After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2236: Appreciation Dinner

At this moment, this Fenglin Mountain, in the great hall in the middle of the top of the mountain.

There are several people standing among them. These people are the heads of the top sects in the North. They seem to be here to discuss something.

However, it is clear that the discussion is over now, and after each holding each other's fists, they all left the hall.

In an instant, there were only two people left in this hall.

These two people are precisely this Northern Transcendent Sect, the Palace Master and Deputy Palace Master of the Linghan Palace.

"The Donghuazong elder just now has good strength."

At this time, the palace lord turned his head and said to the deputy palace lord.

As soon as this remark came out, the deputy palace lord also nodded slightly, and replied: "If it is only in terms of combat power, it should be at least half the strength of the Purple Mansion, it should be good."

"Well, remember him, and bring him with you then."

The palace master narrowed his eyes and said softly.

Hearing this, the vice palace master also respectfully responded with a yes.

This northern monk alliance, originally rejected the help of various monks, it was precisely under the persuasion of the two Linghan Palace that they refused so decisively.

However, now that the Northern Territory accepts the aid of these monks, it is also initiated by the Spirit Han Palace!

Although the attitude has changed greatly before and after, as the transcendent sect of this northern realm, the other sects naturally dare not defy.

Ever since, this is what made Li Zhe and others come here to help.

Now, judging from the dialogue between these two people, it seems that there is something in their plan that no one else knew!

At this time, the three elders in Li Zhe's room also gathered together according to Li Zhe's orders.

Of these three, two are the elders of the Deacon Pavilion and one is the elder of the Lingshu Academy.

After all, the Lingshu Yuan is responsible for making all kinds of magical instruments and the like, so the status of the Lingshu Yuan elder is slightly higher than the two deacon pavilion elders.

At this moment, he whispered to Li Zhe: "I wonder if the elders summoned me here, what are you telling me?"

Li Zhe sat at the meeting table in the room, looked at the slightly restrained three people in front of him, and said with a light smile: "You elders don't need to be so restrained, just sit down and say nothing."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, the three elders all responded and sat down at the table.

Immediately, Li Zhe also took a deep breath, and said straightforwardly: "I am waiting to help the Northern Border Alliance this time. I am afraid there are some problems. Please be careful."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked at Li Zhe suspiciously.

Upon seeing this, Li Zhe also knew that, I am afraid these elders did not think too much. The sect came, and only came, and did not do too much investigation.

Li Zhe shook his head slightly, and this was the only way to slowly speak out the change in attitude before and after the Northern Territory.

"The Northern Border Alliance must have some plan in it to make such a change. Although it is to aid the northern border, the elders still have one more mind. No matter what they do, self-protection is the most important thing."

After speaking, Li Zhe once again told the three.

After all, these three are also the elders of Donghua Sect, and the head teacher Qin Yangzhuo asked him to lead the team, if something really happened to the three of them.

The sect may not blame himself, but Li Zhe himself will feel sorry, so he called the three of them and told him a lot.

At this moment, hearing Li Zhe's words, the three of them also gradually became more serious.

They came here, thinking that they were here to fight side by side with the North, against the Yaozu.

Now it seems that people in the north have to be guarded against.

"Thank you elder for telling me that I will be more careful when I wait!"

Immediately, the few people looked at each other, clasped their fists to Li Zhe, and said respectfully.

Speaking of this, Li Zhe also raised the corner of his mouth and said softly: "Then, Yu Shi, I have something to ask you for help."

"Elder, but it doesn't matter."

The elder of the Lingshu Academy also spoke softly to Li Zhe at this time.

As soon as this statement came out, Li Zhe smiled and replied, “It’s not a big deal. It’s just that I may not act together afterwards. If you wait for the action and get rid of the monster, there will be monsters. As for the inner alchemy of the beast, please help me pay attention."

Li Zhe still has seven soul-piercing jade, and what he lacks now is this monster inner alchemy.

Now that it is here to help the northern monks resist the monster beasts, it is obviously inevitable that there will be battles next, but it is just that Li Zhe has the opportunity to obtain the inner alchemy of the monster beasts.

And listening to Li Zhe's words, these elders were taken aback, and then they all responded loudly.

Demon beast inner alchemy is basically useless to ordinary cultivators, and can only be used when refining alchemy or refining equipment.

After all, in the inner core of the monster beast, although there is pure spiritual power, it is all contaminated with the aura of the monster race. If the monk absorbs it, it will lead to a direct fall into a state of confusion.

And these things, if they could sell Li Zhe's favor alone, it would naturally be better.

Seeing that everyone nodded in agreement, Li Zhe also chuckled lightly and said, "Okay, then there is nothing more to do. Please go back and rest by yourself. I am afraid that in the near future, this northern border will start to act. ."


In an instant, several elders all responded loudly, and then they said goodbye to Li Zhe one after another.

After everyone had left, Li Zhe took a breath and walked silently into this room, on the futon used for cultivation, and began to enter the jade bottle space to practice cultivation, maintaining his peak. status.

Time, in this state, passed quickly.

In the entire cultivation world, except for the Tiannan Realm because of the distance too far, it also dispatched reinforcements to the Northern Realm along with the Western Regions.

The Dongzhou side is the slowest to come, mainly because all the Dongzhou sects are waiting to see the Donghua sect express their views.

But Donghuazong was waiting for Li Zhe to return, so Dongzhou’s reinforcements came late.

Since the arrival of Li Zhe and others, the major sects of East Continent have also sent reinforcements to the north.

It has been a full month since Li Zhe and others arrived.

Nowadays, at the top of this small Fenglin Mountain, hundreds of cultivators from the Nascent Soul Stage have gathered. These cultivators, without exception, are all reinforcements sent by various states.

At noon that day, in the small courtyard where Li Zhe and others were located, someone touched the formation in the courtyard and then knocked on the door.

After all, the array talisman was in Li Zhe's hands, and Li Zhe soon came out of the door.

Outside the door is now standing a disciple from the North Realm, the cultivation base of the mid-Gold Core Realm.

"What's the matter?"

Li Zhe looked at the disciple in front of him and said softly.

Hearing this, this disciple nodded and replied: "In order to thank you for your reinforcements, I am waiting to prepare a dinner in the central square. If you are fine, you can come and participate. Starting tomorrow, you must Started to eradicate the Yaozu."

Hearing this disciple's words, Li Zhe raised his eyebrows slightly, and then replied: "I'll be there when I wait, please report it."

"Senior, don't be too polite."

The disciple smiled slightly and said, "I have to inform the others. If nothing happens, I will leave first."

Hearing this, Li Zhe also nodded slightly and responded. After the disciple left, Li Zhe closed the courtyard gate again and opened the courtyard formation.

This banquet was said to be a thank-you banquet, but in fact it was also a place for exchanges between the elders. Li Zhe had no interest in such banquets.

However, he also wanted to see how many reinforcements came from the northern border. This dinner was just right.

Soon, Li Zhe informed the other three elders of the dinner.

After the three elders heard about it, they were all very happy.

The cultivation base of the Yuan Ying realm is not top in this cultivation world, but it is also a high level.

Each has a certain status in their respective sects.

If you make some connections at this dinner, it will naturally be helpful in the future.

Especially since they are members of Donghua Sect, there must be more people who want to make friends with them.

Li Zhe didn't pay much attention to these things, but after a notification, he returned to his room to practice again.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the sun is already halfway down the distant mountains, and it is already sunset.

The banquet also began at this time. It was originally quiet on the top of the mountain, but now it has become exceptionally noisy. When you listen carefully, they are all greetings to each other.

The door of the small courtyard where Li Zhe and others were located was also opened gently at this time. Li Zhe and others stepped out and headed straight towards the central square.

Soon, they came to the entrance of the central square.

Nowadays, the square is decorated with lights and festoons, it looks so lively, and the entire square is full of tables.

On the table top, there are all kinds of elixir and some meals made by the spiritual beasts specially eaten by the monks.

As soon as they arrived, Li Zhe and the others smelled the fragrance. The food here is better than those made by the top chefs in Li Zhe's old world.

"Several people, please follow me."

It was also at this time that a disciple from the Northern Territory also greeted him and said to Li Zhe and others.

Obviously, this Northern Territory has already arranged a seat for them.

Immediately, Li Zhe and others followed the disciple to a table in the center, and then they sat down at the same time.

With the identity of Donghuazong, the position of Li Zhe and others is naturally not bad, but the position in the center of this central square can be said to be very good.

However, as soon as he sat down, Li Zhe's brows slowly frowned, as if he was thinking about something. The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: will read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: read it on my mobile phone after I found the fairy bottle: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 2236 Appreciation Dinner), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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