After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2212: Wandering Soul and Demon

This floating continent covers an extremely large area, almost the size of the forest below.

Li Zhe followed that spiritual power fluctuation, and now he has traveled a distance of about several kilometers.

As soon as he arrived here, Li Zhe's expression was slightly stagnant, and he looked forward with a little doubt.

At this moment, everyone in the Wanbao Building was gathering together. They had already deployed their spiritual protection and looked around with vigilance.

However, there is nothing around them!

This piece of floating land is very flat, with no obstacles except for some not high or low stones.

Li Zhe is almost certain that nothing exists around them, but the expressions of the people in Wanbaolou are as if they are facing an enemy!

"what's going on?"

Li Zhe looked at the scene in front of him, and after being stunned, he also softly asked Jia Yunfan in the hair crown.

After hearing Li Zhe's words, Jia Yunfan also hesitated for a while before saying to Li Zhe: "This...I don't know."

At this moment, Li Zhe was not in a hurry, anyway, now that he hasn't even seen the shadow of the living wood, he can relax.

He quietly watched the scene ahead from behind a stone on the grassland, covered by the aura of purple spirit jade clothing, and everyone in Wanbaolou could not find his existence.

After about an hour of watching here, Li Zhe still didn't find the answer.

During this hour, several elders had attacked the spiritual protection outside several times.

But obviously, without the presence of an enemy, the spiritual power that attacked out instantly spilled into the distance, and then gradually dissipated.

The current situation even makes Li Zhe feel whether these people have been involved in any illusion.

But think about it, I am afraid that there is no illusion technique that can even fascinate even the middle-term cultivators of the Purple Mansion Realm. At least Li Zhe did not feel the breath of illusion technique.

Immediately, after taking a deep breath, Li Zhe slowly sat cross-legged on the ground.

Judging from the current situation, everyone in Wanbaolou should be trapped by something.

Naturally, it is impossible for Li Zhe to wait in place until they are completely relieved.

Therefore, Li Zhe was preparing to use the Treasure Hunting Secret Art of the Day by himself to find the location of the Lingmu, and then touch it by himself.

Anyway, the people in Wanbaolou were trapped, and no one else was vying for it. Once Li Zhe found the location of the Lingmu, he could almost say that he had put something in his pocket!

"You can use it carefully. Qian Fei is also proficient in this technique after all. If the fluctuation of the cast is too large, it is easy to be noticed by him."

Jia Yunfan was naturally aware of Li Zhe's thoughts, and even reminded Li Zhe when he spoke to him.

Hearing Jia Yunfan's words, Li Zhe nodded slightly, and then started to revolve the Treasure Hunting tactics that day.

Although Li Zhe's spells were only cultivated to the second level, Li Zhe has now entered this space, which is equivalent to being in the same space as the Spirit Wood.

Under this circumstance, the second layer of Tiantong Treasure Hunting Secret Art is enough to find the location of the Spirit Wood.

Immediately, with the operation of the Tiantong Treasure Hunting tactic, the world in front of Li Zhe, also at this moment, gradually turned into pitch black, and everything disappeared before Li Zhe's eyes.

However, at this moment, Li Zhe was surprised to find that there were countless figures floating around everyone in the Wanbao Building!

Those personal shadows should be transparent and would not exude any breath, but now, with the operation of the Tiantong Treasure Hunting Secret Art, Li Zhe finally saw those personal shadows!

At the same time, when Li Zhe saw those figures, he only felt that his spiritual consciousness trembled suddenly. In his own spiritual consciousness, something seemed to wake up suddenly, sending out a longing for the figure. Feeling!

Li Zhe frowned slightly, suppressing the sense of desire that he had suddenly floated, and tried his best to run the exercises.

Time passed by. This time, Li Zhe ran this technique for a full half an hour before it finally stopped.

And now, Li Zhe's whole body spiritual power is only about 30% left!

Li Zhe took a deep breath, raised his hand, took out several recovery pills from his storage bag, swallowed them into his mouth, and then began to recover.

At the same time, all the people in Wanbaolou were all heavy-faced at this moment.

This layer of spiritual protection around them was released by the deputy host Qian Fei, and a layer of true vision was attached to this protective cover.

The so-called power of true vision can only be able to control a deep spell above the purple mansion realm. A layer of magical power can be attached to the spiritual power, so that people can see the original appearance of the outside world through this magical power.

At this moment, they were able to see through this layer of spiritual protection, that besides their spiritual protection, there are now countless wandering souls wandering!

"Owner, how are we going to get out of trouble?"

Na Meng Hai was on the side of the crowd, and asked the host in a deep voice.

Since they discovered these wandering souls, they have tried to attack these wandering souls.

However, no matter what kind of spiritual attack, it is impossible to cause any damage to these ghost shadows!

But now, there is an elder lying on the ground, the elder's face is pale, and his breath is also flickering.

He just tried directly to attack those wandering souls with divine souls, and as a result, those wandering souls followed his divine consciousness and immediately caused him to fall into a coma, unable to wake up!

"I'm thinking of a way, don't talk too much."

Qian Fei looked gloomy and said in a deep voice.

He also tried a lot of attack methods before, but without exception, almost all the methods failed, and he couldn't cause any harm to those wandering souls.

And the only way to solve those wandering souls, the elder on the ground has already been confirmed.

That is, by using the power of divine consciousness, those wandering souls can be solved directly.

But the number of these wandering souls is too much...

To solve these wandering souls, one must cover the wandering souls with their own consciousness, and then crush them with the power of the monks' powerful divine souls!

However, the biggest problem now is that there are too many of these wandering souls. If the area covered by the divine souls is too large, it will cause the power of the divine souls to be too scattered. When those wandering souls enter the sea of ​​consciousness through the divine sense, they will end up with The elder who was unconscious on the ground was exactly the same.

But if the coverage area is too small, although it is possible to solve all the wandering souls within the coverage, the wandering souls outside will also flow into the sea of ​​consciousness through the power of divine consciousness!

The only good news is that those wandering souls can no longer pass through the spiritual protection that Qian Fei has placed.

However, on top of this spiritual protection, there is the Purple Mansion with money and money attached to it, and it is impossible to move at all!

At this moment, Qian Fei already regretted bringing these elders here.

If he is the only one, although it is impossible to solve these wandering spirits, he can protect himself from being hurt by these wandering spirits.

"What the **** is this... It's obviously just some ordinary wandering souls, how can there be a protection comparable to the souls of the Nascent Soul Realm..."

An elder on the side also murmured in a low voice with embarrassment.

Hearing his words, everyone's expressions were also very dark.

Just as he said, these wandering souls all have the power of protection comparable to the souls of the Yuan Ying realm!

It is precisely because of this that even if Qian Fei has the cultivation base of the middle stage of the Purple Mansion Realm, once the divine consciousness spreads too much, he is not sure to wipe out these wandering souls!

For a while, everyone was in place, unable to leave or resolve.

Time passed by bit by bit.

Li Zhe used the jade bottle space and the power of the pill to return to its peak state again after three hours.

Now the sky is gradually darkening. Although it is within the distance of the horizon, it is in the same sky as the spiritual realm, but it has the same division of day and night.

At this moment, after a complete recovery, Li Zhe also took a deep breath and quietly glanced at the people in Wanbaolou who were still trapped in place.

Just now, Li Zhe had confirmed through the Treasure Hunting Secret Art through that day, the location of the Ling Wood was about several kilometers away behind everyone in the Wanbao Tower.

Through the law, Li Zhe already knew that there were several seals on the spiritual wood.

This distance is not too close. Once Li Zhe releases the seal of Lingmu, the aura of heaven and earth spirit creatures like Lingmu will inevitably spread!

I am afraid that everyone in this Wanbao Building will discover it in an instant!

But in the current situation, Li Zhe estimated that everyone in Wanbaolou should also have difficulty leaving to take care of themselves.

Immediately, Li Zhe took a deep breath, stepped silently, bypassed the people in Wanbaolou, and began to walk in the direction of Lingmu.

Li Zhe had that purple spirit jade clothing covering his breath, and none of the wandering spirits found his existence.

However, just after Li Zhe had circumvented a distance of tens of miles, when he was about to move towards the spiritual wood, he suddenly groaned and almost fell to his knees.

"what's happenin?"

Jia Yunfan also asked Li Zhe hastily at this time.

Seeing success looming, Jia Yunfan couldn't help but worry.

However, this time Li Zhe did not answer him again, but held his head tightly with his hands, and there were dull breathing sounds in his mouth.

At this moment, Li Zhe only felt that his sea of ​​consciousness was about to burst, and he felt an unprecedented pain!

At the same time, that part of Li Zhe's demon consciousness became extremely active at this moment.

That kind of feeling, it was as if Li Zhe was about to turn into the demon of the day at this moment! The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: will read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: read it on my mobile phone after I found the fairy bottle: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 2212 The Soul and the Demon), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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