation of isolation, Li Zhe was finally cleansed down.

He stood on the spot and let out a long sigh of relief. This was a flash of light in his hand. He directly took out his Magic Devouring Spirit Sword and stepped forward to the stairs leading to the seventh floor.

Immediately afterwards, with a light wave of the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword, Li Zhe stepped straight up.

Li Zhe had already read all of these three-tier pill recipes on the seventh floor, and immediately took a step towards the stairs leading to the eighth floor.

After opening the barrier, Li Zhe also stepped forward this time.

This time it was finally no one on the eighth floor. Li Zhe also took a deep breath and glanced at the eighth floor.

The area of ​​these eight floors is two-thirds smaller than that of the first floor, which is not too spacious.

And the second-grade pill prescriptions placed here are even rarer, and there are only nine pill prescriptions placed in these eight layers.

Immediately, Li Zhe stepped forward and looked at these prescriptions carefully.

Soon, Li Zhe saw a very familiar pill, and his anger returned to pill.

This was the pill that he had exchanged from the Heart Sect that day when he left the southern realm of the sky, and within an extreme period of time, the people who had cultivated under the Zifu realm could quickly restore spiritual power to the peak state.

Li Zhe didn't expect that this Qi Hui Dan was actually a second-grade!

But after thinking about it, I can understand it. After all, it is a magic medicine that can be quickly recovered under the Zifu realm, and there is no problem with the second stage.

Li Zhe didn't think much about it at the moment, just wielding his own magic-devouring spirit sword, and quickly recorded all the second-rank pill recipes here into his own sea of ​​consciousness.

Regardless of whether you need it or not, it is always good to remember that you may be able to use it in the future.

After taking down all the alchemy here, Li Zhe slowly turned his head and looked at the stairs leading to the top.

The formation before that ladder is no longer an ordinary spiritual barrier like other places.

The light of spiritual power released by this formation is red!

In this regard, Li Zhe also learned specific information from the records of this pill league. In the pill league, there is indeed a first-grade pill.

However, that first-grade alchemy prescription was obtained when one of the founders of the pill league encountered a first-grade alchemist.

And the only requirement that the alchemist gave him was that the alchemy can only be watched by a grade alchemist, and no one else can watch it.

In order to be able to obtain this product, the founder naturally agreed without hesitation.

Then, he brought the alchemy master back to the pill league, and the alchemy master personally put the pill in the top layer and sealed it.

This seal is unsolvable, and it is rumored that an alchemist who has reached the first rank level will naturally know how to unlock it.

Therefore, from the very beginning, no one had reached the top of the Dan Fang, but it was rumored that the second Dan League leader had entered it, but it was true or false, and there was no way to know.

However, for Li Zhe, all of this is not a problem, after all, he has the existence of the spirit sword that can be called the magic weapon of breaking the formation.

Immediately, Li Zhe swiped the spirit sword in his hand a few times.

In an instant, there was a big gap in the seal, and Li Zhe also stepped into it at this instant.

As soon as he entered, Li Zhe felt a slightly decadent breath.

That's the smell that no one has been here for too long, naturally in the air.

Li Zhe frowned slightly, but he didn't care, and just stepped forward.

This top floor is not as magnificent as Li Zhe thought, but it looks like an ordinary top floor of an attic.

And in the center of this top floor, there is a large table on which is placed a scroll and a piece of spirit animal skin paper, there is nothing else.

It seems that the scroll should be the content of that pill.

"Good guy... the dignified first-grade pill, it was placed so casually..."

The corners of Li Zhe's mouth twitched slightly, but he didn't know whether the first class alchemist was casual or what.

However, if Li Zhe knew that the first-class alchemist was the established ancestor of Donghua Sect, he didn't know how he would feel.

After all, in this entire world of practice, the alchemist who has truly reached the first-class level, from ancient times to the present, is the only person who is Shangyang Zhenren!

Immediately, Li Zhe stepped forward, his palm directly touching the scroll.

Almost the moment Li Zhe's palm touched the scroll, the scroll turned into a little bit of aura and dissipated in the air!

Li Zhe's eyebrows narrowed slightly, he didn't know if he had touched some mechanism or something.

However, at this moment, the spiritual light gathered again, and a figure emerged slowly in front of Li Zhe.

"Shangyang real person?!"

Looking at the figure in front of him, Li Zhe's eyes instantly widened, and he shouted in surprise.

And this figure glanced at Li Zhe suspiciously, as if wondering why Li Zhe knew his name.

"Do you recognize the truth?"

He looked at Li Zhe and said softly.

Li Zhe took a deep breath, and he could feel that the soul body in front of him was a ghostly clone of the real person Shangyang. It was excusable not to know himself.

"I recognize that the disciple is a disciple of Donghua Sect."

Li Zhe nodded slightly, and said to the other party respectfully.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Dao Shangyang blinked his eyes slightly, glanced at Li Zhe, and then asked again: "You are not like a first-class alchemist, how did you cross the formation and enter here?"

"Uh... the disciple was just a little curious, and after a little trick, he entered here."

Immediately, Li Zhe also gave a dry laugh, and that was what he said to the real Shangyang.

If he knew it would be the current situation, I'm afraid Li Zhe would never try to come up again.

However, at this moment, the avatar of Shangyang Zhenren in front of him suddenly condensed, his figure flashed, and he came directly in front of Li Zhe.

Li Zhe did not evade, but stood quietly on the spot, looking at the real Shangyang in front of him.

Suddenly, Shang Yang Zhenren raised his hand and pinched it directly on Li Zhe's wrist.

Although the real Shangyang in front of him was only a soul body, his body was formed by spiritual power after all. In an instant, Li Zhe felt a sub-spiritual power covering his wrist.

Li Zhe didn't say anything, but he was curious about what Shang Yang was doing.

Suddenly, a trace of doubt flashed through the eyes of the soul body of the real person Shangyang. After looking at Li Zhe, the doubt turned into a smile.

"Yes, after all, it is my Donghua Sect disciple, I can pass this alchemy to you."

Master Shangyang smiled slightly, looked at Li Zhe, and said slowly: "A kid came before. He is an ordinary second-class alchemist, but he has a good cultivation level. I found a way to get here. I didn't really use the alchemy. Give it to him, you are lucky."

Ordinary second-class alchemist...

The corners of Li Zhe's mouth twitched slightly, and the name Shangyang Zhenren was fine.

"Thank you for the real person!"

Immediately, Li Zhe also bowed his fist to the real Shangyang, and said respectfully.

While speaking, the spirit body of Shangyang Daoist suddenly reached out a little, and a piece of spiritual energy directly gathered into Li Zhe's sea of ​​knowledge.

What is contained in this spiritual power is naturally the first-class pill.

"East China Sea Profound Qi, Mountain River Spirit Eye... these things in this pill... what kind of spirit grass is it?"

Li Zhe felt the various materials recorded in the alchemy, looked at the real person Shangyang, and asked suspiciously.

Hearing this, Shangyang Zhenren smiled slightly and said slowly: "When the time comes, you will know."

While speaking, the body of Shang Yang suddenly flashed, disappeared in the same place, and once again turned into a little bit of aura, and then these auras once again converged into the pair of scrolls, stopped on this table, motionless .

And Li Zhe also took a deep breath at this time, sat cross-legged in place, and began to digest the contents of the prescription.

The whole pill formula recorded all kinds of things that Li Zhe had never heard of, but the effect of this pill formula made Li Zhe's eyes widened in an instant.

The effect is summarized in a short paragraph: "Broken the elixir, the pill, the purple mansion can resist half a day of catastrophe!"

This pill was actually used for ascension!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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