As this person's voice fell, Li Zhe's expression suddenly changed, and the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword in his hand was also suddenly stabbed at this moment, directly piercing the person's throat!

However, after the sword fell, Li Zhe's eyes were condensed. He could clearly feel that his sword did not pierce his body.

It was as if his sword had fallen in an empty space!

In an instant, Li Zhe drew his sword back, his figure quickly retreated a few steps, and retreated to the center of the ice field.

At the same time, within this ice field, there was also a sudden surge of spiritual power.

Li Zhe could clearly feel that this formation was completely activated at this moment, and he couldn't leave this formation now!

damn it……

Li Zhe cursed in a low voice, and at the same time, he was directly on his arm, and the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword slashed slightly on it, leaving a small blood mark.

At this moment, Li Zhe's spiritual power surged, directly raising his Kunpeng power to the highest level!

In an instant, a drop of blood poured out on the blood mark on Li Zhe's wrist.

This drop of blood gathered the essence of Li Zhekun's bloodline, and at the moment it appeared, the space around the ice sheet became distorted in an instant.


Li Zhe's expression was gloomy and he shouted in a deep voice.

The moment the voice fell, the drop of blood suddenly dispersed, turned into dark spots, and instantly dissipated on Li Zhe's wrist.

With that drop of blood disappearing, the space around this entire formation instantly became distorted!

Li Zhe is now using his Kunpeng bloodline to forcibly twist the surrounding space.

As a result, any movement and information in this cannot be smoothly communicated to the outside world!

After doing this, Li Zhe breathed a sigh of relief. The power of this drop of Kunpeng's blood could at least last a few hours.

At least in these few hours, the movement in this formation will not be noticed by the palace owner of the Linghan Palace.


At this moment, Li Zhe's surroundings suddenly began to tremble.

Immediately afterwards, a thin ice mirror slowly rose from the ground. These ice mirrors were all two meters high and one meter wide, but they were very neat.

In just this short time, with Li Zhe as the center, within a hundred meters of the surrounding area, a white-faced ice mirror has appeared!

These ice mirrors are centered on Li Zhe, and they are rounded around Li Zhe.

At the same time, with the rise of these ice mirrors, Li Zhe could clearly feel that the spiritual power around him was already outrageously strong!

"Your breath, it doesn't look like you are a monster, is it a human monk?"

At this moment, the voice of the monk in this formation instantly resounded above the ice field.

At the same time, the ice mirror was slowly covered with a layer of white mist, and then, the white mist dissipated, and the figure of the monk appeared on the ice mirror!

On the hundreds of ice mirrors, the figures that appeared were exactly the same, including expressions and auras, which could be said to be exactly the same.

Ice spells!

Li Zhe squinted his eyes slightly, and it was the first time he encountered such a weird spell.

Naturally, Li Zhe was not a temperament waiting to be killed. At this moment, the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword in his hand was a sword flower, and then Li Zhe raised his hand and waved the sword, dozens of sword lights flew out of the sword instantly.

These sword lights each hit an ice mirror. However, the moment Li Zhe's sword light touched the ice mirror, it directly penetrated the past, and could not touch the ice mirror itself!

"Give up, if you honestly do nothing, you may still have a glimmer of life."

At this moment, the monk above the mirror showed a mocking smile and said to Li Zhe.

Li Zhe snorted coldly, and his divine consciousness expanded at this moment.

No matter how weird the spell is, but the monk's body must cast the spell somewhere. As long as the body is captured, no matter how weird the spell is, it won't break itself!

However, at this moment, the cultivator on the ice mirror slowly raised a hand and pointed it up.

"Bing Si Slash!"

In an instant, the monk's voice resounded through the ice field in an instant.

At the same time, on every ice surface, a thin ice thread shot out in an instant, lasing towards Li Zhe!

Li Zhe's eyebrows condensed slightly, his thoughts moved, and the sword light realm unfolded instantly.

Countless sword lights began to appear around Li Zhe at this moment!

Ding Ding Ding...

With a soft sound, the surging ice silk was completely blocked by the sword light at this moment.

However, Li Zhe's expression did not become relaxed because of this.

He was able to clearly perceive that the ice silk lasing from, each of them is an entity, and none of them is an illusion!

In other words, if this monk casts any spells now, the number of spells will increase a hundredfold!

Although Li Zhe's cultivation base is higher than that of the opponent, in the current situation, if it is impossible to find the opponent's body.

With the passage of time, Li Zhe's spiritual power will inevitably run out of that day!


At the moment when Li Zhe's sword light domain unfolded, the monk let out a soft voice.

Obviously he was surprised that Li Zhe's Yuanying Realm cultivation base was able to use the power of the field.

But immediately, Li Zhe noticed that the air around this, at this moment, instantly cooled down!

In this space, although there is no sunlight, it is very bright, which is obviously the function of this formation.

At this moment, everything Li Zhe could see seemed to be covered with a thick layer of ice mist.

The mist became denser and denser. After just a few breaths, Li Zhe could no longer see anything around him!

And, now, Li Zhe can't even breathe, just because the air around him has frozen to a very low level!


Suddenly, a condensed sound resounded around Li Zhe.

Li Zhe was startled. Under the exploration of his spiritual sense, Li Zhe could clearly feel that everything around him, including the air, had gradually condensed into a thick layer of ice!

At the same time, within the scope of Li Zhe's sword light domain, the air gradually condensed.

Every time the sword light is swung, countless ice cubes that have suddenly condensed need to be chopped.

In these circumstances, the consumption of the sword light domain has increased by a geometric multiple, Li Zhe gritted his teeth slightly, and instantly put the sword light domain away.

Although the sword light domain can protect Li Zhe's surroundings from the erosion of this freezing, if it continues, at most one hour, Li Zhe will run out of spiritual power!

Immediately, Li Zhe stopped the sword light domain directly, and at this moment, he himself started a rapid sword dance.

Every time the surrounding ice freezes, it will be instantly chopped into pieces by Li Zhe.

However, with the passage of time, a large circular ice crystal has formed in the center of the entire ice sheet, which envelops Li Zhe!

Ding Ding Ding...

A loud and crisp sound also began to appear in the ice crystal continuously at this moment.

Li Zhe can now clearly feel that the surrounding ice crystals have become harder and harder, seemingly because of the declining temperature!

"Are you thinking about surrendering?"

At this moment, the monk's voice resounded again.

Li Zhe's expression changed, and he shouted angrily: "You are dreaming!"

As soon as the voice fell, Li Zhe's spiritual energy surged towards the magic-devouring spirit sword.

In an instant, there was a rush of killing Qi on the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword, and immediately afterwards, Li Zhe yelled and cut forward instantly.

The sword light with the blood-red color was cut all the way directly at this moment, directly cutting through the ice crystal!

However, after this sword was cut out, Li Zhe consumed a full 30% of his spiritual power!

Immediately after that, the gap that Li Zhe had just cut out, at this moment, was actually condensed again in an instant, and there was no chance for Li Zhe to escape at all!

Moreover, at this time, the monk also made a sneer.

However, what the monk didn't notice was that the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword in Li Zhe's hand had already become another sword after that sword was cut out.

That is the sword that Li Zhe gave to his puppet!

At the same time, although Li Zhe still kept the anger on his face, if he looked closely, he could see that his eyes were still calm.


At this moment, it seemed that Li Zhe was angry, and the monk laughed proudly.

Time gradually passed, and in a blink of an eye, a full hour has passed since this formation was activated.

Li Zhe, who was wrapped in the center of the huge ice crystal, had now stopped his sword dance, and his whole person was frozen in the ice crystal.

Obviously, Li Zhe had discovered that using a sword to resist this ice was really too consuming spiritual power. He simply used his own spiritual power to ensure that he was not injured by this ice crystal.

However, in this way, Li Zhe still has to constantly consume spiritual power to avoid being frostbited.

Moreover, he has completely lost the opportunity to resist. The hardness of this ice crystal is no less than the hardness of the sword in his hand at this moment.

Under these circumstances, it is extremely difficult for Li Zhe to resist anymore.

At the same time, the figure of the monk slowly appeared outside the ice crystal.

"Tsk tusk, I didn't expect that this late-stage cultivator of the Nascent Infant Realm would also die in my hands."

With a smug smile on the corner of the monk's mouth, he murmured in a low voice.

As he spoke, as soon as he raised his hand, his hands were directly covered on the ice crystals, and at the same time, the spiritual power in his body began to surging constantly, obviously he was going to do some killer moves!

However, at this moment, behind him, a figure appeared silently, and in the hand of that figure, he was holding the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword! The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: I read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: read it on my mobile phone after I found the fairy bottle: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 2250 Array Start) reading Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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