After speaking, Old Chen handed over a test report.

Qian Zhengru took it and took a look, his face showed joy!

Li Zhe smiled confidently when he saw it. Can the wine brewed from his spiritual water be fake?

Even the old Chen’s eyes were full of envy. This old friend of his own really picked up a treasure. Fortunately, what he wants to do is high-end health wine, and drink wine with his family’s main family. I didn’t bump into the positioning, otherwise I have to consider changing careers. When he just got the test report, he was a little surprised. If the data is correct, it will definitely kill all the health care wines on the market. !

"Good! Good! Good!"

Qian Zhengru said three good times, which verified Li Zhe's ideas, and said with a smile:

"Uncle Qian, I think we can apply for patents and trademarks!"

"Yes, yes, hurry up! But what is the name of our new wine?"

Li Zhe pondered for a while and then blurted out and made his debut:

"Golden wine! How is it?"

"Golden wine...Gold in wine! Good name!"

Fatty Qian on the side rushed to say, but this time Fatty Qian really got the right interpretation. Li Zhe named this wine Golden Wine, which means gold in wine!

It’s no problem at all that the wine made from my own spirits matches the name of gold in this wine!

Qian Zhengru, who was on the side, also vowed to agree, even if the name of this golden wine was fixed!

After that, Qian Zhengru also felt that he went to the relevant department to register the trademark and patent of the golden wine, and then waited for the construction of the factory to start!

Nancheng, Meng's Liquor Industry Office.

Meng Qi is sitting in an office chair and spinning around leisurely. Recently, he has been proud of the spring breeze. The wine business at home can be said to be booming and prosperous. He has already decided to go public in the near future. A new wine, now he, the young man Meng, is really rising. It's not that the old man is happy to directly hand over the recent new wine launch to him.

After thinking about the listing of his own company, coupled with the profit and income that the launch of this new wine product can bring, Meng Qi's heart is a bit dark, and now he can have a few more girls. As for Du Yan, he has long been Tired of playing, now it's just a venting tool at home.

While Meng Qi was thinking about his future happy life, the office door was knocked.

"Come in."

It was his subordinate who immediately opened the door and came in, who was also the main person in charge of the new wine launch. He, Meng Qi, a young man of a flower, understood what he knew, and left the specific matters to the following professionals.

"Mr. Meng, it's not good. The trademark of which "golden wine" we plan to launch has been registered by someone!"

"What? What do you do, didn't you mean that no one has registered this trademark?"

Hear what this subordinate said. Meng Qi’s voice immediately rose by an octave. This golden wine was exactly the name of which new health wine that Meng’s wine industry was preparing to launch through the market. The father finally let himself be responsible for this matter. The trademark of this golden wine was rushed up, how could he not be angry!

"Mr. Meng, we don’t know what’s going on. The trademark of this golden wine was indeed registered by no one. Today, when we went to the relevant department to register, it showed that the trademark had already been registered, and it seemed that the other party had also registered one. The patents should be peers, and new wines will be launched!"

"Partner? Which company is it? I haven't heard of anyone who has made big moves recently! How did you do it, have you checked it out?"

"This is a newly registered company. The legal person of the company seems to be Qiandong... This name is not well-known in the circle. It is estimated that it should be a newcomer."

"What do you do for food, waste, let a newcomer and a new company preemptively register the trademark, how do I think the old man should explain? Go and check the company and legal person details for me, and see if you can Buy the trademark, this is the name that the old man himself gave to this new wine!"

"Yes, President Meng! I'm going now..."

The subordinate who walked out of Meng Qi's office took a sip at the closed office door:

"What the hell, I know playing with women and yelling five and six things all day long, but I don't know the fart. If it wasn't for your boss, who would treat you as an onion!"

Naturally, Meng Qi sitting in the office could not hear the subordinate’s curses, but he was still lost in thought. He always felt that the name of the new company that was squatting the golden wine was something that the subordinate just said was Qian Dong. I'm familiar, but I can't remember it anymore.

How would Meng Qi want to get this? This Qian Dong is the Qian Fatty when he was in college. This Qian Fatty's nickname is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, because everyone calls him Qian Fatty, yelling, everyone feels kind, but He had forgotten his real name Qian Dong, so Meng Qi felt familiar when he heard the name, but he couldn't remember it anymore.

What he did not expect was that the shameless Qian Fatzi at the university would register a wine company and preemptively register his trademark. In the future, he will directly confront his Meng family wine company.

Li Zhe knew from Fatty Qian that when Meng's Liquor Industry wanted to buy the golden wine trademark from him, he also found it a bit interesting.

Li Zhe also knew that the Meng's wine business was Meng Qi's family business. He didn't expect that they would go together with him. In this way, the name Golden Wine is really sought-after.

Naturally, it is impossible for Li Zhe and Fatty Qian to sell the trademark of this golden wine to Meng Qi. Let's not talk about the two people's disgust at Meng Qi, let's talk about what they used to sell the trademark to him?

And Li Zhe also wanted to see, when Meng Qi knew that he and Fatty Qian had rushed to register the trademark of this golden wine, it would be very interesting.

And Li Zhe also knows that Meng Qi is going to use the opportunity of the family business to launch a new wine, now some have fun, hehe...

Seeing that the employees of Meng's enterprise had no hope of buying the trademark, they could only return to their lives with anxiety.

When Meng Qi heard reports from his subordinates in the office that there was no hope for the purchase of trademarks, he was furious again. However, he was helpless. The day of the listing of Meng's wine is coming soon. The listing of this new wine is imminent and cannot be delayed. He bit his head, reported the incident to his father, and received a nasty scolding, and in the end, he could only register a white gin trademark.

Although this white gold is rarer than gold, the name of this white gold wine is still worse than the name of this golden wine based on the degree of Chinese people's love for this gold.

But Meng Qi can’t take care of so much now. He can only register a trademark randomly, otherwise the plan to launch this new wine will be delayed. He can't bear the responsibility, and the old man in the family won't be allowed to take him. Killed.

And just as Meng Qi is intensively preparing to launch new wines in cooperation with the family business’s listing, Li Zhe and Qian Fatzi’s wineries are already in formality, and construction has already started, and a small number of machines are already available. Stationed in the winery, small-scale winemaking can be carried out.

And the cistern in Li Zhejiang City’s hometown has also been constructed. The one-time storage of water can satisfy the brewery to make a batch of golden wine, which is enough. After all, I’m focusing on high-end health wines, not the kind Ordinary drinking wine in the assembly line.

Li Zhe also made a trip to Jiangcheng halfway and threw the jade clean bottle into the cistern which was full of a quarter. It took three days to purify a quarter of the water in the pond and transported it all to The winery in South City.

Li Zhe meant to first rely on a small number of equipment to make a small batch of golden wine.

Just when Meng Qi's Meng's wine industry launched the white gold wine, I launched this gold wine, and I took a good look at Meng Qi's arrogance!

But at this time Meng Qi didn’t know about it. Instead, something new came out of Huahua’s bowels. With his unobtrusive character that would kill him if he didn’t show off or pretend to be forced to die, this family business was going to be listed only by sending out something. The circle of friends can't satisfy his extremely vanity mentality.

As soon as I turned my eyes, I edited a group message and sent it out. Then I watched the Ding Dong Ding Dong notification sound from the phone and the replies on the WeChat interface, my face almost smiled. .

"Okay, Young Master Meng is really a big cow, and the family business is about to go public. If nothing else, I will definitely be there!"

"I must go this time. Congratulations, Shao Meng!"

"Master Meng is indeed the most successful one of our classmates!"

Seeing these replies, Meng Qi was not overjoyed. He had been overshadowed by Li Zhe before. He used Li Zhe as the background board several times, which made his inner vanity get a big blow. Now that my own company is going public, I have to find this place back anyway.

"Recently, my family's company is going to go public. I want to invite you all to have a meal. I hope everyone will appreciate it!

When Li Zhe saw the news from Meng Qi on WeChat, he unconsciously showed a contemptuous expression on his face. Why didn't he directly block him in the first place, just blocked the circle of friends.

"Heh! Sure enough, the dog can't change eating shit."

The Fatty Qian on the side also turned his head and glanced at Li Zhe. It was obvious that he had also received news from Meng Qi. Both of them had two words written in their eyes:


"Brother, how do you say? Go or not, I had expected this Meng Qi to come out like this for a long time, and it really doesn't stop pretending to be a force."

"Go, why don't you eat if there is a idiot?

"Hey, brother, I think so too."

The two couldn’t help but glance at each other again. They all thought of the scene where Meng Qi’s face was almost drawn when the two brothers ordered frantically at the menu at the Hualong Hotel last time. Thinking of his painful expression, there was a moment of dark refreshment in his heart, and this time the two brothers said they couldn't do it again.

At the same time, the two men gave Meng Qi back to express their wish to go.

Then Meng Qi was a little surprised to see Li Zhe promised to come. Originally, he thought Li Zhe would not come, but that's good, he hasn't forgotten the first two backgrounds.


On the day of the appointment, Li Zhe and Fatty Qian were also ready to go to the Meng Qi’s villa. This time Meng Qi deliberately set the location here to show off his luxurious villa. The two brothers Li Zhe's idea of ​​smashing Meng Qi fiercely fell through.

The house is really good, but it is like that in Li Zhe's eyes. After all, the manor of the Chen and Li family is not comparable to Meng Qi's villa.

When Li Zhe and Fatty Qian arrived, there were already a lot of people inside. These people were called by Meng Qiqun. Li Zhe knew that these people never came to the appointment simply because of classmates and congratulations. Most of them Not all thinking about hugging Meng Qi's thigh.

No, there are a lot of people next to Meng Qi, and he is enjoying this feeling.

Li Zhe was discovered as soon as he entered. Li Zhe is now considered a celebrity. He has become a well-deserved star among the classmates of this great university, so he was immediately surrounded by everyone.

"What is Li Zhe doing recently? I saw you on TV some time ago, did you go to Holland?"

"We, Li Zhe, are big people now, running around the world, when will you bring me brother?"

Listening to the praise of the classmates, Li Zhe simply responded with a few words, but Meng Qi's complexion in the distance was not so good.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( After I picked up the fairy bottle, the literature updates in my pens are the fastest.

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