After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2200: Explore the ruins

At this moment, Jia Yunfan had already sworn to the end and returned to Li Zhe's crown.

"You have to understand one thing, I ask you to swear, the main reason is to be able to resurrect you."

Immediately, Li Zhe took a deep breath and slowly said to Jia Yunfan.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Jia Yunfan said indifferently, slightly incomprehensible: "Hmph, you just want to make yourself feel at ease, why bother to me."

Hearing this, Li Zhe chuckled lightly and said, "I could have been practicing here until the last level of the treasure hunting tactics that day, but like that, the things I broke into will definitely be exposed. Then..."

Speaking of this, Li Zhe didn't continue to say anything. Based on Jia Yunfan's insights, he would naturally understand, and there was no need to repeat too much.

Just as Li Zhe thought, at this moment, as Li Zhe's voice fell, Jia Yunfan just snorted lightly, and then stopped talking.

However, Li Zhe's explanation also made Jia Yunfan's grievances dissipated a lot.

Immediately, Li Zhe stepped up the ladder again, ready to go up.

It was only at this time that Li Zhe had reacted. If he wanted to go out again, he would definitely have to go out again as the hostess.

But now, Li Zhe didn't know that the deputy host had not come back, if it happened to hit him.

Don't say that I will help Jia Yunfan investigate things next, that is, I am afraid that I will have to catch up on this for my own life!

Moreover, in order to prevent the divine consciousness from infiltrating here, and to perceive the Tiantong Pool below, there is a formation that isolates the divine consciousness from detection.

Li Zhe's divine consciousness was also unable to penetrate below, so that he would not be able to know the specific situation in the hall of the host above!

"It's really troublesome..."

Li Zhe frowned and murmured in a low voice.

It was at this moment that Jia Yunfan whispered to Li Zhe: "Why, don't you think it's hard to get out?"

Listening to Jia Yunfan's words, Li Zhe rolled his eyes helplessly. Under such circumstances, naturally, there is no need to ask any more.

"Since you can withstand the entanglement of the heavens in the pool that day, then go into the pool again."

Jia Yunfan said indifferently immediately.

Hearing this, Li Zhe frowned slightly, but he didn't say anything. He knew that Jia Yunfan could no longer have any tricks at this time.

After all, the next action is a critical moment to help Jia Yunfan reshape his body, and it is naturally impossible for Jia Yunfan to deceive Li Zhe at this time.

Soon, Li Zhe came to the Tong Pond that day again, and after activating his entrance to the Tao, Li Zhe stepped into the water.

"Go straight ahead and walk to the deepest part of the pool."

Immediately, Jia Yunfan spoke again.

Li Zhe nodded, without too much hesitation, and soon walked to the other end of the Tiantong Pool.

Here is the stone wall that connects here, and it doesn't seem to be surprising.

"Put your hand in the crevice of the stone sunken in on the right, and then pour spiritual power into it."

When Li Zhe arrived here, Jia Yunfan gave another guidance.

Li Zhe soon found the crevice of the rock that was sunken in, and then reached into it.

After reaching into the crevice of the stone, Li Zhe's eyes condensed slightly. Vaguely, he realized that there seemed to be some formation in the crevice of the stone!

Immediately, Li Zhe poured a little spiritual power into it according to Jia Yunfan's instructions.


Almost the moment Li Zhe's spiritual power poured into it, there was a faint rumbling sound above this depression.

Li Zhe looked up and saw that on the wall, there was now a crack that was not big or small, but enough to pass through!

"Where does this lead?"

Looking at the gap, Li Zhe was slightly startled and asked softly.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Jia Yunfan explained to Li Zhe softly: "According to the previous host and me, this passage leads to the outer door area."

Speaking of this, Jia Yunfan also sighed softly. When he first learned of the existence of this passage, he still felt that the existence of this passage was meaningless.

Now in this situation, he suddenly discovered that this passage was of great significance. If he could run into it when he was attacked, he must be able to use this passage to escape!

"There is such a passage... Why didn't you tell me in the first place? You have to go so hard to get down from the main hall of the host."

Li Zhe looked at this passage, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and said helplessly.

After hearing this, Jia Yunfan explained: "This passage can only go out but not in, so even if I tell you it is useless."

Hearing this, Li Zhe nodded slightly, and immediately stopped staying. He directly jumped into the passage and flew into the passage.

Soon after entering, the entrance of the passage below the Tiantong Pool was directly closed.

This entire channel is just a circular channel, and there are arrays around the entire channel, preventing others from detecting the existence of this channel by using divine consciousness or other methods.

And Li Zhe's divine consciousness was also confined to the inside of the passage, and could not be revealed.

Li Zhe's flying speed is extremely fast now, but because there are too many corners in this passage, Li Zhe also spent about one stick of incense in this passage before finally reaching the end of the passage.

At the end of this passage, there was a small formation film, but it could not create any obstruction to Li Zhe.

Immediately, Li Zhe's figure flashed, flew out of the passage, and reached the ground!

This place is in a small jungle at the extreme edge of the outer gate area. There are basically no people here on weekdays, but no one is in it now.

After Li Zhe left the passage, the entire passage was closed again.

Li Zhe squinted his eyes slightly, and then he understood why this passage could only go out but not in.

Because the moment the passage is closed, it is not just the entrance and exit, but the entire passage is completely condensed together, and the land becomes normal land, and there is no passage.

Only by injecting spiritual power into the Tong Pond that day can this passage be opened.

Immediately, Li Zhe took a deep breath, and the light flashed slightly in his hands, and the disciple token fell into Li Zhe's hands again.

He concealed his breath to the peak of the Void God Realm again, and then disguised his entire appearance again to look like Lu Jintao. This was when he stepped out of the jungle.

The moment he left, Li Zhe also used the token to close the retreat formation in Lu Jintao's room.

So as not to wait for someone to see themselves, they will find abnormalities.

But obviously Li Zhe's worries are a bit redundant. He didn't encounter any outer disciples along the way.

Soon, Li Zhe returned to the attic where Lu Jintao's room was located.

As soon as he came back, Li Zhe walked to the door of the room and heard a shout: "You retreat is over?"

Hearing these words, Li Zhe slowly turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw that it was the disciple who was waiting in the teahouse with Lu Jintao in Beihuicheng. He had also divided this disciple's two top-ranked Danyu, so this disciple now sees Li Zhe. Very enthusiastic.

Li Zhe smiled and nodded, pretending to be leaving the house just after the retreat.

"Your kid is just right, let's go!"

Immediately, the disciple walked to Li Zhe's side and said with a smile.

"Go? Where to go?"

Li Zhe blinked, and asked with a little doubt.

"Huh? Didn't your disciple token receive the message? Oh! That's right, you are in retreat, you should not receive the message."

The disciple glanced at Li Zhe suspiciously, then he slapped his forehead and muttered.

Li Zhe kept a puzzled look and looked at each other quietly.

Soon, this disciple began to speak slowly to Li Zhe.

It turned out that in these few days, this Wanbao building needed to go to a relic to hunt for treasure.

It just happened that some outer disciples were needed to participate, and it had been two months since they had just returned from duty in the north back to the city, so they were just selected.

Hearing this disciple's words, Li Zhe was the one who reacted, nodded, and said, "Let's go."

In fact, Li Zhe didn't want to follow the other party.

However, Li Zhe now pretends to be an outside disciple.

Even though Li Zhe is not clear about many common senses in this spiritual world, he still knows that the outer disciples are not qualified to bargain with the sect orders.

"It's just right for you to go and take a look. You can get a general idea of ​​how we explored the ruins. In this way, it will be helpful for you to find the spiritual wood in the future.

At this moment, Jia Yunfan said softly to Li Zhe.

Hearing what the other party said, Li Zhe raised his eyebrows. This guy seemed very active in looking for Lingmu.

However, since the other party is not in a hurry, Li Zhe is naturally not in a hurry. He just happened to take a look at this Wanbao Building, he wanted to prepare how to explore the relics.

Following the disciple's steps, Li Zhe soon came to the magic circle that they had transmitted back.

Immediately after that, as the disciple used the token to activate the magic circle, Li Zhe and Li Zhe also experienced the teleportation of the magic circle again and returned to the basement of Beihui City.

And now, in the entire basement, there are more than ten disciples gathered. These disciples are all the cultivation bases of the peak of the Void God Realm, and they are obviously the strongest among this group of outer disciples.

Now everyone seems to be waiting. After arriving here, the disciple who came with Li Zhe also stopped talking, but just found a place to stand silently.

Upon seeing this, Li Zhe also stood in the corner of the basement, and then waited quietly. The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: I read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: read it on my mobile phone after I found the fairy bottle: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 2200 Exploring the Relics) , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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