After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2275: It's actually old knowledge

Right now, Li Zhe had asked Hong Li to roughly describe the person he saw.

However, just listening to Hong Li's description, Li Zhe couldn't know who the other party was, anyway, at least it sounded like he didn't know that person.

But in any case, the possibility that this person will be against him is actually not high.

"Anyway, I'll talk about it once we meet."

Li Zhe let out a long sigh of relief, and said softly now.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Hong Li also nodded, and said, "The market should be gone in one or two days. If the leader wants to meet, it is indeed better to go as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Li Zhe should say: "Well, let's lead the way."

Hong Li responded and stood up, ready to lead the way.

But at this moment, Li Zhe frowned, turned his head and looked at Li Huang who was aside.

It seems that Li Huang has been in this state of absent-mindedness ever since he entered this Immortal Falling Zone.

"what's happenin?"

Immediately, Li Zhe also asked Li Huang softly.

Li Huang shook his head slightly, and then said to Li Zhe: "Master, in your perception, this place should be a place with extremely thin spiritual power, right?"

"Yeah, could it be that you don't feel that way?"

Li Zhe condensed his brows and asked softly.

Hearing this, Li Huang shook his head and spoke to Li Zhe.

Li Huang's feeling is naturally the same as Li Zhe, and he also feels that the spiritual energy here is thin.

However, apart from this, Li Huang actually faintly felt that he was very close to this place!

It was a strange sense of intimacy, which made Li Huang even feel a little bit as if he had gone home.

At the same time, Li Huang also knew that this feeling was emanating from his own blood.

With the incident of the Floating Cloud School before, Li Huang is naturally afraid to talk about it now, so he waited until Li Zhe asked before he said it.

"Do you feel close?"

Li Zhe frowned, he also couldn't make up his mind.

After all, Li Zhe didn't have any dragon bloodline. The only thing close to the dragon was the dragon breath technique.

However, the technique of dragon's breath is just a disguise on the breath, and even when Li Zhe is displaying it now, he can't feel the same feeling as Li Huang.

"What happened before was just an accident. Don't pay too much attention to it."

Immediately, Li Zhe comforted Li Huang, and then said: "You stay here, think of a way to figure out the source of the intimacy, and when you find it, you have to talk to me before making a decision!"


Hearing Li Zhe's words, Li Huang also nodded decisively.

With previous experience, now Li Huang will never make any private decisions anymore. Even if he waits for something to be discovered, he must first communicate with Li Zhe.

Immediately, Li Zhe raised his head and said to Hong Li, who was waiting on the side: "He stays with you, there is no problem, right?"

"The elders can practice here, it is really brilliant, how can there be any problems."

Hong Li was taken aback for a moment, and then he said repeatedly.

Hearing this, Li Zhe gave a wry smile, and then said: "Okay, let's go first, so let Li Huang stay here."

"Yes, boss!"

Hong Li hurriedly responded. This was when he stepped out and took Li Zhe to the market.

Soon, Li Zhe and Li Zhe left this Luoxian City.

Outside Luoxian City, there is a rolling mountain.

This is not Li Zhe's old world, and in addition, the spiritual energy is thin, no monks will come.

Therefore, most of the paths here are mountain roads, and the small market is located on a mountain road at the side of a small hill not far outside the city of Luoxian.

The distance is not far, Li Zhe and Li Zhe did not use the technique of flying in the air, they just spread out their bodies and marched quickly.

Only after about a cup of tea, Li Zhe faintly heard a noise coming from the front.

In this mountain road, it is extremely silent, and any sound will spread far.

As he moved forward, Li Zhe also saw a lot of tents on both sides of the mountain road ahead. Obviously, this was the small market.

All the items sold in this bazaar were used by mortals, and Li Zhe didn't have much interest in these.

Hong Li was also familiar with the road. After taking Li Zhe around the tent for a while, he stopped in front of a white tent.

This tent is triangular, but it is four to five meters high, and the space inside is not small.

"Leader, wait a minute, I'll talk to that man."

Standing in front of the entrance of this tent, Hong Li turned his head and said to Li Zhe.

However, at this moment, the tent was gently lifted from the inside, and a strong man stepped out of it and said calmly: "No need."

"You come in."

After the strong man glanced at Li Zhe, he said to Li Zhe.

While speaking, he glanced at Hong Li and said, "I'm talking to your master, so don't follow."

After speaking, the brawny man turned his head and returned directly to the tent.

Hong Li was taken aback for a moment, blinked, and then looked up at Li Zhe with some uncertainty.

"Don't worry, I'll go in and take a look, and you can wait outside."

Li Zhe smiled at Hong Li and said softly.

Hong Li's cultivation was only in the late stage of the Void God Realm. He followed Li Zhe and couldn't help much, so Li Zhe didn't care too much about it.

After hearing Li Zhe's words, Hong Li nodded slightly, stood by the entrance of the tent, and guarded Li Zhe.

At this time, Li Zhe lifted the curtain and stepped into it.

The setup in this tent is extremely simple, just a long table and two stools.

The brawny man was already sitting on the side of the table, raised his finger to the stool in front of him, and motioned for Li Zhe to sit opposite him.

However, at the moment Li Zhe walked into the tent, he vaguely noticed a very subtle aura fluctuation.

That fluctuation is not a disadvantage to Li Zhe, but a formation in this tent!

Li Zhe stood on the spot and perceived it carefully before confirming that this formation was an isolation formation to prevent outsiders from snooping on the conversation between the two.

"It seems, your Excellency is not easy."

Li Zhe smiled while sitting opposite the brawny man and said softly.

The level of this isolation formation is extremely high. If it were not for Li Zhe's very sensitive consciousness, I am afraid that even Li Zhe might not be able to detect the opening of this formation.

The brawny man shrugged and said to Li Zhe: "It's better to be careful."

Li Zhe didn't care much about this, but he was extra careful at the moment.

Because the two were sitting opposite each other at this moment, Li Zhe was clearly aware of it.

Even with his current cultivation base, he couldn't see clearly what realm the brawny man in front of him was!

This matter seemed extremely terrifying.

You know, although Li Zhe is only the cultivation base of the late Nascent Soul Stage, his spiritual consciousness is very powerful.

To put it simply, under the Purple Mansion, unless it is covered by a magic weapon similar to the purple spirit jade clothing on his body, otherwise, Li Zhe can definitely see through the strength of the opponent!

As for the person in front of him, his aura was not blocked by some magic weapon, it was simply that his strength was higher than that of Li Zhe.

In short, the person in front of him is at least the cultivation base of the Purple Mansion Realm!

"Your dignified real person in the Purple Mansion, why would you sit here and give me information?"

Li Zhe narrowed his eyes, looked at the brawny man in front of him, and said slowly.

The brawny man was taken aback, then he shook his head and laughed.

After a long while, he said, "I forgot, but your spiritual consciousness is far stronger than the same realm."

"You know me?"

Li Zhe's expression was stagnant, and he asked suspiciously.

Hearing Li Zhe's question, the brawny man nodded slightly, with a mysterious look in his eyes, and said to Li Zhe: "Yes, speaking of it, you and I are old acquaintances."

"Old knowledge?"

Li Zhe frowned and murmured.

In any case, he couldn't remember when he had seen this person in front of him.

Moreover, this person was the cultivation base of the Purple Mansion Realm, no matter where he saw him, Li Zhe was confident that he would never forget him.

Unless, the other party covers his face!

Thinking about it this way, Li Zhe's spiritual consciousness peeked toward the other party.

His divine sense had just explored it, and he was bounced back by the opponent's body protection spirit.

However, at that moment, Li Zhe noticed that the other party's body was covered with a thin layer of spiritual power.

That spiritual power Li Zhe was familiar with was the spiritual power that he would use when he changed his appearance.

"Who is your Excellency? Why don't you show your true colors?"

Right now, Li Zhe took a breath and said to the other party: "Although you don't know what you want from me, since it's a deal, you must let me know who you are?"

Hearing Li Zhe's words, the brawny man laughed, and he didn't seem to be angry because Li Zhe had just spied on his true appearance.

At this moment, the spiritual power of this brawny man suddenly surged, and the whole body shape changed at this moment.

In an instant, he recovered his original appearance and said with a light smile to Li Zhe: "I just want to test how alert you are. It looks like it's really good now."

Looking at the person in front of him, Li Zhe's eyes widened in an instant, and he said in surprise: "It's you?!"

At this moment, the person in front of Li Zhe was wearing a white robe, his skin was white, and he was already holding a bunch of unknown tokens in his hand.

This person is that Bering!

"I gave you some information about the evil cultivation back then. How can I say, are we friends now?"

Bering smiled slightly, looked at Li Zhe, and said softly.

The corner of Li Zhe's mouth twitched slightly. The other party's cultivation base appeared here, and it must be more than just providing information to himself. The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: I read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: read it on my mobile phone after I found the fairy bottle: the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 2275 is actually old knowledge) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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