After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2192: The shopkeeper who was bullied

Following this caravan into the city, Li Zhe knew that in this mortal caravan, things like a pass were also needed.

Although this pass is very expensive to apply, but with the pass, you can do business freely in the surrounding cities, and you can save a lot of trouble.

It was also because of this pass that the entire caravan was not searched much. The guards at the city gate only took a brief look and then let it go.

As for Li Zhe, the guard only thought it was a member of the caravan, and didn't even ask a question, which saved a lot of things.

At this moment, the carriage has already entered the city gate.

The moment he entered the city gate, Li Zhe frowned slightly.

At the gate of this city, there are many vendors selling all kinds of things. On both sides of the gate, there is a stall selling cakes on the left and the right.

And the owners of those two stalls swept their divine consciousness almost at the moment when Li Zhe and others entered.

I am afraid that no one can imagine that two masters in the middle of the Golden Core Realm are actually selling sesame seeds on both sides of this city gate!

"Good guys, your Wanbao Lou is really shady enough. I thought it was just someone hiding somewhere to release the spiritual sense. I didn't expect it, but it was selling directly here..."

Li Zhe immediately used his divine sense to speak to Jia Yunfan in his crown.

Jia Yunfan also said helplessly at this moment: "Our defense is very tight, wait for you to take a closer look. In the entire city, if I remember correctly, there are fifty outer disciples guarding each position, almost Completely control the entire city in your hands."

Hearing Jia Yunfan's words, Li Zhe also raised his eyebrows slightly.

However, it is normal to think about it. Wanbaolou's auction can have such a reputation. Naturally, there are many people who make the idea of ​​Wanbaolou.

Only this kind of defense can make people feel at ease.

"Do you want to go alone? If you don't go alone, you will wait with me to go to the inn, and then just let me go and change your treasure into a coil."

On the carriage seat, the boss also turned his head and asked Li Zhe.

Hearing this, Li Zhe also nodded slightly, and said, "That's fine."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, the boss also smiled slightly and let the man continue on his way.

After entering the city, after walking along the road beside the city for a while, Li Zhe and others arrived at an inn.

There are mangers next to this inn. Obviously this is an inn specially prepared for various caravans.

After going in and asking for a room, the two buddies and the strong man went to deliver the goods, and the boss took the high-level Danyu given by Li Zhe and went to the City Lord's Mansion.

In the whole room, Li Zhe was the only one left now.

"Senior, I just checked it carefully, and I didn't find the place leading to Wanbao Tower. Can I enter it if I use soil to escape?"

Immediately, Li Zhe sat down on the stool in the room, closed his eyes, and communicated with Jia Yunfan with his spiritual consciousness.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Jia Yunfan immediately denied: "No! Wanbaolou's formation is wrapped underneath. If you use earth to escape into it, you will definitely be noticed by that formation!"

Upon hearing this, Li Zhe's expression was also stagnant, and then said, "How should we enter?"

At this moment, Jia Yunfan also began to slowly explain to Li Zhe.

In short, it is to enter the Wanbao Building, and there is only one place, and that is in an inconspicuous courtyard in the south of the city.

The yard is extremely tightly guarded, with several Yuanying Stage guards, and occasionally a real person from the Purple Mansion Stage guards.

Although Li Zhe said that he had excellent concealment ability, if he encountered a real person in the Purple Mansion Realm, he would still be exposed.

In addition, the formation of Wanbaolou was established by the strongest formation mage at the time at the expense of a top-level real tool obtained from the ruins shortly after the establishment of Wanbaolou.

If you want to enter it, you can only use the token of Wanbaolou.

"The token of can I get it?"

Li Zhe thought for a while, and that was what he said to Jia Yunfan.

According to what Jia Yunfan said, the possibility of wanting to sneak in secretly is almost zero, and only by finding a way to get the token of Wanbaolou can he enter it.

"I think the moon last night, it should be fifteen, right?"

At this moment, Jia Yunfan asked Li Zhe.

Li Zhe was taken aback, he also had no idea about life, after all, his cultivation was in the jade bottle space.

"Guest, if you need hot water, remember to tell Xiaoer, it will be delivered in about an hour."

At this moment, someone knocked on the door and said loudly.

This should have been a reminder from the shopkeeper in the shop. Immediately, Li Zhe also got up instantly and opened the door of the room.

"Shopkeeper, ask, what day is today?"

As soon as the door was opened, Li Zhe said to the shopkeeper who was about to leave at the door.

The shopkeeper was taken aback for a moment and glanced at Li Zhe suspiciously, like Li Zhe and the others, how could they not even figure out the date.

But he didn't want to ask too much, and said casually: "Today is sixteen."

"Okay, thanks to the shopkeeper."

Li Zhe nodded, thanked him, and then closed the door again.

The shopkeeper glanced at the closed door suspiciously, shook his head, but did not take this matter to heart.

"You ask days, it should be useful, right?"

Immediately after returning to the room, Li Zhe said to Jia Yunfan.

Jia Yunfan didn't deny it, but he replied decisively, and then said: "On the 20th of each month, the outer disciples will rotate in a batch. In other words, after four days, if you can mix with the disciples, It is to be able to follow the team and enter Wanbao Lou!"

"Four days later...understood."

Li Zhe nodded slightly and murmured.

Now that the treasurer's guess was unable to return for a while, Li Zhe left the room directly, and then pretended to be okay, and began to walk along the city.

In about half an hour, Li Zhe walked the entire city, and at the same time recorded all the secret whistles.

Just as Jia Yunfan said, there are indeed a full fifty disciples in this city!

However, in the process of searching, Li Zhe also discovered that the distance between almost all the disciples is not far.

And because they are disguised as various vendors, at least they are in groups of two, each taking care of each other.

I want to get rid of a disciple in front of the public, it is too difficult, and the chance of being discovered is too high.

And Jia Yunfan also said that these disciples would turn into secret whistles after dark, and they would also stay nearby, and they would be in pairs.

In any case, this is extremely difficult.

If this is the case, relying on Li Zhe's cultivation level, simultaneously fainting the two disciples, and then disguising himself as one of them, erasing the memory of the other, is basically no problem.

However, they are not the only ones in this city. There are also the Nascent Soul Realm monks who are on duty at the entrance of Wanbao Building and the Purple Mansion realm monks who may be there!

In the whole process, as long as there is a little problem, everything will fall short!

But now, the time left for Li Zhe is only four days left. If there is no solution within these four days, he can only wait one month and wait until the next rotation!

"The City Lord's Mansion is bullying!"

At this moment, suddenly a familiar voice came not far from the front.

Li Zhe was taken aback for a moment and looked up. This was what he found, in front of the city lord's mansion not far in front, the shopkeeper was shouting with red ears on the front.

This shout also attracted many people to the past.

Li Zhe frowned slightly, his impression of the shopkeeper was good, even if he greeted him.

"The shopkeeper, what's the matter?"

Soon, after walking closer, Li Zhe asked the shopkeeper.

Hearing this, the shopkeeper's face was bitter, and he opened his hand to Li Zhe.

I saw a silver bean the size of a fingernail in the hands of the shopkeeper.

"The quality of your Danyu is so good, this City Lord's Mansion only gave me this silver bean, so he kicked me out. Isn't this bullying?"

The shopkeeper pointed to the silver beans in his palm and said to Li Zhe very excitedly.

Li Zhe frowned slowly when he heard this.

Don't say that what he gave was a high-level pill, even a low-level pill, it is absolutely impossible that such a small silver bean can be exchanged for it!

"Why are you arguing?! If you make any noise, you will be locked up!"

At this moment, in the city lord's mansion, a person who appeared to be the leading guard also walked out and said to the shopkeeper's angry voice.

Li Zhe's eyebrows condensed, and he stepped on his feet at this moment. He stood in front of the shopkeeper and said to the guard: "My ancestral pill jade, a silver bean was sent away. Isn't it too bullying? "

"Hey, your kid doesn't know good or bad, right? See if I..."

Hearing that Li Zhe dared to squint with himself, the guard also condensed his eyes, and was about to step forward.

However, his complexion changed in an instant, and he hurriedly bowed to Li Zhe's rear, and said respectfully: "My lord!"

Li Zhe looked back and saw a man walking over. This man Li Zhe was familiar with, and he was an outside disciple of Wanbao Lou drinking tea at a teahouse not far away!

But now it seems that he is the only one who has come over, while the other is still in the teahouse.

"What happened, why did so many people gather?"

After the man walked over, he frowned slightly and said coldly.

Now, with the quarrel just now, dozens of people have gathered in front of the city lord's mansion.

The guard didn't dare to refute, and quickly stepped forward, whispering in the ear of the man, telling the whole story. The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: I read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: read it on my mobile phone after I found the fairy bottle: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 2192 The shopkeeper who was bullied) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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