The real person from the Anhui school still stood quietly behind this array of rays of light, quietly looking forward.

He almost accepted his fate.

No way, he spent a full thousand years of time and experienced countless risk opportunities before he arrived at the initial cultivation base of the Purple Mansion Realm.

Now, let him give up his life and resist that evil cultivation, he can't do it.

If he could say that his resistance could have a certain meaning, perhaps he could really do it.

But the current situation is that as long as you do anything that doesn't conform to the evil cultivation's will, you may die.

In other words, one's own resistance can have no effect at all!

Under these circumstances, it is naturally impossible for him to resist.

Therefore, Rao is the current situation, which violates his all-time code of conduct, but it can only be accepted.

At this moment, the barrier in front of him suddenly flickered!

At this moment, his eyes suddenly widened, and the technique was in motion instantly, and the coercion that belonged to the Purple Mansion realm suddenly spread from his body at this moment!

At the same time, Qin Yangzhuo and others all entered a state of alert at this moment.

Except for Qin Yangzhuo, everyone else also locked their Qi on Qin Yangzhuo's body at this moment!

And this time, above the high mountains in the eastern part of Dongzhou.

Li Zhe had already squeezed his magic-devouring spirit sword in his hands, but Li Zhe was not in a hurry to make a move.

He was focusing on observing the evil cultivation below. He knew that if the formation was broken, this evil cultivation would definitely respond.

Regardless of any reaction from this evil cultivator, it means that he is distracted!

Once the evil cultivation is distracted, it is the best time to take action by yourself!

At this moment, about a minute or so after Li Zhe broke the formation, Xie Xiu, who was waiting for the flowers to bloom, suddenly widened his eyes, with a look of surprise on his face.

It's now!

Li Zhe's figure turned into an afterimage at this moment, but in an instant, it appeared in the center of the evil repair and the soul-evoking flower.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhe raised his sword without hesitation and swiped it directly at the root of the Soul Evoking Flower!

"It's you?!"

This Xie Xiu's heart was suddenly startled, and he let out an almost hysterical anger.

As he spoke, a black light rushed out of his body instantly, eroding towards Li Zhe.

However, after all, his attack was distracted because the formation was broken, slowing down a bit.

That is to say, at the moment he shot, Li Zhe had already cut off the roots of the Evocation Flower with a single sword!

However, at the moment when Li Zhe thought the Soul Evoking Flower would break.

The pool of metamorphic water under his feet suddenly surged, directly enclosing the entire soul-evoking flower in it.


Li Zhe gritted his teeth abruptly, and a light flashed in his hands. The magic ball that Qin Yangzhuo had given him before had already fallen into his hands.

Immediately afterwards, on the magic orb, the spiritual power flashed in an instant, and the entire magic orb emitted a dazzling light at this moment, directly wrapping the entire peak of the mountain in this dazzling spiritual light. in!

Outside the east, Qin Yangzhuo's eyebrows suddenly condensed, and he said loudly, "Everyone, the time has come!"

The moment the voice fell, Qin Yangzhuo's figure instantly disappeared in place.

At the same time, the other six people also followed at this moment, following the space imprint Qin Yangzhuo deliberately left.


An angry shout suddenly sounded above the mountain.

The magic circle Qin Yangzhuo gave Li Zhe cracked almost instantly.

The dazzling light suddenly extinguished, and this Xie Xiu's palm was already pinched on Li Zhe's neck.

His eyes were red with a hint of murderous intent.


He gave a cold cry, and the spiritual power in his body instantly rolled countless black lights, and he was about to wrap Li Zhe in it.

However, at this moment, in the void behind Li Zhe, he suddenly stretched out a hand, patted it lightly, and directly patted the hand holding Li Zhe's neck.

At this moment, Li Zhe knew that the next battlefield was no longer at a level where he could participate.

His figure suddenly stretched out, directly into the clouds above the high mountain.

Click! Click!

In an instant, several chains also rolled out of the void, and instantly bound the hands and feet of this evil cultivator.

At the same time, a snow-white finger stretched out from the void, and one pointed at the evil repair Yongquan acupoint.

At the moment when the finger was tapped, the evil cultivator's spiritual power that had just started to work was suddenly interrupted.

At the next moment, the master of this finger flashed and let go.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Yangzhuo's figure suddenly appeared, a dazzling aura flashed all over his body, and his entire palm instantly patted the Xie Xiu's arm.


A muffled sound came out, and this evil cultivator only felt a surge of spiritual power following this palm, and it was transmitted into this evil cultivator's body in an instant.

Under this tremendous force, this Xie Xiu's body also flew to the rear in an instant.

However, at this moment, the chains that locked his hands and feet suddenly gave out a burst of aura, which directly locked his body firmly, allowing him to abruptly eat this full palm!

The infinite spiritual power that poured into his body had a precise purpose, but in an instant, it was to envelop all the runic evil beads in his dantian.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, all the Rune Evil Orbs turned into ashes at this moment, and countless blood mists suddenly filled the body of this evil cultivator.

All of this is slow to say, but in fact it happened immediately after Li Zhe's figure left!

Feeling the surging blood mist, this Xie Xiu suddenly let out a cold anger, and countless bloodshots spread all over this Xie Xiu's body from the inside out.


Immediately afterwards, a burst of spiritual power that was so powerful that it could not be added instantly burst out centered on this evil cultivation.

The pupils of Li Zhe who were preparing to watch the battle suddenly shrank in the sky, and a spatial fluctuation instantly wrapped his body, and in an instant, he was directly teleported hundreds of miles away.

That is the moment when Li Zhe's figure appeared, a wave of spiritual power was transmitted here in the direction of the mountain peak.

The powerful fluctuations almost made Li Zhe, who had just completed the space walk, unable to stand firm in the void!

"Blode? This power..."

Li Zhe swallowed his saliva, looked over there, and muttered.

This self-destructive power is really embarrassing. Within a hundred miles, just between these few breaths, it has turned into a piece of loess!

However, Li Zhe was not too worried about the real people, after all, even he could react and escape.

Although those real people are closer to that evil cultivation, it must be no big problem to escape.

It was at this moment that Li Zhe felt that this wave of sub-spiritual power suddenly recovered, as if he was forcibly smoothed out by someone.

Upon seeing this, Li Zhe's figure flashed again and moved towards the central part.

He had to go and find out to see if the evil cultivator blew himself up.

At this moment, in the center of the explosion, Qin Yangzhuo was holding a golden jade gourd. The mouth of the gourd was completely opened, and all the frantic fluctuations caused by the self-detonation had been included in the gourd.

And in this mid-air, there is no longer the Xie Xiu's figure, only the pool of metamorphic water is still rolling in the mid-air.

If you look closely, you can see that Xie Xiu's figure has also fallen into the metamorphic water, and is constantly absorbing the power in the metamorphic water!

At the same time, the metamorphic water in the three slaughtered cities disappeared in place at this moment.

Then, all the metamorphic water appeared here instantly!

"What's the situation with this thing? The true magic can't get rid of it!"

Not far away, the ancestor of the Chi Lian School frowned and said in a deep voice.

"This is the use of transforming water to resurrect others. Apart from this, I don't know much about it."

Li Zhe, who had just rushed back, frowned at this time and murmured in a low voice.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, all the real people frowned slightly, looked at each other, and intuitively told them that they would definitely not be able to watch each other complete the spell at this time.

However, they had no way to break the metamorphic water.

Not to mention the vitality, even the spiritual power that they attacked was actually absorbed by the metamorphic water!

Under these circumstances, attacking that metamorphic water is completely equivalent to sending energy to the opponent.

"I'll come, I'll try."

Immediately, Li Zhe also took a deep breath and said slowly.

All the real people turned their heads at this moment and glanced at Li Zhe.

Except for Qin Yangzhuo and the real person of Linghuan, the others are not clear about Li Zhe's details.

But all of this was done by Li Zhe, and they could only choose to believe Li Zhe once at this time.

"Be careful, go."

Immediately, Qin Yangzhuo took a deep breath and said to Li Zhe.

Li Zhe nodded slightly, a flash of light in his hand, he had already taken out the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword.

The magic-devouring spirit sword has the effect of breaking the law, plus it can swallow the spiritual power. With the combination of the two powers, Li Zhe felt that he might have the opportunity to break the metamorphic water!

At this moment, Li Zhe's figure flashed and reached the front of the group of metamorphic water.

However, at this moment, the metamorphic water suddenly condensed, and the entire mass of metamorphic water began to surge rapidly!

Seeing this, Li Zhe's eyebrows suddenly condensed, and the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword in his hand pierced forward with a sword!


With a crisp sound, an arm suddenly condensed on the surface of the metamorphic water, pinching Li Zhe's sword!

Immediately after that, the arm flicked gently, and in an instant, a huge force came, and Li Zhe's entire figure flew out directly at this moment.


At the same time, the metamorphic water also condensed suddenly, and the entire mass of metaplastic water was reduced by a full half at this moment! The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: I read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: read it on my mobile phone after I found the fairy bottle: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"favorite\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 2158 Joint Shot) , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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