After several days of rushing, Li Zhe finally returned to the boundary of Donghuazong.

Today's Dongzhou, on the surface, still looks calm, and it can't be seen that it is in a state of surging undercurrents.

In Donghua sect, now it is much calmer than before.

Although ordinary disciples don't know exactly what happened, they all know from the bottom of their hearts that if so many disciples from the Jindan realm come out, something big must happen.

Therefore, in today's sect, it is exceptionally quiet.

After returning this time, Li Zhe didn't return to his cave house, anyway, even if he went back now, there was nothing to do.

So as soon as Li Zhe came back, he went straight to the location of Xuanhua Temple.

Soon, Li Zhe came to the square outside the Xuanhua Temple again.

As soon as Fang arrived here, a Taoist boy walked towards Li Zhe.

"The master is looking for you, please go to the main hall, elders."

When this boy came, he said softly to Li Zhe.

With Qin Yangzhuo's cultivation base, I am afraid that as soon as Li Zhe entered the clan, he had already discovered that Li Zhe had returned. This would call him directly, which is not surprising.

Li Zhe nodded slightly, and immediately walked towards the direction of the main hall.

Soon, Li Zhe entered the main hall.

Now there are no real people in this hall, and only Qin Yangzhuo sits quietly on the main seat.

"I came back so soon, I thought it would be a new year for you to leave."

Seeing Li Zhe walking into the hall, Qin Yangzhuo smiled slightly and said softly.

Hearing that, Li Zhe also bowed his fist to Qin Yangzhuo and called for an applause. Then he said respectfully: "The disciple's affairs are going well, and they are now completely settled."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Qin Yangzhuo also nodded, and replied: "It's fine if things go well, but now, once you return to the Sect, you are going straight to the Xuanhua Hall, but there is something to talk about. "

"There is indeed something to be reported."

Li Zhe took a breath, nodded, and said slowly to Qin Yangzhuo.

Immediately, Li Zhe ordered the evil cultivator to bring ten monks above the Golden Core Realm to Naquyang City within one month.

"How long has it been since the evil cultivator gave you information."

After listening to Li Zhe's narration, Qin Yangzhuo also squinted slightly and said slowly.

"Ten days have passed, and there is still about half a month left."

Li Zhe looked at Qin Yangzhuo and whispered: "Let's see if the master should use this to do something. If it doesn't work, I can only remove the imprints on the Yuan Ying directly."

The other party asked him to take it, not a mortal without resistance, but a full ten Golden Core Realm cultivators.

If this matter is dealt with carefully, it may be possible to dig out the headquarters of the other party based on this matter alone!

Qin Yangzhuo squinted his eyes slightly. After thinking about it carefully, he said to Li Zhe in a deep voice, "Wait a while for this matter."

"How long will it take to wait?"

Immediately, Li Zhe also asked softly.

In this matter, Li Zhe was sloppy, after all, it was a matter of his own life and death, if he couldn't handle it perfectly.

If before the January period, the opponent noticed that he had suppressed the rune, I am afraid that the other party would directly detonate the rune in his body!

Therefore, Li Zhe must be extremely careful about this matter.

Qin Yangzhuo also understood Li Zhe's mentality at the moment. He looked at Li Zhe and said in a slow voice, "Don't worry about this. I will arrange things within ten days at most."

Li Zhe nodded slightly. After all, Qin Yangzhuo was also the head of Donghua Sect, and Li Zhe believed in the ability of the other party.

Immediately, when the main things were finished, Qin Yangzhuo hesitated before saying to Li Zhe: "You don't want to go back to the cave mansion for the time being, so let's rest in the side hall of the Xuanhua Hall."

Hearing this, Li Zhe respectfully responded, but he didn't have any opinion on it.

Obviously this is Qin Yangzhuo worrying about his own safety, anyway, the aura in the Xuanhua Temple and the Zifu Pavilion are similar in intensity, and there is not much difference in where he practices.

At this moment, when the words were finished, Qin Yangzhuo waved slightly, called the Dao Tong, took Li Zhe, and went to a small room next to the main hall.

Li Zhe remembers this room, he had practiced here when he was rewarded by the sect.

It seemed that it was just a blink of an eye now, and I no longer needed the rich spiritual energy here to practice. Thinking about it, Li Zhe was a little bit emotional.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, it was another seven days before Li Zhe returned to Donghua Sect.

Although Donghuazong has issued invitations to the big competitions for all the Dongzhou sects, and it is held in the Donghuazong, it is impossible for the sects to refuse to participate in these kinds of big competitions.

However, this message was sent too hastily, and almost all the sects were unprepared.

Therefore, after these seven days have passed, only four or five sects have arrived here.

The boundary of the Donghua sect is wide enough, but there are places to house these sects.

At the same time, several real people in the sect also discussed the matter of Li Zhe several times.

Finally, in the last seven days of that one-month period, Qin Yangzhuo and others also called Li Zhe to the main hall again.

"Are you sure that the seal is not a threat to you?"

Li Zhe had just walked into the hall, and the real Lingming on one side spoke directly to Li Zhe in a slow voice.

Hearing that, Li Zhe nodded respectfully, and said, "Well, sure, that talisman poses no threat to me."

Seeing that after Li Zhe confirmed the matter, Qin Yangzhuo at the top nodded slightly and said to Li Zhe: "I have already discussed a countermeasure for this matter. Let's listen to what happens."

When the words fell, Qin Yangzhuo began to face Li Zhe, slowly speaking out the plans they had prepared.

This plan is simple to say.

Qin Yangzhuo and others were already disciples to be sent out for the time being, and ten people were recalled.

Then, let Li Zhe take these ten disciples to Nagquyang City.

At the same time, they would also give Li Zhe a token. Once the evil cultivation appeared, Li Zhe could activate the token.

At that time, Qin Yangzhuo and others will appear.

Through Li Zhe's description before, they also roughly knew the viciousness of those evil cultivators.

But Qin Yangzhuo and others are real people in the Purple Mansion Realm after all, and they can instantly lose resistance to those evil cultivators, and by then, they will be able to roughly know something about those evil cultivators!

"What do you think of this plan."

After talking about the plan, the spiritual real person on one side also asked Li Zhe slowly.

Hearing this, Li Zhe nodded slightly and said: "If this is the case, there is nothing wrong with this plan. There are so many Golden Core Realm cultivators, and those who come from the other side will at least be Yuan Ying Realm cultivators. "

Seeing that Li Zhe agreed with the plan, everyone nodded slightly.

"Be prepared, you will leave tomorrow. It will take a while to get to Quyang City from here."

At this time, the real person Lingyue also slowly said to Li Zhe.

Hearing this, Li Zhe also respectfully responded, and then he returned to the small room next to the main hall again, entered the cultivation, and maintained his best condition.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for the next day.

It was early morning, and the disciples of the Golden Core Realm who had been called back were already waiting outside the Xuanhua Temple.

When Li Zhe walked out to see everyone, he frowned slightly.

Although my time in this Donghua Sect is not too much, Li Zhe still knows a little about the disciples of Donghua Sect.

Not to mention ordinary disciples, all the disciples in the Golden Core Realm in front of me are all inner disciples, and they are still deacons if they are a little bit related!

This kind of identity, on weekdays, is not the appearance of the eye above the top.

What's more, this time is to perform the sect mission to fight against evil cultivators. Logically speaking, they should all be very excited.

However, all Li Zhe saw in front of him were all apathetic. After seeing Li Zhe came out, all of them reluctantly put on a smile and said hello to Li Zhe.

"What's wrong with you?"

Li Zhe frowned, looked at everyone in front of him, and asked suspiciously.

Hearing that, the leader said with a dry smile: "It's nothing, it's just that when I was out recently, I felt quite uncomfortable when I saw the actions of those evil cultivators..."

Hearing these words, Li Zhe squinted slightly. He knew in his heart that one or two people would understand it well, and it would be hard to say if everyone was like this.

At this moment, Qin Yangzhuo's figure also appeared on this square quietly.

Immediately, Qin Yangzhuo raised his hand and handed a token to Li Zhe.

"As long as I see the evil repair, I will activate this token immediately, and I will appear in an instant, and protect you."

After Qin Yangzhuo handed the token to Li Zhe's hand, he said slowly to Li Zhe.

"The disciple knows."

Li Zhe also took a breath and put the token into his storage bag.

Upon seeing this, Qin Yangzhuo glanced at the others.

At this moment, everyone pretended to look radiant, but it didn't make it obvious that there was any problem.

"Okay, wait for you to leave, pay attention to safety, and prevent those evil cultivators from making small moves."

Immediately, Qin Yangzhuo also exhorted again.

Hearing this, Li Zhe nodded respectfully.

Then, he was a flashback, arrived in front of everyone, waved to everyone, and said loudly: "Okay, go with me, I will lead the way in front."

While talking, Li Zhe directly drove the escape light towards the outside of the sect.

When everyone saw this, they all expanded their bodies and followed. The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: I read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: read it on my mobile phone after I found the fairy bottle: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"favorite\" below to record this reading (which will be counted in Chapter 2146). You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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