After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2099: Easy to solve

At this moment, with the chatter of the king and the wizard in front of him, Li Zhe probably understood what happened.

About a month ago, a group of people suddenly broke into the palace and arrived at the main hall without realizing it.

Among them, there is the Yuan Kingdom Monarch, and the Yuan Kingdom Monarch said very simply that he wants the Hua Ling Nation to descend directly to the Yuan Kingdom.

Under such circumstances, how could the king of Ling Kingdom agree, and he waved his hand and called all the guards in the palace, wanting to capture the people of the Yuan Kingdom directly.

Who would have imagined that in that group of people, there was a man who was very tough, he didn't even do anything, just a wave of his wrist, all the guards flew out, the lightest were severely injured and unconscious!

In this way, the group of them was caught here, and they knew nothing about the next thing.

Li Zhe frowned slightly when he heard the words of the monarch of Hualing Kingdom. In this way, there are cultivators in the Yuan Kingdom!

As for what I heard from the tavern owner before, it must have been spread by the people of Yuan Guo.

After thinking about it carefully, with the help of the monks, this kind of large-scale message delivery is not too difficult.

"You...should be able to help us?"

At this time, the king hesitated for a while before speaking slowly to Li Zhe.

Hearing that, Li Zhe was not eager to answer him, but directly opened up his consciousness instantly, spreading into the palace.

In an instant, Li Zhe saw the monk who was having fun, but it was a mere mid-level Golden Core Realm cultivation.

"It's simple."

Li Zhe nodded lightly and answered.

At this moment, the whole prison is becoming more noisy.

More and more people realized at this moment that the soldiers seemed to have passed out in a coma.

Li Zhe waved his hand at this time, and all the prison doors opened at this moment.

"Sooth their emotions. I'll help you to settle the matter. What you want to do with these unconscious soldiers is all at your discretion."

Li Zhe glanced at the king and the wizard, and said slowly.

Hearing this, both of them nodded decisively, and began to greet the crowd who were already extremely emotional.

But Li Zhe's figure flashed, and instantly disappeared in this prison.

He came on this trip to facilitate the spiritual transformation of his Nascent Soul. Therefore, it was Li Zhe's responsibility to help the transformation of the spiritual kingdom to restore order.

After all, there are seven countries in this large area, and the attire of each country is also deliberately differentiated.

Therefore, after leaving, it was easy for Li Zhe to distinguish who were Yuan Guo’s guards, but in a short while, Li Zhe directly brought down all Yuan Guo soldiers in the entire palace.

He didn't kill mortals, but just stunned them. As for how to deal with it, that was a matter between the two countries.

At this moment, in the hall, there is still a singing and dancing appearance, and no one can perceive the changes outside.

Up to this moment, the guards who had been waiting in the hall suddenly became soft and fell directly to the ground.

Seeing this, the attendants who had been cautiously serving the crowd were all taken aback for a moment, and then screamed, all of them fleeing towards the outside frantically.

Everyone in Yuanguo had a calm expression. With the monk as the trump card, they were naturally not afraid of anything.

Only the monk's expression was solemn, and he pushed the two women beside him directly and sat upright.

"Who is the Daoist fellow here? Don't say hello, it would be too unsightly for me, right?"

The monk looked cold and shouted angrily.

While he was speaking, his heart moved directly, and the spiritual power in his body surged in an instant, and the pressure of the middle stage of the Golden Core Realm was released in an instant, permeating the entire hall.

Facing the coercion of the monk, mortals will have a sense of surrender inexplicably, but thinking that the releaser of this coercion is their own, the sense of security of the people in the Yuan Kingdom is even greater.

At this moment, Li Zhe also appeared at the door of the hall with a calm expression, and walked in directly.

Almost the moment Li Zhe appeared, the monk's face instantly turned pale.

He could clearly feel that Li Zhe in front of him was at least a monk in the Nascent Soul Realm!

After all, it was just a look, and he felt that his spiritual power flow was not smooth...

"Huh! Are you an assassin from the Kingdom of Soul? You dare to come here!"

It was at this moment that the monarch of the Yuan Kingdom looked cold and shouted angrily at Li Zhe.

As he spoke, several generals around him also stood up, each with his weapon drawn out, and they looked like they were ready to do something at any time.

"Shangxian, please take action and take this person down!"

It was also at this time that the monarch stood up and said with a fist to the monk above.

It's just that at this moment, the monk gave a dry smile, got up quickly, and said with a smile to Li Zhe: "Senior...senior, I don't know if seniors are here, what's the matter?"

"Senior? He is..."

The monarch was taken aback, and asked suspiciously.

In his view of the world, Li Zhe looked like he was in his twenties, he was nothing more than a hairy boy, how could he be the predecessor of the immortal in front of him.


Before the monarch finished speaking, the monk looked cold and shouted angrily.

While speaking, the spiritual power of this monk directly stunned the monarch!

Immediately, he looked at Li Zhe with a dry smile, waiting for Li Zhe's reply.

Li Zhe glanced at him, shook his head faintly, and said softly, "I think you are also a monk in the Golden Core Realm, so how come you are so mundane."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, the monk gave a dry laugh, and then said: "I am greedy for a while, so..."

Halfway through these words, the monk was full of spiritual energy, and instantly turned into a spiritual light, directly piercing the top of the hall, and fleeing towards the sky.

Seeing this, Li Zhe shook his head slightly, and with a thought, a sword gas flew out of Li Zhe's body in an instant, and ran after him.

In the midair, after the sword aura caught up with the monk, it burst instantly, turning into a turbulent flow of spiritual power, but in an instant, the monk no longer had any aura and disappeared in this world. Time.

Li Zhe is not a bloodthirsty person, but under these circumstances, Li Zhe has to act.

When he was there, the monk naturally didn't dare to come again, but if the monk waited until Li Zhe had left, the people here would be hard to protect.

Since this monk could even give up his cultivation and come to this mortal world to enjoy the blessings, he was obviously not a broad-minded person, so Li Zhe could only kill him.

After the cultivator was dealt with in an understatement, Li Zhe waved his hand, and the trembling people in the entire hall were instantly unconscious.

Immediately after, Li Zhe used his spiritual power to repair the top of the damaged hall, and then sat cross-legged on the spot.

Soon, the people of that spirit kingdom returned to this hall.

Looking at the unconscious people in the hall, the monarch was also taken aback, and asked Li Zhe softly: "The monk..."

"I have solved it, so you can rest assured."

Li Zhe nodded lightly and said to him.

Hearing this, the monarch and the old wizard looked at each other, and also let out a long sigh of relief.

"I'll leave it to you here. Arrange a quiet room for me and call me after everything is over. Unless there is something I can't handle during this period, I don't have to disturb me."

Immediately, Li Zhe said slowly to the monarch.

Naturally, Li Zhe didn't bother to participate in such mortal worldly affairs.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, the monarch also responded, and directly took Li Zhe to a different courtyard in this palace.

This was his residence, but he still let Li Zhe rest decisively.

After the monarch led the people away, Li Zhe returned to the room and sat down cross-legged.

Although there is no spiritual energy here, but with the jade bottle space, Li Zhe can still cultivate normally.

It's just that he hasn't entered the cultivation state for a long time, and he seems to be thinking about something.

"What's the matter, master, it seems that you have not been very calm."

Diaobao Boy also observed Li Zhe's uneasy mood, and asked softly in Li Zhe's sea of ​​knowledge.

Hearing Diaobao Boy’s question, Li Zhe sighed and said softly: "For so long, I have been facing various crises. Until now, I suddenly discovered that I have mastered the ability. It's easy to destroy the power of one city and one country, just a little sigh."

"Isn't the monk just pursuing this, ascending into an immortal, controlling the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth."

Hearing Li Zhe's question, Diaobao Boy responded softly to Li Zhe.


Hearing this, Li Zhe chuckled and shook his head. This was to forget his sudden sigh and continue his cultivation.

And here, the monarch of the Kingdom of Spiritual Transformation also directly tied the monarch of the Yuan Kingdom out, and then directly disclosed all the rumors to the people of the Yuan Kingdom and so on.

With the spread of this incident, the chaos during the period of time to transform the spirit kingdom can be regarded as temporarily restoring calm.

But during this period, there are still a lot of things that need to be dealt with. For example, many people who suddenly appeared in favor of banning the royal family have also suffered.

However, these things are just an episode. It took about a few days for the monarch to settle the matter temporarily. At this moment, he led the old wizard to the small courtyard where Li Zhe was.

"Shangxian is free?"

The monarch knocked on the door lightly, and then slowly asked in the small courtyard.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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