After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2109: Relic mutation

Immediately, the wizard took three steps and did two steps, walked quickly to the front of the sink, and blew a breath toward the sink.

In an instant, the water in the tank was slightly turbulent, and at the same time a faint spiritual wind blew by.

"Yes, this is indeed holy water!"

Feeling the sub-spiritual wind, the wizard also murmured with joy.

Li Zhe stood quietly behind, looking at the holy water in this pool. If he guessed correctly, this so-called holy water should have been generated by the power of the great road just now.

With such a magical effect, presumably only this Great Dao of Heaven and Earth could do it.

At this moment, Li Zhe also asked the wizard: "This holy water should be enough to help me?"

"Enough enough, enough already!"

The wizard also nodded, and said to Li Zhe with great certainty.

Hearing the wizard's voice, Li Zhe nodded in relief.

Li Zhe did not know exactly how this holy water came from, although there was holy water in the holy water tank now.

But if it wasn't enough, Li Zhe didn't know how to get new holy water.

Although it is possible that holy water will flow out of this tank later, I am afraid that it should not be possible in a short time.

"By the way, Master, this holy water... how did you get it out?"

It was also at this time that the wizard asked Li Zhe with a little curiosity.

Hearing this, Li Zhe also explained to him softly: "This sink was missing something before, but I have found it now, and there should be holy water flowing out in the future."

As soon as he said this, the wizard's eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly.

This news is not only very important to him, but also very important to the entire Hua Ling Nation!

In the days when the spirit veins were just taken away, most countries still had a part of the cultivation background. Therefore, even if the wizards of the time could make weapons spiritual, it was only to stabilize the spirit country.

But now, the surrounding countries have completely transformed into a mortal kingdom. With this holy water, it is not impossible for the nation to dominate this entire region!

Immediately, the wizard took a deep breath and said to Li Zhe: "Then let's go back first. I will go and get the vessel containing holy water on it."

Hearing the wizard's words, Li Zhe blinked his eyes slightly in confusion.

He originally wanted to bring it directly by himself, but after thinking about it, he didn't know if this would lose the spirituality of the holy water, so he simply didn't bother to take care of it, and just let the wizard operate it.

Soon, the two of them returned to the main hall again, and the monarch was also waiting in this hall at the moment.

"Your Majesty, please send someone to prepare for the holy water salvation ceremony, now there is holy water!"

As soon as he came out, the wizard couldn't wait to say to the monarch.

Hearing that, the monarch also brightened his eyes, and quickly stepped off the main seat, asked Li Zhe to sit up, and then said respectfully: "Master, please wait, I will start preparing now!"

Hearing what the other party said, Li Zhe also nodded slightly, but didn't say much, just sat silently and waited quietly.

Soon, the wizard walked into the ruins with a basin made of unknown material.

At the same time, the entire palace began to get busy at this moment.

In front of the main hall of the palace, there is a square with a high platform above it.

The high platform was originally used for rituals in the palace, such as Qiuyu, which is rarely used on weekdays.

But now, quite a few guards have walked up with various talisman papers painted on them, and began to arrange them.

Li Zhe could clearly see through his divine sense that the patterns of the spells were very similar to the runes on the ground below the ruins, but they were slightly different.

After watching it for a while, Li Zhe didn't bother to go deeper, and he went directly into the jade bottle space and began to practice.

He needs to maintain his strongest state in order to break through to the later stage of the Nascent Soul Realm during the next spiritualization!

In the blink of an eye, three hours had passed, and the sky had already arrived at noon.

The arrangement on the high platform has long been over, but the wizard who went to fetch the holy water hasn't come up yet.

"Fairy teacher, why haven't the wizards come yet?"

At this moment, the monarch also walked into the palace again, and asked Li Zhe with a little doubt.

Although he is the real master of a country, in front of Li Zhe, he consciously lowered his identity a lot.

Li Zhe frowned slightly when he heard what the other party said.

Although Li Zhe has been cultivating in the jade bottle space, because the time in the jade bottle space is ten times that of the fixed outside world, Li Zhe can also clearly know that it has been more than three hours now.

Although this ruined staircase is extremely long, it takes at most a quarter of an hour to be almost there, and it is impossible that it hasn't been out for three hours!

"I'll go down and have a look, you wait here to get ready."

Li Zhe took a deep breath and whispered to the monarch.

Hearing this, the monarch nodded and responded respectfully.

And Li Zhe also stood up at this time, turned and walked towards the ruins behind him.

The long stairs, Li Zhe used to walk with the wizard, the speed was much slower.

But now there is only Li Zhe, his speed is naturally much faster.

In less than a minute, Li Zhe had already reached the platform below.

As soon as he reached the platform, Li Zhe frowned slightly.

I saw that in front of the holy water tank, the basin used to hold holy water fell to the ground.

Fortunately, it was flat, but a little holy water splashed out.

As for the figure of the wizard, I didn't see it.

Li Zhe's eyebrows narrowed slightly, and he intuitively told him that something should have happened here.

Li Zhe stepped forward, picked up the holy water basin, and poured the holy water back into it.

However, Li Zhe quickly discovered that the holy water was less than before, and even if it was spilled on the ground, it was definitely less!

Could it be the man before? !

Thinking of this, Li Zhe's heart suddenly tightened, and he took out the golden bead in an instant, and then his spiritual consciousness swept down the holy water tank in an instant.

Fortunately, the Hundred-faced Statue still maintained the appearance of the smiling Buddha, remaining under the holy water tank.


At this moment, a slightly painful breathing suddenly came from the top of Li Zhe's head.

Li Zhe was shocked suddenly, and instantly raised his head to look.

I saw that in the sky, the wizard was lying on top of the compass that the statue was holding, showing a head, staring at Li Zhe firmly.

Now his eyes can no longer see the white of his eyes, only a flash of light emerged!

"what happened?"

Li Zhe looked at him, took a deep breath, and asked in a deep voice.

While speaking, Li Zhe also took the golden beads directly into his storage bag, and at the same time took the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword in his hand.

Almost at the moment when he was holding the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword, Li Zhe was shocked, his steps retreated, and he flew back several steps.

At the moment when Li Zhe retreated, the figure of the wizard suddenly appeared next to the position where he was just now.


With a soft sound, the wizard opened his mouth and took a bite into the air, but the speed was also much slower.

Li Zhe frowned and stood quietly, looking at the wizard.

After all, this wizard has been working hard for all the orders of Li Zhe during this period, and he is also respectful to Li Zhe.

Li Zhe didn't want to take the initiative at this moment either. He wanted to understand what the wizard was that caused the current appearance.

It was at this moment that the wizard who bit the empty mouth suddenly groaned, and the whole person was lying on the ground like a beast.

At the same time, this wizard without any cultivation base actually showed turbulent spiritual power fluctuations in his body!

The intensity of this spiritual power fluctuation has actually reached the level of its peak in the late stage of the Golden Core Realm!

At this moment, the wizard glanced at Li Zhe, turned around, and quickly climbed back to the compass on the statue.

At the same time when he returned to the stone-cast compass, the wizard suddenly raised his hand and snapped one of his eyes directly!

Then, he squeezed the eyeballs, and suddenly slapped on the compass!

In an instant, the compass was banged loudly, and the stone wall behind Li Zhe trembling suddenly, and then directly collapsed and fell down!

And as the stone wall fell off, a very flat wall behind the stone wall was also exposed.

On the wall, there are countless runes like the ground.

However, these runes have no effect, obviously because there is no spiritual power between the world and the earth.

Seeing this scene, the wizard also yelled angrily. His figure was wrapped in a burst of aura, and he flew towards the wall in an instant!

Li Zhe finally couldn't stand at this moment. He knew very well in his heart that the wizard at the moment seemed to know the ruins very well.

If it is allowed to go on like this, what will happen next is obviously unpredictable.

Li Zhe took a deep breath, his figure flashed, and he instantly appeared in the air. At the same time, the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword in his hand beautifully pulled a sword flower, and cut out a sword on the waist of the wizard who flew past. Not deep and not shallow traces.

Almost the moment the sword mark appeared, the wizard screamed out in pain, his body twitched in mid-air, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

At the same time, the spiritual power in his body is also constantly surging out of his body at this moment. Obviously it is the magic-breaking effect of the Spell Devouring Spirit Sword, which has a full effect on his current state!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I found the fairy bottle.

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