After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2166: Saving a windfall

Hearing the boy's words, Li Zhe was stunned, and then nodded with a faint smile: "Forget it."

For this young man who hadn't cultivated at all, Li Zhe in the late Nascent Infant Realm, it was not an exaggeration to say that he was a god.

After seeing Li Zhe's confirmation, the boy was obviously more cautious, and he carefully held the scimitar that Li Zhe had handed over with both hands.

Then, he stood there, with a hesitation on his face.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Seeing the appearance of this young man, Li Zhe also asked softly.

Hearing this, the young man gave a dry laugh, then gritted his teeth, turned his head, looked at the black bear corpse not far away, and whispered: "I... can I get some meat? Just a little bit..."

Seeing the boy's appearance so restrained and cautious, Li Zhe couldn't help but chuckle.

Because of Guan Hunyu, Li Zhe was very upset.

The performance of this boy now makes Li Zhe a little bit happy.

"Go, it's okay to give you the whole bear, it's useless if I want this thing."

Li Zhe smiled and said to the boy.

Hearing that Li Zhe was willing to give himself a whole bear, the boy also thanked him with excitement.

Immediately, he ran directly to the black bear's corpse, and then took out the rope around his waist, hooked it directly on the black bear's corpse, and then dragged it back.

"Thank you god!"

Immediately, the boy said to Li Zhelang.

However, it can be seen that although he was excited, the young man did not have much energy. He just dragged the bear for a few meters, and after reaching Li Zhe's side, he directly sat on the ground.

Upon seeing this, Li Zhe also sighed softly.

He had just come all the way, all at high altitude, and naturally he could see that the surrounding area was basically a wilderness, and there were no cities.

And this boy was about to go out hunting at his age, obviously because of poor family background.

The so-called helping others to the end, Li Zhe also whispered to him: "Where is your home? I'll take you back."

" house is over there, probably...about an hour away!"

The boy pointed in a direction, hesitated for a while, but did not say how far it was.

Li Zhe smiled and shook his head. With a wave of his wrist, the spiritual power in his body instantly surged, directly enclosing the bodies of the boy and the black bear.

Then, he took the young man to fly in an instant, and flew in the direction he pointed.

"At the place, remember to tell me."

Li Zhe immediately said softly to the boy.

At this moment, seeing that he was actually flying under the leadership of Li Zhe, the boy's eyes widened, he could no longer speak, he just nodded blankly.

After flying for a few minutes, the boy pointed to a ravine below and said, "My house is right below!"

Immediately, Li Zhe nodded lightly and led him down.

After falling, Li Zhe saw that there was a small courtyard under the big trees in this ravine.

The face of this young man was full of lingering joy. After all, he was in a dangerous situation and almost died, and in the end, there was a **** to help him. How could this make him not excited.

"My house is right in front, you... Would you like to go in for a drink?"

The young man asked Li Zhe with a smile on his face.

Li Zhe smiled and nodded, but he didn't refuse.

He didn't really matter at the moment, which was considered a good deed, and it also made Li Zhe's heart much more comfortable.

After resting for a while, the young man also had a little strength, and immediately dragged the black bear's corpse and ran into the small courtyard quickly.

As soon as he entered, he threw the corpse of the black bear in the courtyard and ran into the house excitedly.

"Father! I brought a black bear back. It is so big that we can eat for a while!"

As soon as he entered the room, the boy let out a cry of joy.

" brag again, your body, the black bear won't eat you? You still bring it back."

Immediately afterwards, a weak voice sounded.

Li Zhe also stepped into the room at this time.

This room is not big. When you enter the door is a simple stove, and there is a small room on the left, which should be used for rest.

After Li Zhe walked in, he saw a middle-aged man lying on the bed with a bloodless face lying in his early forties.

And the boy stood aside with a look of excitement.

After seeing Li Zhe come in, he pointed to Li Zhe and said, "It's him! He is a god! He killed me!"

Suddenly, the young man pointed at Li Zhe, a little excited to the point of incoherent speech.

And listening to the immortal son, the man's complexion was shocked, and he quickly sat up.

But it seemed that he had touched the wound, and he couldn't help but screamed a few times in pain, and lay down again.

Li Zhe narrowed his eyes and stepped forward.

Sweeping according to the divine consciousness, he already felt that the man had dozens of wounds on his body, all of which seemed to have been injured by wild animals.

At this level, it was good luck to be able to run back from the beast.

A little herbal medicine was applied to his wound, but it seemed that the effect should not be great.

"You...thank you for saving my child, we have nothing to repay you..."

After the man lay on the bed and gasped for a few times, he said to Li Zhe repeatedly.

Li Zhe smiled and shook his head, and said indifferently: "I just happened to meet him. It's your chance."

While speaking, Li Zhe directly raised his hand and pointed at the man in the void.

The man was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes widened in surprise.

At this moment, he only felt that his painful wound just now didn't hurt anymore.

Instead, there is an unprecedented warm feeling!

About a quarter of an hour later, Li Zhe slowly withdrew his hand.

This man's injury basically has no internal injuries, but he can easily heal it with spiritual power.

When Li Zhe withdrew his hand, the man's hand under the quilt tentatively touched his wound.

Immediately he discovered that besides the herbs he applied, there were no wounds!

This person in front of me is really a god!

Immediately, the man turned over and got up from the bed, and then knelt down directly in front of Li Zhe. He immediately kowtowed on the bed and said loudly, "Thank you **** for saving my life!"

Seeing that his father had also been rescued, the boy's eyes widened in surprise, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

At this moment, the man directly stretched out his hand, pressed it on the young man's head, and cursed, "I don't want to kowtow to thank you!"

Hearing these words, the young man reacted, and he slapped his head quickly at Li Zhe.

Li Zhe did not refuse throughout the whole process. He knew very well that although these people were poor, they were very self-respecting.

I can say that they saved the lives of their father and son. They want to thank themselves. If they stopped, they would make the other person feel a little uncomfortable, so Li Zhe also suffered.

In fact, he helped this young man in such a way, mainly in this young man, and he saw his own shadow at the beginning.

At the beginning, I had nothing. I tried to survive. If I hadn't picked up the jade bottle, I'm afraid my life would not be any better now.

"Okay, take this cheat book, and follow the practice on the cheat book. After you practice it, ordinary beasts will no longer be your opponent."

At this moment, Li Zhe slammed a cheat book in the past.

This cheat was originally a mortal sword secret book exchanged by Li Zhe under the suggestion of Zhang Mingzhi after he obtained the breaking sword in the Tianxin faction in the southern realm of Tianxin.

This cheat book was practiced to the top, it was almost equal to the monks in the late stage of the virtual **** realm, and it was also the pinnacle among the mortal cheats.

If it were not for the fact that both father and son had no spiritual roots, Li Zhe might be in a good mood while still giving them practice secrets.

Immediately, after seeing that Li Zhe had actually given his father and son a secret book, both of them thanked him again and again.

You don't need to think about it. This cheat book given by the gods must be a good thing!

But this time, Li Zhe prevented the two from wanting to kowtow again.

"Okay, I'm in a good mood, just help you a little bit, don't be so polite."

Li Zhe also chuckled lightly at this time and said slowly.

Hearing this, both father and son nodded, and their eyes on Li Zhe were full of respect.

Seeing that everything was set, Li Zhe turned around and was about to leave.

"God, wait a minute!"

However, at this moment, the man suddenly stopped Li Zhe.

Li Zhe blinked slightly, turned his head, and asked, "What's the matter?"

The man slowly walked off the bed. After putting on his straw sandals, he asked Li Zhegong, "Are you passing here for the jade?"

"You mean...Guanhunyu?!"

Li Zhe suddenly felt tight and looked at the man.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, the man was taken aback, touched his head, thought for a while, and then murmured: "It seems that it's the name..."

Li Zhe took a deep breath, and immediately left in no hurry.

Good guys, I'm just a bunch of them. Could it be any clues? !

Immediately, the man said to Li Zhe: "It is written in the genealogy of my family. It seems that my ancestors also had immortals. They are here nearby. In their sect, it was the jade that made their fortune."

"Liyun faction."

The corner of Li Zhe's mouth tilted slightly, and he said softly.

"Yes, it seems to be the name, wait a minute, I'll go through it."

The man nodded, and then hurriedly got down, rummaging under the bed.

After all, this house is not big, and many things are piled up under this bed. The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: I read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: read it on my mobile phone after I found the fairy bottle: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorite\" below to record this time (Chapter 2166 Saving People Unexpected Gains) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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