After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2129: Concealed passage

At this moment, Chanjuan also smiled at Li Zhe and said: "As for that matter, I have already explained it. Even if they return to the sect, they will say that they were robbed by the people of the Tianyuan Sword Sect, and your name will not appear. "

Hearing Chanjuan's words, Li Zhe blinked slightly and glanced at Chanjuan, quite surprised.

He didn't expect that Chan Juan had even arranged this matter.

But when she was on Yanxia Island, Chanjuan was like this, basically everything could be arranged for Li Zhe.

Immediately, Li Zhe had a glimmer of light in his hand, and a light green pill appeared in his hand.

"This is the medicinal pill I refined with that medicinal spirit, you hold it."

Li Zhe handed the pill to Chan Juan and said softly.

Hearing this, Chan Juan blinked her eyes slightly, and then she said repeatedly: "It's not necessary, just take it, and you should have just broken through your cultivation base. This is useful for you."

"Don't worry, four medicine elixirs have been refined in one furnace, and giving you one is nothing."

Immediately, Li Zhe responded with a smile.

Hearing that, Chan Juan also hesitated for a while before reaching out and holding the pill in her hand. At this moment, a slightly shy smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"what's happenin?"

It was also at this time that Li Zhe realized that Chan Juan seemed to be a little emotionally unstable at this moment through his own demon consciousness, and he asked softly.

Hearing Li Zhe's question, Chan Juan glanced at him, and then whispered: "Master told me that when I break through the Purple Mansion, the rules of the sect will not restrict me."

"Zongmen rules?"

Li Zhe blinked, but did not react for a while.

Immediately, Chan Juan glared at Li Zhe with a touch of shyness, and said in a low voice: "A saint can't have a companion..."

"Ahem... Ah, what you said..."

Li Zhe was stunned, then he murmured after a dry cough.

"Well, when that time comes, wait for you to marry me..."

At the end of this sentence, Chan Juan's voice was already groaning, but Li Zhe's cultivation level was still clearly heard.

Li Zhe glanced at Chanjuan fixedly, then nodded firmly, and said softly, "Yes!"

Although the words are soft, but the tone is very firm.

At this moment, Chanjuan only felt that her heart trembled slightly, and her face flushed uncontrollably at this moment.

Chanjuan looked at Li Zhe and opened her mouth, but she said nothing.

After a while, the words that were not spoken by the mouth finally turned into a soft smile.

The smile hit Li Zhe's heart, making Li Zhe feel that there was something in his heart, as if it had softened at this moment.

"Well, if you are alright, son, I'll go back first."

Chanjuan looked at Li Zhe and said softly at this time with a little bit of reluctance.

Hearing this, Li Zhe nodded slightly, but when Chanjuan was about to leave, he seemed to remember something suddenly, and said: "Wait a minute!"

"what's happenin?"

Chanjuan blinked suspiciously, stopped her figure, and asked Li Zhe.

Hearing this question, Li Zhe took a deep breath and asked Chanjuan, "Have you ever heard of puppetry?"

"Puppet technique? Is it magic way? Or something."

Chanjuan frowned and asked suspiciously.

Obviously, Chan Juan should have heard of the name Puppet Art for the first time.

But as soon as the name sounded, Chan Juan subconsciously linked it to the magic way.

Li Zhe also shook his head slightly at this time, just saying: "I don't know the specifics, but this puppet technique is not the kind of magic technique that manipulates others. It should be a kind of puppet manipulating and then dividing and manipulating his own consciousness. Gongfa."

"I don't know about this."

Chanjuan frowned and quickly searched for related memories in her own sea of ​​knowledge, but in the end she shook her head and said she was unclear.

Upon seeing this, Li Zhe also gave a wry smile, but he did not expect Chanjuan to really know.

However, at this moment, Chan Juan suddenly brightened her eyes and said to Li Zhe: "Wait a minute, I seem to know something similar, but it's not clear if you are looking for the son."

"Oh? Tell me!"

Hearing Chanjuan's words, Li Zhe's eyes lit up instantly and he said with a slight surprise.

Immediately, Chan Juan spoke softly to Li Zhe.

Chanjuan was born in a small city. She vaguely remembered that there was a craftsman in the city who liked to play with children.

The craftsman's way of amusing the children is also very special. It uses a human-shaped wooden statue. As long as the craftsman closes his eyes, the wooden sculpture will move and make all kinds of funny movements.

However, Chan Juan had only lived in that city until she was six years old, and she came to this Donghua Sect, so she didn't remember very clearly.

Only based on Li Zhe's description just now, she felt that it was very similar to Li Zhe's description, and this was what she said.

Having said that, Li Zhe also nodded subconsciously.

When the craftsman closes his eyes, the wood carving will move, and it sounds like a puppetry.

After thinking for a while, Li Zhe asked Chanjuan, "Where is that city?"

"On the west side of Dongzhou, far away from Donghuazong, I remember the name of the should have a Yang character."

Chanjuan frowned and thought for a while, then she said to Li Zhe.

Listening to Chan Juan's words, Li Zhe also nodded, silently remembering this place in his heart.

After asking about this matter, Chan Juan could no longer stay with Li Zhe.

After all, as a saint of the Chilian Sect, she cannot leave the sect alone for too long.

"If the son needs anything to Chanjuan in the future, just send someone to deliver me a letter."

Immediately, Chan Juan also said softly to Li Zhe.

While talking, Chan Juan drove the escape light towards the direction of Chi Lian Sect.

Li Zhe also took a deep breath and watched Chanjuan leave quietly.

Li Zhe let out a long sigh of relief until Chan Juan left.

Now that the Yao Ling matter is over, Li Zhe's affairs are temporarily finished.

Next, Li Zhe was naturally going to the city that Chan Juan said to find the craftsman.

After all, this puppet technique can be regarded as something Li Zhe needs most urgently.

However, Li Zhe was not in a hurry to leave, but flashed, and flew towards the cave where the ruins were located.

He intends to find out if there is any record of that puppet technique in the ruins.

Soon, Li Zhe once again came to the cave, in front of Shimen.

Because there was no formation, Li Zhe easily opened the stone gate and returned to the square full of ruins.

After arriving here, Li Zhe walked straight ahead.

However, to Li Zhe's slight disappointment, he returned all the way to the medicine garden within the ruins.

Li Zhe also didn't find anything about the puppet technique.

Seeing the group of monsters still staying in the medicine garden, Li Zhe also shook his head, sighed, and continued to step forward unwillingly.

Soon, Li Zhe came to the room below the creek again.

After arriving here, Li Zhe took a deep breath, tapped his finger lightly, and a flash of spiritual light floated out instantly, directly illuminating the entire room.

However, coming here again gave Li Zhe a new discovery.

When he first came here, Li Zhe still didn't notice any problems.

However, after he became familiar with the ruins, Li Zhe keenly noticed the special features of this room.

In other parts of this ruin, almost all buildings and the like have been weathered due to the passing of spiritual power.

But in this room, the sculptures of various statues and the like are all without any weathering appearance!

Although it looks a bit old, these sculptures are almost all well preserved.

Immediately, Li Zhe slowly squatted down.

This time, he didn't use his consciousness to sweep his surroundings.

After all, in this ruin, there are still many stone buildings that can circumvent divine consciousness.

If there really is something here, it will definitely be blocked by the stone, and it is impossible for Li Zhe to find it!

At this moment, Li Zhe decided to search in another way by himself, that is, using spiritual power!

Immediately, Li Zhe slowly squatted down and supported the ground with one hand, constantly releasing his spiritual power.

In an instant, it seemed as if endless spiritual power was released from Li Zhe's palm quickly.

In the end, Li Zhe was the cultivation base of the late Nascent Infant Realm. In the blink of an eye, spiritual power overflowed the entire room.

This room is very large and very tall, just like a hall in the sect.

Soon, Li Zhe narrowed his eyes slightly, and a smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He could clearly feel that there was something in a certain place in this room that was preventing his spiritual power from penetrating into it!

Soon, Li Zhe walked to that corner.

Here, there is a statue of one person tall, which is inlaid on the wall.

As soon as Li Zhe raised his hand, he directly placed his hand on the statue, and then violently applied force.

The huge intensity even made the whole room tremble slightly!


With a cracking sound, this statue was directly broken by Li Zhe!

That is the moment when the statue was broken off from strength, a gap was also exposed behind the wall in an instant.

Li Zhe threw the statue aside, raised his hand and wiped it on the gap, then pulled it hard.

Accompanied by a rumbling sound, this door was also opened under Li Zhe's absolute strength.

And behind this door is a small passage leading to the inside!

This passage should have been a long time since no one had walked, and it was full of dust and decay, but Li Zhe didn't care about it, a spiritual light covered his body, and then stepped into it. The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: will read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: read it on my mobile phone after I found the fairy bottle: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 2129 Secret Door Passage), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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