After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2143: Practice success

The actions of Donghuazong are very hidden.

Almost all monks did not choose to fly after leaving the sect, but rushed directly on the ground.

A monk in the Golden Core Realm, even if he doesn't fly, but just runs fast, his speed is not slow.

The reason for choosing this is to prevent others from discovering that Donghuazong suddenly made such a big move.

In the sky, I was discovered but there was nowhere to hide, but on the ground, there were various obstacles to hide his figure.

At the same time, an Hui school.

At this moment, the six elders of the Anhui sect, along with the head of the sect and a real person from the purple mansion, all gathered in the main hall of the sect.

In the entire sect, there is a silence, everyone looks at each other, their faces are very gloomy.

"What Donghuazong came to investigate before, just say so, they shouldn't doubt me waiting?"

At this moment, the great elder also took a deep breath, looked at the Sect Master and the real person, and asked slowly.

Hearing that, the real person shook his head faintly, and said softly: "My sect is weak after all. They should suspect that these evil cultivators made their own hands, and they won't doubt me."

"Then let's next..."

Immediately, the great elder looked at his real person.

After the voice fell, everyone raised their heads and looked at their real people.

If Li Zhe were here, he would definitely be able to find that all the Nascent Souls present had runes exactly the same as his own!

It is this real person from the Anhui school, who has a more complicated rune in his dantian!

The entire upper level of the One Hui School is now under the control of the evil cultivator!

"Since we are on the thief ship, don't think about anything else. This sign is unsolvable... You can only listen to their instructions. Recently, we will observe the actions of Donghuazong and report it if necessary."

The real man was stunned for a long while before he let out a long sigh, and said with a little helplessness.

Hearing this, everyone also looked at each other. Although their eyes were unwilling to look at each other, there was nothing to do with the situation now.

At this moment, it has been three full days since Li Zhe came into this valley.

During these three days, he has been in the jade bottle space.

Even though the rune was above Yuan Ying, it was no longer possible to monitor Li Zhe's actions, but Xie Xiu did not find any abnormality.

After all, this rune sent back a message when Li Zhe started practicing before, saying that Li Zhe was practicing.

For monks in the late stage of the Nascent Infant Realm, it is normal to practice for one and a half years at a time, and the evil cultivator cannot detect any abnormalities.

Finally, after this long period of cultivation, Li Zhe, who had been in a state of cultivation, slowly opened his eyes at this time.

There was a touch of excitement in his eyes.

The first half of this exercise is at best the exercises around the Golden Core Realm.

In the late stage of this dignified Yuan Ying Realm, Li Zhe actually spent a full month cultivating in the jade bottle space, which is enough to prove the complexity of this technique.

When he first watched Cao Guangyi control the wood carving, Li Zhe only thought that the first half of the exercise was completely to transfer the soul and manipulate the puppet.

But after practicing by himself, Li Zhe found out that he was wrong.

The first half of this exercise is to divide one's own spiritual sense into a part of subtle spiritual sense, and use that subtle spiritual sense to control the puppet!

And here, the body still retains most of the divine consciousness.

In addition, the separated spiritual consciousness must be unified with the main body's thinking and be able to carry out some simple thinking.

This is the most difficult point. Li Zhe's cultivation level took a month before he was barely able to release him freely.

At the beginning, Cao Guangyi completely transferred out his spiritual consciousness, it was entirely because that guy had no one to guide his practice, and he had practiced it wrong.

Immediately, Li Zhe slowly closed his eyes again.

In a moment, with the movement of the exercises, Li Zhe slowly floated a faint light around his body.

That light was different from the light of spiritual power, and it seemed a little more ethereal.

That is exactly the breath of consciousness that Li Zhe can barely separate now.

In an instant, the light turned into dots of light, floating out of Li Zhe's body, and gathered on Li Zhe's head.

After a few breaths, after the light spots converged, it turned into a reduced version of Li Zhe's appearance.

Seeing that he had successfully cast the spell, Li Zhe lifted his wrist and released the puppet that had been put in the storage bag again.

In an instant, the reduced version of Li Zhe got directly into the puppet.

At this moment, a particularly strange feeling appeared in Li Zhe's perception.

Before, Li Zhe also had an incarnation outside the Dao, but this is completely different from the incarnation outside the Dao.

The avatar outside the Dao just has his own thoughts, and Li Zhe can communicate with it.

And this puppet is completely different. Li Zhe only felt that at this moment, he actually seemed to have two bodies!

Moreover, Li Zhe can dictate the two bodies like an arm, and he doesn't have to ask questions about what he wants to do.

"It deserves to be a puppet technique, this kind of feeling is really amazing."

Li Zhe murmured and nodded slightly.

The wolf-shaped puppet also nodded slightly at this time, looking very strange.

At this moment, after controlling this wolf-shaped puppet, Li Zhe can be considered to have a thorough understanding.

This wolf puppet is an ordinary spirit weapon, its defense power can resist the attack of the monk in the early stage of the Golden Core Realm, and the speed and biting strength are only the power of the middle stage of the virtual **** realm.

In this regard, the help to Li Zhe was not great.

But this doesn't affect anything, anyway, after Li Zhe has obtained the puppet technique, he must refine the body that suits him best by himself.

Immediately, Li Zhe had a thought, the wolf-shaped puppet leaped forward and reached the edge of the rock wall, then slowly raised a paw and placed it on the rock wall.

At the same time, Li Zhe's spiritual power was also transmitted to the puppet in a special way, and then continuously followed the claws and released into the stone wall.


At this moment, the stone wall, which Li Zhe could not create too much trace with his sword aura, began to tremble slightly.

Immediately afterwards, a long crack slowly appeared where the puppet's claws were placed.

After the crack appeared, along with the continuous tremor of the stone wall, a black gate about four or five meters high appeared in front of Li Zhe.

Li Zhe took a deep breath and nodded. This is to let the puppet lead the way, follow the puppet, and walk into this door.

That is, after Li Zhe walked in, the door trembles again, and then slowly closed.

At the moment when the door was completely closed, the wolf-shaped puppet's eyes instantly released rays of spiritual power, directly illuminating the entire space.

Behind this gate, it was a forward passage, and Li Zhe also walked forward slowly along this passage.

At the same time, in the room full of wolf monsters, the evil cultivation at the peak of the Purple Mansion Realm was also surprisingly no longer lying on the bed of bones, but standing in the center of the room.

The wolf demon that filled the room was dead at this moment, turned into a corpse and placed around the room.

In the center of the room, there is a circular pool.

The water in this pool is dark, and it looks very deep.

"Suck it, it's close to a year's worth, which is a lot..."

Looking at the pool in front of him, the man murmured.

While speaking, he raised his hand and waved, behind the bone bed, all tens of thousands of daggers flew up, hovering densely above the pool.

Immediately afterwards, the red light of the runes on it was released at this moment, continuously injected into the pool.

After about four or five minutes passed, all the power above the dagger had been poured into this pool.

In an instant, the originally pitch-black pool had already become scarlet. Vaguely, countless painful souls were wailing in it!

The man looked indifferent, watching this scene quietly.

With the passage of time, the wailing voice gradually fell silent, and the entire pool seemed to be continuously swallowed by black.

Only after a stick of incense has passed, the already red pool turned into pitch black again.

And immediately afterwards, countless **** auras flew out of them, floated out quickly, and then injected into the corpses of the wolf monsters around!

After all the aura was injected, the wolf spirits who were already dead now opened their eyes one by one and stood up again!

And their auras, from the middle of the average Golden Core Realm at the beginning, all reached the latter stage of the Golden Core Realm!

There are even a few sturdy wolf demons who have reached the initial cultivation base of the Nascent Infant Realm!

"Too slow, or too slow..."

The man glanced around and murmured.

While speaking, he also clapped his hands suddenly.

In an instant, the sound of howling wolves stopped instantly, and the pool in front of him slowly turned into a black shadow, dissipating in front of him.

The man turned around and walked back to his bone bed.

"Never mind, just let the Donghuazong kid do something..."

After sitting on the bone bed and thinking for a while, the man also took a deep breath and murmured.

At the same time, Li Zhe had reached the end of this passage, and a very bright circular hall was faintly visible in front of him.

At this moment, Li Zhe's eyebrows suddenly condensed, he only felt that there was a slight fluctuation of spatial aura in his dantian.

Immediately afterwards, a piece of spiritual power directly overflowed from the rune, and then quickly poured into the sea of ​​consciousness.

He clearly knew that it was the evil cultivator of the Purple Mansion Realm who was sending a message to himself! The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: I read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: read it on my mobile phone after I found the fairy bottle: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 2143 Success in practice) reading record , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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