After leaving the battle group, Li Zhe felt that a raging spiritual force had erupted there, and he thought it should be the later monk fighting the monster.

Right now, Li Zhe didn't bother to care about this anymore, but continued to walk towards the depths of the Gutian Mountain Range on his own.

After traveling for about tens of miles again, Li Zhe found a cave under a cliff and entered it.

He now has only about 20% of his spiritual power left, and he continues to recover.

Fortunately, when he left the pill league, he refined a lot of fourth-rank recovery spirit pills, but it didn't take long to recover.

In the blink of an eye, several hours passed. With the help of the pill and the space of the jade bottle, Li Zhe had recovered to his peak state again at this moment.

Then, Li Zhe stood up, ready to continue searching for the existence of that medicine spirit.

It's just that at this moment, Li Zhe's brows condensed slightly, and he turned his head and looked behind the cave.

The cave under the cliff is not deep, it is only a few meters deep, and it seems to have formed naturally, and the inside of the cave is also pitch black.

However, when Li Zhe stood up, he obviously felt a subtle fluctuation of spiritual power behind him!

Li Zhe frowned slightly, then walked away thinking about the back of the cave.

In just a few steps, Li Zhe had already reached the stone wall in the cave.

As soon as he arrived here, a ray of light instantly lit up in the originally dark cave, several runes of light instantly lit up under Li Zhe's feet, and there were also faint rune marks on the walls.

However, these imprints were only the moment they appeared, and they slowly dissipated.

It seemed that it was because of lack of spiritual power that the formation that was arranged here could not be activated.

Li Zhe frowned slightly, his divine consciousness suddenly exhaled at this moment, sweeping towards the surroundings.

Only then did he discover that the formation rune in this cave was so damaged that it was hard to recognize what formation it was.

According to the marks on the remaining runes, he can only feel that these formations exist here, at least for thousands of years!

Otherwise, these formation runes that have been injected with spiritual power will not be so easily damaged.

"It's weird..."

Li Zhe frowned slightly and murmured softly.

For a while, Li Zhe couldn't figure out what was going on here.

After the divine consciousness swept around again, Li Zhe was surprised to find that within the entire mountain he was on, there were a lot of remnants of similar formations, and they were all damaged!

This feeling is as if there was a relic here!

However, after feeling for a while, Li Zhe quietly took away his soul.

The most important thing now is to find the medicine spirit first, as for the others, it is not important at this time.

Immediately, Li Zhe was a dodge, flying straight out of the cave.

Li Zhe still has no clue about the location of Yaoling.

At first, Li Zhe felt that the medicine spirit would hide in the depths of this mountain range. After all, many monks from the outside world poured into it, and they were likely to be found outside the mountain range.

But when you think about it carefully, the monks who enter it will basically gradually go to the depths of the mountain range. If you think about it, it is not impossible for the medicine spirit to escape to the outside world!

Therefore, after leaving this cave, Li Zhe didn't even think about which direction he should go in for a while.

After hesitating for a while, Li Zhe took a deep breath and headed directly toward the depths of the mountain range.

Thinking about it now, many monks should be near the depths of this mountain range.

Even if he couldn't find Yao Ling's trace, relying on the absolute concealment of his purple spirit jade clothing, he should be able to inquire a lot of first-hand information.

Immediately, Li Zhe drove slowly towards the depths of the mountains.

There is no way, his consciousness needs to be swept downwards constantly, naturally, it cannot be too fast to prevent accidentally missing the hiding place of that medicine spirit.

While Li Zhe was looking for it carefully, there were suddenly a few more escapes behind him.

Li Zhe frowned slightly. According to the rules of the spiritual world, this group of people should give up a little distance after realizing themselves.

After all, many monks don't like dealing with strangers.

However, these monks flew straight towards Li Zhe.

Li Zhe's eyes narrowed slightly, and he knew clearly that these people were probably thinking that they were alone and wanted to do something.

However, with Li Zhe's current cultivation base in the late Nascent Soul Stage, he might not be afraid, so Li Zhe just silently gave up a position to see if the other party was targeting him.

Sure enough, after Li Zhe gave way, these cultivators also turned around and flew toward Li Zhe's place again.

Li Zhe frowned, and immediately stood directly in the midair, allowing the opponent to approach.

He still pretends to be an early Nascent Soul Realm cultivator. In the Gutian Mountain Range, which is now full of Nascent Infant Stage cultivators, he is really easy to bully when he is alone in the early Nascent Soul Stage.

Soon, all these monks stopped hundreds of meters ahead.

Then, one of the cultivators in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm leaned towards Li Zhe.

"This fellow Taoist, what did you find?"

As soon as he came over, the monk asked Li Zhe aloud.

Li Zhe glanced at the other person, then shook his head with a wry smile, and said softly: "No, if there is, I won't be looking for it slowly."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, the monk smiled slightly on his face, but at this moment, there was a sudden burst of coercion within his body, suppressing Li Zhe!

It seemed that this was going to use force to confirm whether Li Zhe really knew.

However, at the moment when the opponent's cultivation base broke out, Li Zhe was also keenly aware that the cultivator in front of him was a sword cultivator!

And, in a vague way, Li Zhe also sensed a breath of deja vu from the other person's body!

"Look at my cultivation base, you don't look like someone who can find anything, right? Why bother to force me like this?"

Li Zhe took a deep breath, looked at each other, and said slowly.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, the monk also raised his eyebrows slightly, apparently agreeing with Li Zhe's words.

After all, a cultivator like Li Zhe would really not be able to discover anything.

At this moment, several monks in the rear also came forward at this moment.

"Well, his cultivation level must be a small sect person, so I don't need to ask any more."

Immediately, the headed person also said softly with an indifferent expression.

However, after the words fell, he frowned slightly.

At that moment, he vaguely noticed that Li Zhe had a killing intent on his body, but the killing intent was fleeting, and he didn't know if it was hidden or disappeared.

"It's a gift if I wait for you to do it. If you have other ideas, don't blame me for waiting."

The monk frowned and said coldly to Li Zhe.

Li Zhe took a deep breath, nodded slightly, and said in a slow voice: "I have checked this neighborhood. There is no medicine spirit. I am afraid that the seniors will need to go deep into the depths."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, these monks nodded their heads.

And the leading monk only thought that Li Zhe had just shown the killing intent because of self-protection and worry, and he didn't care.

However, Li Zhe's killing intent was not without reason.

This leading monk was not someone else. It was the brother of Yuan Jianzong who was in the Taiyi Immortal Sect and killed Li Zhe that day, causing Li Zhe to waste the Pill of Death and Life, and almost died on the day of Yuan Jianzong!

However, it happened that Li Zhe had changed his appearance now, wearing a changed style of purple spirit jade clothing, and his aura was perfectly concealed with the help of the purple spirit jade clothing, and the other party did not recognize Li Zhe.

It is impossible to think that the person in front of him is Li Zhe.

After all, Li Zhe had already died on the nine peaks in his heart, and it was impossible to appear here.

Immediately, under the leadership of the monk, everyone once again drove the escape light and walked towards the depths of the mountain range.

What all of them didn't notice was that at the moment when they were about to leave, Li Zhe silently stuck the demon consciousness in their team that day, on the body of the last person!

The monk was only a cultivation base in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, and he could not perceive that Li Zhe's spiritual consciousness had left a mark on his body.

The rest of the monks hadn't noticed that Li Zhe's divine consciousness had moved, and in a flash, they had already left this place.

At this moment, Li Zhe slowly closed his eyes. At this moment, with his slight movement of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the traces of the group of Tianyuan Sword Sect monks appeared in Li Zhe's Sea of ​​Consciousness.

As long as he is within a thousand miles, Li Zhe can easily control the trace of the other party!

"Master, just now that was... the one who came up with it, right?"

At this time, Diaobao Boy also recognized the other party, and asked Li Zhe in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Li Zhe also responded softly, raising his head and looking in the direction where the people of Tianyuan Sword Sect had left.

"The opportunity for revenge is here. After finding the medicine spirit, I will avenge myself."

Li Zhe was also calmly in the sea of ​​knowledge at this moment, and responded to the boy Diaobao.

This is an enemy who once killed himself, Li Zhe will not let him go easily!

Immediately, Li Zhe also took a deep breath, and forced himself to calm down his restless mind for a while.

He knew very well in his heart that now is not the best time for revenge. The best time is to find the medicine spirit first, and then think about the revenge.

Anyway, the other party will not leave the Gutian Mountain Range before the medicine spirit is taken!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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