In the blink of an eye, half a day has passed since Li Zhe entered this Quyang city.

During this half day, Li Zhe had been observing the carpenter's shop in the sky.

It's just that the carpenter is like a real old man, just napping in front of his shop.

There is no business in this shop. It seems that he put the wooden utensils there deliberately in order to have less business and to be free.

At this moment, the sky was gradually darkening, and the carpenter also slowly closed the store door at this time.

Then he walked into his own shop.

That is to say, after the carpenter walked into the shop where the doors were closed, he took a deep breath.


Accompanied by the creaking sound of the bones, the carpenter's figure, which was originally slightly rickety, also gradually straightened up.

Suddenly, even his old face became much younger at this moment.

He walked into the house, changed his clothes, and walked out through the side door of the carpenter's shop.

As someone else, even people who are familiar with him might not recognize the young man in front of him as the carpenter who has been dozing off in front of the shop all day long!

It's just that Li Zhe's spiritual consciousness has long been locked in the carpenter's body, and he is naturally aware of the carpenter's changes!

Li Zhe above, also at this moment, silently above the clouds, following the carpenter's actions.

In a dilapidated small courtyard built with mud walls on the edge of the city, the family in the courtyard has already had dinner.

Usually at this time, the family has almost rested.

The child looked very well-behaved today, didn't say much, just went back to his room and lay down.

However, if the family came in to see, they would find that the child did not follow, but stared at the ceiling.

There was no look in those eyes, and they looked a little sluggish.

Naturally, this child was the one who was illusioned in front of the carpenter's shop during the day.

The carpenter was obviously already very familiar with the topography of the city, and after passing through a few small alleys, he came to the outside of this small courtyard.

At this moment, he took out a thumb-sized whistle-like thing from his arms and blew it gently.

When this thing was blown, it wasn't something like a flute, it was like a worm.

In these cities, worms are the most common thing, and obviously no one will notice this.

However, at the moment when the sound of the insects rang, the child in the room sat up instantly, then got on the boat's shoes, quietly opened the door of the house, and walked to the entrance of the courtyard.

"Come, come over."

When the carpenter saw this, with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, he beckoned to the child slightly.

The child had no sense of autonomy at this moment. After hearing this voice, he stepped up to the carpenter's.

Immediately afterwards, the carpenter directly carried one of the hands on his shoulders.

Then his body shape suddenly accelerated.

The moonlight is like a hook, and the sparse moonlight hits the ground, only a vague figure can be seen holding the child flying through the city.

Soon, the carpenter carried the child to the edge of the city wall.

The city wall several meters high is naturally insurmountable for ordinary people, but for the carpenter in the middle of the Void God Realm, it is just a leap.

After jumping over the city wall and reaching the outside of the city, the carpenter's speed suddenly increased, and he rushed straight to the west.

Li Zhe's expression in the sky was indifferent, floating behind the clouds, silently following the other's footsteps.

On the west side of Quyang City, there is a barren mountain. There are few trees growing on the mountain, and the aura is very thin. Even animals are rare to see.

After running for about a quarter of an hour, the carpenter also carried the child and reached the edge of the barren mountain.

Below this barren mountain, there are a lot of **** piles.

He walked into this pile of rocks, and every few steps he walked, he would slap one of the stones.

In an instant, he struck dozens of stones one after another.

Finally, when he hit the last stone, a big tree not far in front suddenly sank, and then a downward channel was exposed.

The carpenter also walked in with the child on his back.

It's just that he obviously didn't notice that at the moment he entered this passage, a black shadow almost followed his body!

At this moment, with the concealment power of the purple spirit jade clothing fully deployed, coupled with Li Zhe's own concealment technique, even standing in front of the carpenter, the carpenter may not be able to see the existence of Li Zhe!

After all, Li Zhe's divine consciousness is very powerful, and it can completely blind the opponent's divine consciousness and make the other party unable to detect himself.

"Hey, here comes."

"Tsk tusk tusk, take a look, keep saying not to do evil repairs, isn't this still sending the child honestly."

The passage is not long, but after tens of meters down, you can see the exit of the passage.

And just arrived at the exit of the passage, two sounds that seemed to be ridiculing, came from the exit of the passage.

Hearing this voice, the carpenter's complexion was obviously more gloomy.

Li Zhe at the rear looked indifferent.

He had already felt through his divine sense that these two evil cultivators were only cultivation bases of the Golden Core Realm, and could not pose any threat to himself.

Soon, after walking out of this passage, it was a small stone chamber.

The surrounding area is basically piled up with ordinary stones, and it seems that this stone chamber should be like a joint point.

As for the two evil repairs, they were almost all skinny and skinny, and they looked almost like skeletons.

The carpenter frowned, looked at the two of them, then raised his hand, took the child off his shoulder, and supported it with his spiritual power.

One of them gave a weird laugh and stretched out his hand to take the child, while the other took out a **** pill from his storage bag and handed it to him.

"Take it, it can increase your two years of life."

Immediately, Xie Xiu smiled a few times and said to the carpenter.

Hearing that, the carpenter nodded silently, reached out his hand and took the pill, and then swallowed it directly.

As the pill was swallowed into the body, the aura all over his body swelled at this moment, overflowing with a breath of evil cultivation.

That's why Li Zhe felt the evil cultivating aura on his body before.

And that Xie Xiu laughed, and took out a dagger full of runes from his storage bag.

"Hahaha, let's go, let's see that this kid also has a little talent for cultivation, and he did a good job this time, so you won't let you watch me kill him."

Na Xie Xiu looked up at the carpenter and laughed loudly.

Hearing this, the carpenter hesitated for a while, then he nodded and turned around.

That is, the moment he turned around, that Xie Xiu's dagger pierced the child's chest directly!

However, at this moment, the child's whole body was instantly covered with a thin layer of spiritual protection.


Hearing a crisp sound, the capital of the dagger in his hand flew out instantly under that evil repair.

At this moment, two sword qi shot out from the side in an instant.

Along with the splash of blood, the two evil cultivators immediately landed on the ground.

As for the child, he was led by Li Zhe's spiritual power and brought to him.

Feeling the sudden change in the rear, the carpenter's expression was also stagnant, and he turned his head.

This time around, I saw Li Zhe, who had already shown his figure, and the two Xie Xiu who fell to the ground after being wounded by the sword.

"Take good care of this kid."

Li Zhe glanced at him, and with a wave of spiritual power, he sent the child to the carpenter.

"It's you……"

The carpenter looked at Li Zhe blankly. He recognized that the man in front of him was the one who had been to his shop during the day.

At this moment, he also didn't know what to do for a while, so he could only hold the child blankly and stood quietly.

And Li Zhe stepped forward to the two evil cultivators.

"It looks like you should belong to a sect, right?"

Li Zhe narrowed his eyes, walked to the two Xie Xiu's, and said quietly.

The two evil cultivators raised their eyes and glanced at Li Zhe at this moment, but immediately, their eyes were filled with despair.

Obviously, both of them have discovered that Li Zhenai is a monk in the late stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, knowing that they have absolutely no resistance to them!

"Senior and I have no grievances and no grudges, can you let us go?"

At this moment, the two of them had lost the arrogance they had when they faced the carpenter, they just looked at Li Zhe slightly in a daze, and whispered.

Li Zhe looked at the two quietly, with a slight smile on the corners of his mouth, and said softly, "What do you think?"

Hearing Li Zhe's words, both of them looked stagnant. They both knew that it was absolutely impossible for Li Zhe to let go of them like this...

"Answer my question well, maybe I can give you both a good time."

Li Zhe looked at the two of them and said softly.

Hearing this, the two looked at each other, and both saw a touch of determination in each other's eyes.

Li Zhe looked at the two quietly, and was about to ask his first question.

However, at this moment, Li Zhe's pupils suddenly shrank, and he directly raised his hand and pressed his hands on the heads of the two of them.

However, at this moment, the two of them had no breath, and their bodies softened at this moment.

Li Zhe frowned. He never thought that these two evil cultivators were so decisive, and he had no idea of ​​being greedy for life or fear of death.

At that moment, both of them destroyed the sea of ​​consciousness, and they were completely dead at this moment!

And the destruction of the sea of ​​consciousness also shows that Li Zhe can no longer find any information from the sea of ​​consciousness of the two people...The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: I found the fairy bottle, I read it on my mobile phone: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 2133 Guojue), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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