Holding the nine Ningying Pills in his hand, Peng Luo's face was full of smiles.

Don't say it was the statue, it was the most expensive thing in this auction, and these nine Ning Ying Pills were enough!

Immediately, he nodded and said: "Enough, enough!"

With five copies of Ning Ying Pill materials, you can get these nine Ning Ying Pills. This is definitely a profitable business!

"Brother Dao, do you want to stay with us for a few more days to participate in the auction?"

After Peng Luo collected the pill, he asked Li Zhe.

Hearing this, Li Zhe shook his head with a chuckle, and said, "No, since I have got the things I want, I should leave."

"In that case, I wish Brother Dao a smooth journey!"

Hearing Li Zhe's words, although Peng Luo was slightly disappointed, he did not force Li Zhe to remain, but said with a smile.

Hearing this, Li Zhe also smiled and nodded. This is the step to leave the building and walk out of the city.

However, the moment Li Zhe just walked out, his face sank instantly, and the speed of his departure suddenly accelerated.

From the moment he got the statue, even when he was making alchemy, Li Zhe could feel the feeling of being stared at.

However, no matter what he is, he can't perceive who the opponent is and where it is!

Therefore, it took Li Zhe more than two days to refine the five furnaces of Ningying Pill, and he also failed by one furnace.

It's entirely because he has been guarding against this gaze that doesn't know where it comes from.

Now that the matter was over, Li Zhe quickly left the city directly.

After leaving the city, Li Zhe had a direct thought, and a spatial fluctuation instantly engulfed his body.

In the next moment, Li Zhe directly reached the sky over the mountain tens of miles away.

However, after Rao Li Zhe arrived here, the feeling of being watched has still not disappeared.

Li Zhe took a deep breath and thought, he immediately took the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword in his hand.

Then, Li Zhe shouted in a deep voice: "Who is it that has been following me to this place, what is the purpose?!"

With spiritual power, these words resounded throughout the mountains almost instantly.


Almost the moment Li Zhe's voice fell, a gap suddenly opened in the void in front of him, and then a figure walked out of it.

This is a man wearing a white robe, a white top hat, and a token in his hand.

The man's skin is also snow-white, but his lips are bright red, and he looks extremely oozing.

His cultivation level can't see the specifics, even Li Zhe can't tell the other party's specific cultivation level.

"Hand over that statue. This is not something you wait for mortals to hold."

The person glanced at Li Zhe, then said softly.

Although his words were soft, they carried an inexplicable sense of inducing. When he opened his words, Li Zhe was stupefied for a moment. At that moment, Li Zhe had a vague idea of ​​surrendering the statue. !

The comer is not good!

This is Li Zhe's idea at this moment.

"What if I don't give it to you?"

Li Zhe narrowed his eyes, looked at the other party and said.

"Hey, why don't you listen to advice..."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, this person suddenly sighed softly.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a token in his hand and tossed it in the direction where Li Zhe was.

Li Zhe's heart tightened, and with a wave of the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword in his hand, a sword light instantly slashed towards the direction where the token flew.


A crisp sound was emitted at the moment the sword qi crossed the token.

Immediately after that, the token was divided into two.

However, at the moment when the token was separated, a burst of amazing light burst out.

At this moment, Li Zhe only felt that his body floated slightly, that feeling, as if he had just finished the space teleportation!

Li Zhe blinked slightly, only to discover that the surrounding world had turned into black and white at this moment. It seemed that he had been transported into a special space.

"Hand it over."

At this moment, the man's voice came directly from behind Li Zhe.

In an instant, Li Zhe only felt a chill on his back, and instantly swung the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword towards the rear in his hand.

At the same time, Li Zhe's figure also turned.

Seeing that the man dodged lightly, he evaded Li Zhe's sword directly.

Only at this moment, Li Zhe's spiritual power surged, and several sword auras were instantly released from the sword body, following the back of the opponent's figure.

However, this person was like dancing, and a few random twists directly avoided the sword energy.

"Return to the sword!"

Li Zhe yelled angrily, the sword aura that flew out instantly returned, and continued to cut towards the opponent.

At the same time, Li Zhe also flew out, just about to flick towards the opponent.


At this moment, the man once again drew a token from his hand and threw it out.

With this voice falling, Li Zhe only felt that his eyes flashed, that he had once again returned to the place where he was just now.

And the sword energy he released was completely dissipated!

In an instant, Li Zhe narrowed his eyes and the forbidden rune in his hand slowly lit up.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhe raised his hand, and the power of the forbidden spirit flew out of Li Zhe's hand and flew straight towards the opponent.

Seeing the spiritual forbidden power released by Li Zhe, a look of surprise flashed in this person's eyes suddenly.

He raised his hand to be a little bit empty, and there was a wave of waves in the spot where he clicked, as if the surface of the water.

After the power of the forbidden spirit passed through that place, it was like an object falling to the surface, and the speed suddenly slowed down.

Immediately, this person's slender fingers made a mark, and the water-like space instantly condensed and turned into something like a mirror surface.

It was also the moment when this mirror surface appeared, the power of the forbidden spirit in the mirror surface also instantly turned back, flying over against Li Zhe's location!

Li Zhe's heart was taken aback. It was the first time he faced such a situation.

In the past, regardless of the opponent's cultivation level, his own power of the forbidden spirit has never failed!

It was also when Li Zhe was surprised that the power of the forbidden spirit had fallen on Li Zhe's body!

Fortunately, Li Zhe has the forbidden spirit rune, and the power of that forbidden spirit has no effect on Li Zhe.

However, the power of this forbidden spirit can no longer be used!

This guy...what the **** is it...

Li Zhe looked at the man who was looking at him curiously, and his heart was silent.

At this moment, Li Zhe's left hand shook slightly, and the three drops of chaotic power condensed from his dantian instantly poured out and directly fell on his own magic-devouring spirit sword.

The Magic Devouring Spirit Sword isolates all spiritual power and can also absorb all spiritual power, but this chaotic power can ignore this power and fall on the sword.

Three drops of Chaos power wrapped the sword body into gray almost instantaneously.

Then, as the spiritual power in Li Zhe's body gushed out, the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword turned into two colors of gray and red at this instant.

Gray is the power of chaos, and red is that killing Qi.

The two forces were intertwined, and at this moment, the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword burst out with a very powerful aura.

Immediately, Li Zhe was holding the sword and his figure suddenly flashed.

The spirit within the body split for a moment and reached where he was. At the same time, Li Zhe waved his spiritual power in his hand.

With divine consciousness as the body and spiritual power as power, Li Zhe created a spiritual power clone in his own position in an instant!

In just a few breaths, as Li Zhe's figure flickered rapidly, in this space, dozens of Li Zhe's spiritual power clones appeared.

Immediately afterwards, all the clones swung their swords together with the main body!

In an instant, the sky full of gray and red sword aura flew out directly, galloping towards the man.

At this moment, the man shook his head, took out a token again, flicked it lightly, and said calmly: "Broken."

At the moment when the voice fell, Li Zhe only felt an unprecedented impact rushing from the place where the token was broken.

Immediately afterwards, all of his spiritual power clones were instantly dissipated, and the sword aura that stood out also suddenly burst under the violent impact!

From the first battle, until now, Li Zhe has used his best, but he has not even done it when he meets the opponent.

This is a gulf of strength that is daunting!

However, Li Zhe had to fight the opponent forcefully, otherwise, the statue he had finally found would be lost!

Immediately, Li Zhe gritted his teeth, and the fairy in his body slowly opened his eyes, and a celestial power surged out instantly, fusing with Li Zhe's spiritual power.

In an instant, Li Zhe's aura improved a lot at this moment.

At this moment, the man's complexion suddenly changed, and he looked at Li Zhe incredibly, and said in surprise: "Xianli?!"

Li Zhe frowned slightly, and ignored the opponent, but slowly raised the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword in his hand and aimed it at the opponent.

In the next moment, Li Zhe's body flashed instantly, and he rushed towards the opponent.

However, at this moment, the man showed a weird smile at the corner of his mouth, and said slowly to Li Zhe: "We will see you again in the future."

While speaking, Li Zhe was already close to him, and the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword in his hand suddenly slashed towards the opponent.

This cut fell.

There was no blockage as Li Zhe imagined, and there was no feeling of piercing the opponent's body.

A sword fell, and the opponent's body twisted slightly, dissipating in front of Li Zhe like a phantom.

And the whole world was restored to its original appearance at this moment.

Everything seemed to have never happened before, it was just the consumption of spiritual power in Li Zhe's body, clearly telling Li Zhe that everything in front of him was definitely not an illusion, everything happened in reality!

In an instant, Li Zhe held the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword in his hand, floating slightly in situ.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: (ltnovel.com) The literature update speed is the fastest after I found the fairy bottle.

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