After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2252: Enter the Linghan Hall

The elder was thrown on the ice sheet by Li Zhe at this moment.

He now has no ability to move at all, and can only lie here, recovering spiritual power at an extremely slow speed.

In fact, Li Zhe estimated that he would be able to leave this formation within a few months, and he was already overestimated.

Judging from the current situation, it would take at least a full year or more for this elder to be able to leave this formation.

However, once Li Zhe succeeded in stealing the breath of the cold, after the Yaozu left, these formations would naturally no longer exist.

At that time, this elder will naturally be discovered, so the few months that Li Zhe said would not be a big problem.

And now, Li Zhe is also sitting on the ice sheet, entered the jade bottle space, and started to recover quickly.

The temperature above the ice sheet is not too low. As long as no one casts a spell, Li Zhe can be safe and sound with his body protection spiritual power alone.

This time, Li Zhe's spiritual energy in his body was also exhausted, and it took three full days to reach the peak state again.

Immediately, Li Zhe got up slowly, and after a glance at the elder, he left the formation directly.

Now that this formation hasn't been activated, Li Zhe left with just a thought.

Back in the Linghan Palace again, Li Zhe also took a deep breath and shook his head.

He really didn't expect that the elders of this Linghan Palace didn't know much about Linghan Palace.

Now, his front is the Linghan Temple, so he can only explore it slowly on his own.

Thinking of this, Li Zhe also slowly closed his breath, using spiritual energy, the temperature of the Linghan Temple, Li Zhe estimated that after he entered it, there was no way to continue breathing.

As he moved forward, the surrounding temperature gradually dropped to the point where Li Zhe had to consume spiritual power to resist.

At this moment, Li Zhe is on a square. Around the square, there are also various ice sculptures.

These ice sculptures can be regarded as the only scene in this spiritual cold palace.

And in front of this square, there is a large hall.

The main hall is naturally the Linghan Hall.

The formations around the entire Linghan Temple were already fully opened, and Li Zhe could barely see the outline of the Linghan Temple through that formation.

This formation is also extremely strong, and it is connected to the sect of the Linghan Palace, the cultivator of the Purple Mansion Realm, and they may not be able to break into it.

I want to come here because the defense was much weaker before Linghan Palace.

However, for Li Zhe, these formations could not create any obstacles.

Immediately, Li Zhe's figure flashed, and he reached the front of the Linghan Temple in an instant, and the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword in his hand instantly stabbed into the formation.

As always, this formation was also not triggered, and the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword also pierced into that formation at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhe swiped down, and instantly opened the formation, revealing a passable gap.

However, when Li Zhe withdrew the sword body, he just noticed that half of his sword body was now covered with a thick layer of ice mist!

Moreover, at the moment this gap opened, a force of extreme cold flew out of it in an instant.

Li Zhe was unguarded, and a thick layer of ice mist formed on his entire body in an instant!

Li Zhe hurriedly switched the spiritual protection body, barely covering his body, and then he did not hesitate to flash his figure and entered this formation.

At this moment, after arriving in the Linghan Hall, the cold in it was almost the coldest breath Li Zhe had encountered so far!

This cold force even reminded Li Zhe of the real Purple Mansion who used ice spells at the fairy mountain gate back then!

Li Zhe gritted his teeth slightly, at least for now, the cold cannot endanger Li Zhe.

From the memory of the elder, Li Zhe clearly knew that the cold was actually caused by the special formation in the Linghan Palace.

Like when a disciple enters, the formation will be closed.

It's just that the formation talisman for switching the formation is in the hands of the Palace Master of the Linghan Palace, obviously Li Zhe can't get it now.

Immediately, Li Zhe stepped forward, and soon walked to the gate of the Linghan Hall.

After reaching this position, Li Zhe's expression was even more condensed. He could clearly feel that the temperature inside was even colder than outside!

It is estimated that it only takes one minute, and Li Zhe will be consumed by 10% of his spiritual power!

In other words, Li Zhe can only stay in it for ten minutes now, no matter how long his spiritual power is insufficient!

But this is enough for Li Zhe.

He never thought that he could get the breath of the cold as soon as he came, he just wanted to grasp more clues now.

However, the moment Li Zhe stepped into the door, his expression suddenly changed.

Because Li Zhe could clearly feel that the floor tiles he stepped on, at this moment, slowly sank a little bit!

But just so little, Li Zhe knew that he must have touched some formation.


At this moment, a rumbling sound suddenly sounded behind Li Zhe, and the gate of the Linghan Palace was also closed suddenly at this moment!

Li Zhe turned his head and saw that the gate of the Linghan Palace was condensed by ice crystals. I am afraid that the hardness level would not be lower than the elder attack he had just encountered in the formation!

Moreover, as the door closed, the spatial fluctuations in the entire hall were suddenly blocked.

Li Zhe wanted to use the power of space to escape, and there was no chance.

The entire Linghan Hall was made of that ice crystal, so there should be no other way to leave except this gate.

Now, what Li Zhe is most worried about is whether he will be discovered by the palace lord of the Linghan Palace if he touches this formation!

At this moment, in the palace master's hall, the palace master looked at the huge ice surface in the center of the hall with a serious expression.

Above that ice surface, there is a scene of looking for mountains as it is today.

Now, the cultivators of the Linghan Palace had occupied the periphery of the Tianxun Mountain Range and beat all the monster beasts into the interior.

However, if you want to go deeper, the difficulty becomes even greater.

After all, there is no large-scale battle between the two sides, and then continue, but it is really going to face the enemy head-on!

Moreover, among the monster beasts, there are also many monster beasts with ice attributes, and most of the techniques in the Linghan Palace are invalid to these monsters!

But now, the main thing this palace does is to command the next battle in Linghan Palace.

And he didn't notice, it was at this moment that a token behind his seat flickered slightly.

The flickering of this token is precisely because Li Zhe triggered the formation of the Linghan Palace!

It's just that now the palace lord is preparing to command the battle attentively, but he hasn't noticed this.

At this moment, Li Zhe was in the Linghan Hall and was also observing this Hall.

According to the memory of the elder and the previous disciple, Li Zhe had a general understanding of this hall. After all, the two of them had been here when they first started.

The hall looked like a vast expanse of whiteness, and nothing existed.

But Li Zhe knew where the agency was.

He took a deep breath, stepped to the wall in the depths of the hall, stretched out his hand, and gently touched one of them.


Li Zhe squinted slightly. In the memory of the elder, the person who led him into the sect touched this place, revealing the breath of coldness.

And when Li Zhe touched this place with his arm at the moment, he also noticed that there seemed to be a slight depression here.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhe injected a little spiritual power into it.

In an instant, the wall slowly made a slight roar, and then, a light spot with a faint blue light floated out of the wall.

This light spot with blue light is naturally that breath of coldness!

Logically speaking, if Li Zhe could absorb the breath of the cold, he would not be afraid of the severe cold right now.

It's just a pity that Li Zhe's practice has been practiced so far, and he can no longer change his practice.

If the cultivation technique is not changed, it will naturally be impossible to use this breath of coldness as one's own use.

"I want to come to the core of the breath of the cold is hidden somewhere in it, as long as you find it, everything else is easy to say."

Li Zhe murmured in a low voice and began to observe carefully.

This entire hall was made of ice crystals, a vast expanse of whiteness, and there was no way to other places at all.

And the wall in front of Li Zhe's eyes is only a thin layer, and the core of the cold breath is hidden in this, which is obviously unlikely.

However, with Li Zhe's thinking, time is also passing, and now he has entered this one, a full eight minutes have passed!

Now Li Zhe had only the last 20% of his spiritual power left in his body.

Li Zhe took a deep breath and slowly spread out his palm, his spiritual power surging towards it.

Soon, the snowflake pattern appeared in Li Zhe's palm at this moment.

Then, the snowflake pattern slowly turned into an aura, covering Li Zhe's figure in it.

Sure enough, with this ray of light enveloped, the surrounding severe cold couldn't penetrate this light, causing any damage to Li Zhe!

Seeing this, Li Zhe also let out a sigh of relief, at least for the next hour, he won't suffer any more damage.

Immediately, Li Zhe threw a few recovery pills into his mouth, and then began to observe the Spiritual Cold Hall, hoping to find the hiding place of the Spiritual Cold Breath here.

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