Although this puppet is an inner pill that incorporates that sea whale beast and has various formations blessings, the ultimate strength it shows is only about the late stage of the Golden Core Realm.

In this way, the limit of the puppet is probably the beginning of the Nascent Infant Realm.

From the current point of view, such a puppet naturally does not have much effect.

But if Li Zhe cultivated this puppet technique to the top and waved his hand, nearly a hundred puppets of this level of cultivation appeared, it would be equivalent to the power of a sect!

Moreover, Li Zhe was only controlling this puppet, and all the swordsmanship he displayed was what Li Zhe himself knew.

Controlling the puppet's body with God's consciousness to perform, this swordsmanship is also without any sense of procrastination!

It can be said that this puppet can easily kill a monk of the same level.

After all, today's Li Zhe, in one of the swords, can already be said to be at the master level!

After confirming that the puppet could perfectly reproduce his skills, Li Zhe was in a very good mood.

At least this skill, in addition to helping oneself return to the old world, now seems to be a big help for oneself in the future.

Immediately, Li Zhe also slowly raised his hand, put the puppet away, and then got up and walked in the direction of the main hall of the sovereign.

Now, more than a month has passed since Li Zhe asked the Guying Group to investigate the Guanhunyu, and Li Zhe was going to inquire about the progress of the investigation.

Soon after Li Zhe arrived at the main hall of the lord, an elder of the lone shadow group sensed Li Zhe's call and came to this hall.

"The leader called me, but because of the soul jade matter?"

As soon as he came in, the elder of the lonely shadow group whispered to Li Zhe.

For this leader of his own family, the elder still knows that it is impossible to summon himself under normal circumstances.

Li Zhe smiled slightly and replied: "That's true, how is the progress now?"

Hearing Li Zhe's question, the elder responded and began to talk to Li Zhe about the current progress of the Guying Group's investigation.

The entire Guying Group has now sent all the elites there.

Because it is too long ago, the current Guying Group can only slowly investigate the people related to that sect, and then gradually dig deeper.

Naturally, this process is not fast. After all, this investigation cannot make people suspicious. After all, Li Zhe definitely doesn't want anyone to know that they are investigating this matter.

"Judging from the current progress, I am afraid it will take several years before we can begin to produce results."

After reporting on the current situation, the elder whispered to Li Zhe: "I hope the leader will wait patiently for this matter. After all, we are far away and can only take it slowly."

Hearing what the elder said, Li Zhe also nodded slightly. Although he had a general guess about the situation, he was still slightly disappointed when he heard it.

But disappointment is disappointment, and this matter is indeed not anxious.

Immediately, he waved his hand at the elder and said softly: "Okay, I already know the situation, so go ahead."


The elder respectfully responded, and he was about to get up and walk out.

However, at this moment, he paused slightly, turned around again, and looked at Li Zhe.

"What's wrong, is there anything else?"

Li Zhe looked at the elder and asked with some doubts.

The elder smiled softly and said to Li Zhe: "The leader should have nothing to do now, right?"

"Well, there really isn't much to do recently."

Li Zhe nodded and responded.

Hearing this, the elder also took a deep breath and said to Li Zhe: "If this is the case, there is one thing, I hope the leader can help me wait for it to be completed!"

Li Zhe raised his eyebrows slightly, and immediately said to the elder: "What's the matter, just say it."

In other words, since Li Zhe became the leader of the Guying Group, he has never done anything for the Guying Group. Basically, he has something to do for the Guying Group.

Now that the elder had already spoken, Li Zhe would naturally not refuse.

Seeing Li Zhe nodded, the elder breathed a sigh of relief, and then even started to speak to Li Zhe softly.

It turned out that the lone shadow group found a magic weapon after investigation, and this magic weapon is very important to the lone shadow group.

Now that the magic weapon is in the hands of an organization called Wanbaolou, the latest intelligence obtained by the Guying Group.

It is that Wanbaolou is about to start an auction, and that magic weapon will be sold at that auction.

Originally, the Guying Group was preparing to send people to participate in the auction. Now that it has so many resources on the hundred islands, it is a trivial matter to win a magic weapon.

The key is that this Wanbaolou auction is a mixed bag. Almost every time they auction someone will have an accident, and the risk is also great.

But now, since Li Zhe is just free, this matter can be left to Li Zhe's hands.

After all, this cultivation level of Li Zhe nowadays, except for the real person in the Purple Mansion Realm, I am afraid that no one can do something unfavorable to Li Zhe.

At this moment, after the matter was finished, the elder looked at Li Zhe with expectation.

As the leader of this lone shadow group, Li Zhe must complete the things he ordered.

On the other hand, if there is something in the Guying Group that requires him to take action, Li Zhe must first agree to it.

However, Li Zhe is not the one who is unwilling to help. In any case, this is his own subordinate. It is impossible for Li Zhe not to help.

"Speaking of which, what kind of magic weapon is it that makes you wait so concerned?"

After Li Zhe nodded slightly, he also asked the elder softly with some doubts.

Hearing Li Zhe's question, the elder also shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said: "This thing is a piece of iron-cast talisman paper. After the spiritual power is activated, you can find some specific things."

Having said this, the elder sighed and continued to say to Li Zhe: "This thing was originally a magic weapon in my lone shadow group, but the previous leader said that he wanted to find it, so he took it away. After he died, this The whereabouts of the magic weapon is also unknown, and I have only recently learned about the whereabouts of this magic weapon again."

"That's it."

Li Zhe nodded slightly and said softly.

Feelings were originally part of the Lonely Shadow Group, but they were lost by the previous leader before expecting it.

But fortunately, now that the trace is found, it is naturally easy to get it back.

"Since it was originally part of my lone shadow group, as the leader, I naturally have the responsibility to find it back. Don't worry."

Right now, Li Zhe said loudly to the elder.

Hearing this, the elder also looked happy, and hurriedly clasped his fist to thank Li Zhe.

Li Zhe waved his hand slightly, and said to the elder, "Bring me the relevant information about the auction."

The elder responded and quickly took out two scrolls from his storage bag.

"One is about the auction and Wanbao Lou, and the other scroll is about the talisman paper."

Immediately, the elder explained to Li Zhe.

While speaking, the two scrolls were also entrusted to Li Zhe by spiritual power.

Li Zhe nodded, raised his hand to take it, and then began to feel it in detail.

According to the information on this scroll, the Wanbao Tower is a very mysterious organization in this world of practice.

No one knows where their headquarters is, and no one knows how strong they are.

The only thing we know is that every few years or decades, Wanbaolou will appear and hold an auction.

According to legend, Wanbaolou auctions are basically some very difficult and rare magic weapons, and occasionally they will bring some ancient techniques!

Therefore, every time this Wanbaolou holds an auction, it will attract the participation of various masters and some high-level casual repairers who are usually difficult to see.

And the only rule in Wanbaolou was that at auctions, only Danyu could be used for trading. Except for Danyu, even the top magic weapons, pills, or spirit grasses could not be used.

And this time, Wanbaolou's auction was held on a mountain called Huahuahuafeng in Dongzhou, and there were still two months before the auction began.

Immediately after reading the information, Li Zhe nodded slightly.

No wonder Li Zhe had never heard of the name of this Wanbaolou before, and feelings were such a mysterious organization.

And according to the information in this scroll, this Wanbaolou sells rare treasures. After the auction ends, it is normal that there will be battles.

Right now, Li Zhe picked up another scroll and felt the information on it.

Above, there are all kinds of information on the cast iron talisman paper that the elder said.

This iron cast talisman paper is called Xunjin Talisman, which was passed down in the Guying Group since the establishment of the Guying Group.

This gold talisman needs a special method to activate, after the activation, you can find the law of cause and effect, and look for some specific items.

The items you are looking for must be extremely special. If it is an ordinary magic weapon, dan jade and many other things, it cannot be found.

However, it is used to find people and some treasures, which has great magical effects, but every time you use it, you need a lot of Danyu to assist.

Immediately, after reading the information about seeking gold talisman, Li Zhe also understood why the Guying Group wanted to retrieve it so much.

For the lonely shadow group, this gold-seeking talisman can save the lone shadow group's tremendous power, whether it is used to find objects or people.

And this thing must be activated by a special method that the Guying Group only knows, presumably ordinary people should not know how to use it.

If you look at it this way, it shouldn't be too eye-catching at auction. If you photographed it yourself, it should be a small problem.

Thinking about it this way, Li Zhe threw the two scrolls back into the elder's hands, and then said softly: "Okay, let's go back. I will go to this Wanbaolou auction." The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: I read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: read it on my mobile phone after I found the fairy bottle: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 2179 Wanbao Building) reading history , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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