After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2278: Bering's acquaintance


This is Li Zhe's most intuitive feeling now.

His Tiantong treasure hunting tactics, after being released at this moment, only lasted for a while, and then slowly dissipated.

In Li Zhe's feelings, it was as if his own spell actually did not exist.

This sense of emptiness directly proved to Li Zhe that there is indeed no way of heaven here.

At this moment, Li Zhe narrowed his eyes slightly, and he didn't figure it out. The gorge that exists here must be the work of heaven and earth, but there is no heavenly aura in the lower part.

"Could it be...what kind of prisoner is this being used to detain, just like the Dao of the day?"

For an instant, Li Zhe's expression was stagnant, and he muttered in a low voice.

Judging from all the previous contacts, this Heavenly Dao obviously has a certain consciousness, I am afraid that this place is really a place for prisoners to be used!

And the existence that can be regarded as a prisoner...

Li Zhe took a deep breath, and it was no wonder that Bering made himself want to fight the people in it.

However, just knowing this, there is no way for Li Zhe to find a way to enter.

"Never mind, go back and ask that person again."

Li Zhe thought for a while, but still felt that he could not act hastily. He went to Bering first to ask clearly, there was always no problem.

It just wastes some time.

However, just as Li Zhe was about to leave, the light below this was also slightly surging.

This kind of surging is quite normal, as Li Zhe had seen it before when he patrolled down here.

The only difference is that Li Zhe is in a static state at the moment, and he is not running any spiritual power.

Therefore, at the moment when the light was surging, Li Zhe was also vaguely aware that the power of the Great Dao was actually contained in the light!

"Heaven is not here, but does it leave power here?"

Li Zhe squinted his eyes slightly, this kind of behavior is indeed like imprisoning a prisoner.

And the power that ruined the knife just now seemed to come from the power of the Dao that day.

However, at this moment, Li Zhe seemed to be aware of something, took a deep breath, and the spiritual power in his body started to work instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhe activated his Taoist body to the greatest extent!

Sure enough, with the activation of Li Zhe's Taoist body, Li Zhe's feeling of stepping on this light was also different.

For Li Zhe, the light just now was a bit soft, but it couldn't penetrate into it.

But now, stepping on it feels like stepping on a surface of ice that is about to melt, as if you can sink into it with a little effort!

Li Zhe slowly crouched down and pressed his palm against the light.

Immediately afterwards, he slammed hard, and in an instant, the entire palm of his hand directly entered the light!

Li Zhe's eyes lit up, and the spiritual power in his body instantly moved, giving his body a downward force.

In an instant, Li Zhe's figure sank directly into it.

After entering this light, Li Zhe felt as if he had penetrated a thin film.

The light that looks thick at the top is actually only as thin as a piece of paper!

The moment he penetrated, Li Zhe opened his eyes and looked around.

At this look, Li Zhe was slightly taken aback.

I saw that the light on his head was emitting a soft blue light at this moment, just like the feeling of night.

And below this, there is only a hundred meters of space left, which is to reach the bottom.

Immediately, Li Zhe's figure flashed and fell on the ground.

This ground is not the rocky ground Li Zhe imagined, but very soft soil.

On the land, there are still a lot of weeds on both sides of this avenue.

Below this, there is no other cave, but just like the above, with a width of only a few hundred meters.

But if you look closely, you can see that a path has already been stepped on here, and it must be that people often go back and forth.

Li Zhe took a breath. After reaching the bottom, he realized that the bottom was completely lifeless.

Even with these weeds and the like, it feels like an apocalyptic, without any hope.

He frowned slightly, and he could probably guess that these feelings were mainly due to the fact that the power of the Tao did not reach this place on that day.

At the moment, Li Zhe had a thought to maximize the shielding power of the purple spirit jade clothing.

After doing all this, Li Zhe's figure flashed, and he clung to the wall on one side.

It can be seen that the people who often walked on this road at that time were all walking in the center. Therefore, Li Zhe walked to the side to avoid being noticed to the greatest extent.

At this moment, the position Li Zhe was at was exactly on the lower side, and not far ahead was the end of the road.

Therefore, Li Zhe turned around and walked towards the back, trying to find the village that Bering was talking about.

The road below is exactly the same, but there are no obstacles.

That is to say, after Li Zhe walked about several kilometers, Li Zhe's expression suddenly stagnated, and his figure stopped directly.

In front of Li Zhe, a man was walking in the direction facing Li Zhe.

The feeling this man gave Li Zhe was like that Bering, which made Li Zhe completely unable to see through!

Above the Purple Mansion!

In an instant, these four words appeared in Li Zhe's mind.

At this moment, the spiritual power in Li Zhe's body is already ready to go. As soon as he is discovered by the other party, Li Zhe will fly up for the first time and run above the light at the fastest speed.

At least it seems that the people below can't leave here.

However, the man didn't seem to notice Li Zhe, and walked past Li Zhe's side.

Seeing this, Li Zhe also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he was not found.

"If you want to find our village, you are going in the wrong direction."

However, at the moment when Li Zhe's breath eased, the man suddenly spoke softly.

Listening to this voice, Li Zhe's heart was almost instantly mentioned.

He turned his head and saw that the man was looking at Li Zhe with a look.

For a moment, Li Zhe only felt his heart stunned.

"Pre...senior, hello."

Li Zhe took a deep breath, and then said softly to the other party.

The person in front of him seemed to have no intention of doing anything to Li Zhe.

At least, it doesn't seem to be aggressive, which is why Li Zhe didn't escape in the first place.

The man nodded lightly, then pointed to the film above, and asked Li Zhe: "How did you get off?"

Li Zhe hesitated for a moment. This was just a breath. At this moment, he activated his Dao body.

That is the moment when Li Zhe's body of enlightenment was activated, the man's eyes were instantly narrowed, and there was a trace of hostility in his eyes.

"This physical trait... is you born with it?"

The man looked at Li Zhe and asked in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Li Zhe shook his head and said, "This is not true. This trait is what I got in a ruin."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, the man nodded slightly, and the hostility in his eyes slowly dissipated.

"This is not where you should come, leave."

Immediately, the man shook his head and said to Li Zhe.

Li Zhe also hesitated slightly when he heard the other party's words.

He didn't know whether he should tell the other party his purpose, it seemed that the other party seemed a little moody.

It's just that the opponent's performance so far is pretty good, at least it doesn't seem to feel like a sudden move.

"I came here to get something. I heard that there is a kind of flower blooming in the village below. I want to get a flower."

Li Zhe took a breath and slowly said to the man, "I wonder if you can give it?"

"Are you referring to Dadaohua? Who asked you to come?"

At this moment, the man's eyes became sharp instantly, and he asked Li Zhe.

Li Zhe's complexion was stagnant, and at this moment, a sudden panic hit his heart.

At this moment, he just wanted to leave here quickly.

However, at this time, Li Zhe discovered that his body had been placed in place by the opponent, and he couldn't move at all!

"The broken road that the flower that grows in your village?"

At this moment, Li Zhe also forced himself to calm his mind, and then slowly said to the man.

The man ignored Li Zhe any more, but moved slowly, walked up to Li Zhe, and looked up and down Li Zhe.

After a long while, he murmured: "You should be someone who asked you to come here to get the ruined flower, right?"

Hearing what the other party said, Li Zhe didn't conceal it, just a deep hum.

Hearing this, the man showed a strange smile on his face, and then whispered: "Is that man with white skin and holding a token all the time?"

"You know?"

Li Zhe was taken aback and asked suspiciously.

The man waved his hand and was about to speak, but suddenly his expression changed and he turned to look in the direction where Li Zhe came.

"Someone is coming, I will take you away first."

Immediately, the man said to Li Zhe.

While speaking, Li Zhe felt that there was a flower in front of him, and in an instant, the two of them had disappeared in place.

And shortly after the two left, a limping old man walked slowly in the distance, and the old man's face seemed to have a strong killing intent.

When he reached the position where Li Zhe had just stayed, he twitched his nose slightly, and then said angrily: "Familiar aura, you dare to send someone over, isn't it enough for me to wait here? !"

While speaking, he continued to walk forward. The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: will read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: read it on my mobile phone after I found the fairy bottle: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 2278 Bering's acquaintances), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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