After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2225: Hand in hand

Almost the moment Li Zhe's voice fell, the demon's expression changed drastically that day.

It was only at this time that he realized that he had actually ignored Li Zhe's staying on this spiritual platform, but now he is the treasure fishing boy who has disappeared!

Just when Li Zhe rushed to the illusion, he used his own light to hide the breath of the treasure fishing boy and let it enter his cuff, the token Qin Yangzhuo gave .

During the whole process, Li Zhe did not lose his sanity, even soberly foreseeing what might happen, this is what left such a trick!

Almost at the moment when Li Zhe's voice fell, a dazzling light of spiritual power lit up in his sleeve robe.

Qian Fei's expression, who was about to attack Li Zhe, suddenly changed, and his figure retreated to the rear at this moment!

That was the pressure of the pinnacle of the Purple Mansion Realm. Even though he had a cultivation base in the middle of the Purple Mansion Realm, he could not be Qin Yangzhuo's opponent at all.

Suddenly, in front of Li Zhe, a spatial crack suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, a finger was stretched out from the crack, and it hit Li Zhe's eyebrows directly.

At this moment, Li Zhe only felt that his sea of ​​consciousness was at this moment, and he trembled suddenly!

At the same time, above Li Zhe's body, a lot of black energy suddenly surged, and a black shadow under this point of the finger, instantly separated from Li Zhe's body and flew out.

In an instant, behind Li Zhe, it turned into a thick black mist.

It was also at this time that Qin Yangzhuo stepped out of the crack in the space.

This is the first time Li Zhe has seen Qin Yangzhuo's full strength. Only with this step, the turbulent coercion almost made Li Zhe breathless!

The moment Qin Yangzhuo's figure appeared, Qin Yangzhuo's left hand flicked slightly, and the hairpin flew out in an instant, directly inserted into the black mist.

In an instant, this dark seabed was instantly illuminated by the spiritual power released by the hairpin!

After this shot, Qin Yangzhuo didn't even look at the Heavenly Demon who was forced out by him. He turned around and looked at Qian Fei, who was about to flee after seeing the situation.

"Since you are in collusion with the demons, don't want to escape!"

Qin Yangzhuo looked at Qian Fei's direction and said calmly.

In this passage, there seems to be the power of law.

Qian Fei, who was brewing the power of space and preparing to escape, shook his whole body suddenly, and the power of space brewing from his body was instantly dissipated.

Immediately afterwards, Qian Fei only felt that his body was completely out of his control at this moment, and he flew in the direction of Qin Yangzhuo.


With a soft sound, Qin Yangzhuo's hand was already on Qian Fei's neck.

"I...I am...cough cough..."

With a touch of despair on his face, Qian Fei repeatedly said to Qin Yangzhuo.

He seemed to want to move out of his role as the deputy owner of Wanbao Building, but with the contraction of Qin Yangzhuo's palm, he could no longer speak.

At this moment, Qin Yang Zhuo Meng raised his hand and directly placed the other palm on Qian Fei's Dantian.

In an instant, Qian Fei's pupils suddenly shrank. He only felt that a force that was so strong that he could not resist had poured into his Dantian!

Moreover, that power flowed into his small world along the dots that connected the small world in his dantian.


Qian Fei's eyes widened and looked at Qin Yangzhuo.

However, before he finished speaking, he felt that his little world was broken open at this moment!

The small world is an extremely private existence for the cultivators of the Purple Mansion Realm, after all, the small world is in the void.

What Qin Yangzhuo is doing now is to pour spiritual power into Qian Fei's small world, and then directly break the barriers of Qian Fei's small world!

Without the protection of the barrier, the surging power of the void destroyed Qian Fei's small world almost instantly, leaving no dregs left.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Yangzhuo shook his head slightly, a sudden surge of spiritual light in his hand.

In an instant, that spiritual light directly wrapped Qian Fei in it, and then Qian Fei's figure instantly turned into a ball of light, and then dissipated in the sea water.

At the same time, where the hairpin was, the magical power that day had completely dissipated and turned into a mass of energy similar to spiritual power, which was slowly being absorbed by the hairpin.

Li Zhe was floating in the sea, looking slightly dazed at everything in front of him.

After a long while, when the demon's energy was absorbed by the hairpin and returned to Qin Yangzhuo's hands, Li Zhe finally recovered.

This enemy that he can't deal with at all, at this moment, in Qin Yangzhuo's hands, he can't last for even a round...

Li Zhe shook his head slightly, he could see that Qin Yangzhuo was still not doing his best.

If Qin Yangzhuo had made an all-out effort, the Demon and Qian Fei would probably be wiped out sooner that day!

"Thank you for your help."

At this moment, Li Zhe also took a deep breath and bowed to Qin Yangzhuo in front of him, and said respectfully.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Qin Yangzhuo also nodded slightly, then his figure flashed and flew straight to the sea.

Seeing this, Li Zhe was stunned, but then he reacted.

I am afraid that Qin Yangzhuo has not mastered the art of underwater breathing. Although he can obtain air through the small world according to his cultivation level, he does not need to breathe, but it is still slightly uncomfortable to stay here.

Immediately, Li Zhe's figure flashed and followed.

Above the sea, Qin Yangzhuo stood quietly on the sea, and Li Zhe soon followed.

After coming up, Li Zhe once again held his fist to thank Qin Yangzhuo.

After Qin Yangzhuo listened, a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at Li Zhe.

"You don't need to thank you. Since you joined the sect, you have made a lot of credit for the sect. This is the first time you have taken the initiative to help. I want to help you."

Qin Yangzhuo looked at Li Zhe and said softly.

Hearing Qin Yangzhuo's words, Li Zhe raised his eyebrows slightly, but he was still a little moved, but he didn't say it.

Immediately, seeing that the crisis had been resolved, Qin Yangzhuo asked Li Zhe: "Okay, now the matter is over, do you want to return to the sect?"

"Disciple...There are still some things that need to be resolved. I guess I won't go back for the time being."

Li Zhe hesitated for a moment, and then said softly to Qin Yangzhuo.

Hearing this, Qin Yangzhuo nodded, and then said to Li Zhe earnestly: "If this is the case, you should be more careful when you are outside. If you encounter similar things again and cannot rush back to the sect, use that. Lotus Order."

As he spoke, a space aura immediately surging out behind Qin Yangzhuo, wrapping his body in it.

It was only a short time before Qin Yangzhuo disappeared in place.

Seeing this, Li Zhe also let out a long sigh of relief. He was not anxious to enter the sea again, but sat cross-legged in the same place and recovered quietly.

In fact, Qin Yangzhuo came in time, and Li Zhe did not suffer much damage.

He did this just to confirm that Qin Yangzhuo had completely left.

It's not that Li Zhe doesn't trust Qin Yangzhuo, it's basically a habit of his own.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, two hours passed.

Li Zhe returned to his peak state again, and at the same time confirmed that Qin Yangzhuo should have really left.

Immediately, Li Zhe's figure flashed, and he walked under the sea again.

Soon, Li Zhe once again came to the bottom of the seabed.

This time, without the threats of the Demon and Qian Fei, Li Zhe himself relaxed a lot.

As soon as he raised his wrist, several spiritual powers poured out, and he began to move the reef that had returned to the original place again.

The water flow became a little turbulent again at this moment.

In an instant, the quicksand entrance below appeared in front of Li Zhe again.

"Come on, let me see, what is there..."

Li Zhe looked at the entrance, muttered in a low voice, and immediately entered the entrance directly.

Entering this ruin this time, it was not a feeling of spatial transmission, at least Li Zhe did not feel any spatial fluctuations.

But for some reason, in a vague way, Li Zhe also felt that he seemed to be teleporting, having passed an extremely long distance.

When Li Zhe's sight resumed, he was already standing on a platform.

In front is the tall gatepost, which looks like the gate of the underworld, with a strong sense of oppression.

"Diaobao boy, do you know anything about this place?"

At this moment, Li Zhe didn't rush into it, but first asked the treasure fishing boy who had already returned to his sea of ​​knowledge.

After all, this place is a relic under the East China Sea. If you want to come to Diaobao Boy, you should know something about it.

But soon, Diaobao Boy gave a slightly disappointing answer to Li Zhe: "Here...I don't know. I have never known that such places exist in the East China Sea."

Hearing these words, Li Zhe nodded slightly, and walked forward without saying any more.

When he reached the front of the doorpost, Li Zhe saw that there was a row of stairs straight up in front of him. The sides of the stairs were pitch black, as if nothingness.

"No matter what is here, in short, I still have to explore."

Li Zhe murmured softly, and stepped up instantly.

However, Li Zhe felt a wave of turbulent fluctuations hitting him instantly at the moment he stepped onto that step!

The speed of the fluctuation is extremely fast, almost at the moment Li Zhe perceives the existence of the fluctuation, the fluctuation has already reached Li Zhe's, and immediately covered Li Zhe's body! The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: I read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: I found the fairy bottle, I read it on my mobile phone: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 2225 Palm Teaching Shots) reading Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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