After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2175: Hai pilgrimage

The body of entering Tao is actually a kind of power similar to blood, which has always been in Li Zhe's body.

But this power has always been a kind of existence similar to passive skills.

Even if Li Zhe activates this power, there will be no other reaction.

However, now, with the activation of the body that enters the Tao, suddenly, the power of the law around it is instantly dissipated!

Not only that, but the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword, which had been stuck on the spiritual wall, suddenly loosened at this moment!

Li Zhe was overjoyed. Although he didn't know what the principle was, since he could break the formation right now, he would naturally not let go of this opportunity.

Immediately, Li Zhe used force suddenly, and his hand swiped the magic-devouring spirit sword in an instant, leaving a crack directly on the spiritual wall.

The rift was not big or small, but it was just enough for one person to pass through.

Li Zhe immediately took a deep breath, his face slightly hesitated.

This holy altar, he has encountered this kind of danger before he has entered it. If he enters it, it may be even more dangerous!

But right now, he couldn't take care of a lot. Seeing that the crack began to heal, Li Zhe's figure suddenly flashed, and he stepped into the holy altar!

After Li Zhe entered it, the light of the formation slowly closed again, returning to the appearance when it was just normal.

The power of the law that was repatriated because of the body of the Tao is also at this time, once again permeating.

In the distance, Ao Yu had arranged everything Li Zhe had explained.

Seeing Li Zhe successfully entered the altar, Ao Yu couldn't help but cross her hands, praying silently for Li Zhe in her heart.

"Husband, here, I hope you can be safe."

Ao Yu looked at the closed barrier in the distance and murmured.

If his strength permits, Ao Yu also wants to accompany Li Zhe into it.

It's just that now in this situation, Ao Yu knows that if she really follows, it will only be a burden to Li Zhe, and it will not help Li Zhe.

Therefore, the only thing she can do now is to help Li Zhe silently pray outside here.


This was Li Zhe's first reaction when he entered the altar.

The moment he entered this altar, Li Zhe felt the dazzling light before his eyes.

Spiritual power is running, and it flows into his eyes. Even with the help of spiritual power, Li Zhe is still very difficult to see everything in front of him.

After a long while, Li Zhe finally reluctantly got used to the dazzling aura, and it was at this time that Li Zhe slowly saw everything around him.

What catches the eye is countless sculptures of the Hai nationality, each sculpture is lifelike.

Each sculpture is also a different sea clan, and there is no duplication.

Although these sculptures are still, it can be seen from the postures that they all seem to be walking towards the center of the altar.

Li Zhe took a deep breath and looked up at the sky.

Inside this altar, it was completely wrapped in the colorful light, and it was impossible to see the outside scene at all. Similarly, when I was outside before, I couldn't see it clearly.

"Is this the altar?"

Li Zhe squinted slightly, just like these sculptures, and began to walk slowly towards the center of the altar in front.

Time slowly passed, and it was about a quarter of an hour before Li Zhe stopped and his brows slowly frowned.

From the outside, this altar is just the size of a few football fields.

Don't say it is this size, at Li Zhe's speed, even if it walks normally, it is ten times the size, and Li Zhe should have come to an end.

However, at this moment, he felt that he was still far away from the altar in front of him!

Li Zhe looked back and saw that the countless sculptures around this area are also extremely easy to identify because they are not repeated.

These sculptures are indeed constantly changing along with the advancement. In other words, I should not have encountered such things as illusions.

"what happened……"

Li Zhe took a deep breath and murmured in a low voice.

Immediately, Li Zhe also slowly raised a hand and waved it slightly in the air.

In an instant, a spatial fluctuation surged out in Li Zhe's hands, but then slowly dissipated.

"That's it."

Li Zhe nodded slightly as he felt the spatial fluctuations dissipate.

Just now, he has passed his own space technique and is roughly certain.

In this altar, it is a small world, not a place like the outside world.

Therefore, the space inside is naturally not the size it looks outside.

Immediately, after confirming that there was no problem, Li Zhe began to walk slowly forward.

With his worries just now, Li Zhe subconsciously used the sculptures around him as a reference and moved slowly along the way.

I have to say that every sculpture here is so lifelike.

Even if these sculptures are said to be living things, Li Zhe may be able to believe them. They are too real!

And walking in the middle of these countless sea clan, walking forward, faintly, Li Zhe also felt a little inexplicable pilgrimage.

After entering this holy altar for so long, Li Zhe finally figured out that the dazzling light came from the front.

After passing through countless sculptures and arriving here, the light is still so dazzling. It is conceivable that if you look directly at it, how dazzling the light will be!

With the observation, Li Zhe finally discovered the laws of these sculptures.

The outermost ones are some very low-level marine clan sculptures, and the farther forward, the more advanced marine clan sculptures.

For example, at this moment, Li Zhe is no longer surrounded by the strange appearance of the sea race, but different dragons!

These are not real dragons, but like the dragon family, they are all sea races that are very close to the dragon family.

"It's finally here..."

Li Zhe thought silently, the pace under his feet also began to speed up at this moment.

Finally, around him, several real dragons of different shapes and colors appeared!

And about a hundred meters ahead, a tall altar also appeared in front of Li Zhe.

On the altar, there is a huge humanoid sculpture.

The sculpture looked like a man dressed in a completely different attire from the monks today.

But despite this, there is no slightest feeling of weirdness. The moment he saw this man, Li Zhe only felt that this man seemed to be some supreme being.

Just looking at it, Li Zhe was startled, almost subconsciously avoiding his gaze!

It was a feeling that came from the depths of the blood, as if one didn't deserve to look at each other!

And this man raised one hand on his lower abdomen, his palm spread out, and in his palm was a ball of light about the size of a fist.

Above the ball of light, there was a colorful light.

The dazzling light comes from the light ball!

I don't know if Li Zhe entered this altar for about an hour, is he used to the light, or other reasons.

At this moment, the light emitted by this colorful ball of light didn't seem so dazzling in Li Zhe's eyes.

"Is this... the altar?"

Li Zhe stood below and murmured in a low voice.

Around this altar, all real dragon sculptures of various races are suspended in the air, as if they are all in a pilgrimage posture!

At this moment, Li Zhe was full of doubts.

Without him, just because Rao himself stood in front of the altar, stood in front of this weird sculpture, stood in front of the colorful ball of light, and didn't feel any feeling!

It's as if everything in front of me is just ordinary sculptures.

This made Li Zhe feel very strange. Since this altar is so powerful, it should have a sense of coercion.

Li Zhe stood there for a while, hesitating, he slowly raised a hand and pointed at the huge real dragon sculpture that was staying in the sky not far away.

In an instant, a sword gas flew out with Li Zhe's fingers, and went straight to the real dragon sculpture!


There is no voice that Li Zhe could imagine.

His sword aura fell on the real dragon sculpture like a stone sinking into the sea.

There was no sound of blows, and the real dragon sculpture was not harmed at all.

That sword aura fell on the sculpture, as if it had disappeared naturally.

"What exactly is going on?"

Li Zhe murmured in a low voice, and his divine consciousness spread out instantly.

In the perception of his divine consciousness, there was nothing other than the innumerable sculptures that he could feel.

Li Zhe frowned, hesitated, he also took a sigh of relief, holding the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword with one hand, silently walked towards the holy altar.

With each step, Li Zhe's caution is one more point.

However, when Li Zhe reached the top of the altar and reached the front of the weird sculpture, nothing happened.

It seems that all the mystery lies in the hands of this sculpture, the ball of light that is constantly emitting colorful light...

Li Zhe thought about this silently.

Although the sculpture in front of me is a humanoid sculpture, it is extremely huge, about 100 meters high.

The arm placed on the chest is also fifty or sixty meters in height.

But for Li Zhe, there is no difficulty.

At this moment, Li Zhe was calm and quiet, his toes were a little bit, and his whole figure jumped up in an instant. In an instant, he reached the sculpture arm!

And that colorful ball of light is right in front of you!

At this moment, Li Zhe suddenly raised his hand, and directly grabbed the colorful ball of light!


At this moment, the sculptures around the altar shuddered suddenly, as if they had come to life! The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: I read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: read it on my mobile phone after I found the fairy bottle: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 2175 Haizu Pilgrimage) Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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