After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2281: Master of the spiritual world

Hearing the identity of Bering, Li Zhe's expression froze for an instant, and he thought of the spiritual guard who guarded the gate of the underworld.

It seems that this Bering and that Lingshou are the same kind of people.

And in that underworld, according to Ling Shou's words, there is a controller.

Could it be in the spiritual world?

"In this cultivation world, is there a controller who controls this world?"

In an instant, Li Zhe asked what he wanted to ask.

Hearing Li Zhe's questioning, Bering glanced at him and said, "You understand it this way, it's okay."

Li Zhe replied, did not speak any more, just motioned to the other party to continue speaking.

Immediately, Bering took a breath and spoke slowly.

To be precise, Bering was a monk in the ancient times, having experienced battles with the demons and demons.

Even in that era when talents were born in large numbers, Bering was considered a very talented person.

It only took two hundred years for Bai Ling to cultivate to the pinnacle of the Purple Mansion Realm, only one step away from the ascension.

However, at that time, Bering had a weakness, and that was his biological brother.

His younger brother is different from him, and his cultivation talent is extremely poor. Even with the help of a brother like Bering, when he reaches the peak of Bailing's Purple Mansion, his younger brother is only in the early stage of the Golden Core Realm, and his life is near.

In order to prolong his brother's life, Bering kept searching everywhere, and finally, he found a hidden ruin.

In the ruins, Bering met the master of this world, and the man told Bering.

As long as Bering is willing to do something for that person, he can keep Bering's younger brother by his side.

Regarding this condition, Bering was naturally willing in every possible way, so he agreed to the other party's request.

"You still have a brother? What's wrong with your brother now?"

Li Zhe frowned and asked softly, "Even if the talent is poor, from the ancient times to the present, you should be able to have the Purple Mansion Realm, right?"

Listening to Li Zhe's words, a bitter expression suddenly appeared on Bering's face.

He shook his head and slowly raised the token in his hand.

"My brother has indeed been by my side all the time, but this method is not what I want."

Bering held the token and said slowly.

Li Zhe was taken aback, looking at the token that Bering was holding up, he didn't know why.

However, at this moment, the token did light up slightly, and then a voice came from it: "Hello."

Hearing this voice, Li Zhe's eyes instantly glared, and he looked at Bering incredulously.

Bering also nodded slightly, and murmured: "After the end of his life, my brother was turned into my spirit by that person..."

The corners of Li Zhe's mouth twitched slightly. Good fellow, this is indeed always by his side. After all, there is no longevity in the spirit of the instrument. As long as the artifact exists, it will never die.

Immediately, Li Zhe also took a breath and waited for Bering to continue speaking.

Bering sighed long and continued to speak slowly.

At the end of his brother's life, Bering had been working for him for a long time.

After discovering that his younger brother had become his own spirit, Bering was also very angry, but the other party was too strong, and Bering could not resist at all.

Moreover, because of the law contract signed with the other party, Bering also lost the ability to ascend.

Even now the strength is far beyond the Purple Mansion realm, and he can't ascend to the upper realm to find a way to resurrect his brother.

No way, I don't want to live anymore, for the sake of himself and his younger brother, he can only continue to work for each other.

However, just two thousand years ago, he discovered a way to get rid of each other.

"what way?"

Li Zhe narrowed his eyes and asked curiously.

The master of this world, it sounds as if he can control it together with the Dao of Heaven.

This kind of existence, it should be extremely difficult to get rid of the method of his control.

Bering just glanced at Li Zhe at this time, and then said slowly: "You will know in the future. As for that time, I failed."

Hearing Bering's words, Li Zhe was stunned, and he did not continue to question.

Immediately, Bering breathed a sigh of relief and continued speaking slowly.

After that time, he originally thought that the person would wipe out his existence in anger, but in fact, Bering would be able to accept it, at least he didn't have to suffer such suffering anymore.

However, that person just told Bering not to give an example, and then he would not punish Bering any more!

When this disappointed Bering, he also saw a glimmer of hope, at least he seemed to be able to try again.

"So, this time, are you going to let me help you?"

Li Zhe took a breath, looked at Bering, and asked softly.

Bering nodded decisively and said, "Well, you are different from other monks. I have seen many monks over the past ten thousand years, and you are the most special one."

"Where am I special?"

Li Zhe was taken aback and asked suspiciously.

However, at this time, Bering stopped talking, but quietly said to Li Zhe: "Okay, this is the end of this matter. In the future, when it is almost time, I will tell you everything. ."

Li Zhe blinked his eyes when he heard Bering's words, but did not ask any more questions.

At least now, he has already made many things clear.

Like the seven people trapped under the line of gorge, just thinking about it, knowing that Bering must have asked them to help with this matter before, so they met.

After all, they are in the same situation as Bering.

At this moment, Li Zhe walked slowly, walked to the table of Bering and sat down, then slowly closed his eyes, and began to digest the information he had received.

On the other hand, Bering sat quietly on the spot, looking at Li Zhe, but did not interrupt him anymore.

This whole thing, the only thing that shocked Li Zhe's heart is that there is actually a master in this world of cultivation!

But this thought only shocked Li Zhe for a moment, and he just left the matter behind.

After all, there are not many practitioners who believe in gods and Buddhas.

Moreover, this world is respected by the strong, and it is understandable that there is an extremely strong person in control of this world.

Anyway, at least so far, the controller hasn't had any intersection with himself, so Li Zhe naturally didn't bother to think about it anymore.

After a long while, Li Zhe let out a sigh of relief and opened his eyes.

"Have you adjusted your mindset? I thought you would spend a lot of time to calm down."

Bering looked at Li Zhe with his eyes open, and said with a light smile.

Li Zhe raised his eyebrows and said slowly: "Anyway, you will definitely not risk your own life, so when you ask me to help later, it must be when you have a certain degree of confidence. As for the controller, you will I have nothing to do."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Bering laughed and said: "You are so free and easy, you are really rare."

"Okay, what shall we do next?"

Li Zhe shrugged his shoulders, and then slowly asked the other party.

Hearing this, Bering said to Li Zhe: "You really got the flower, right?"

"Got it, it's in my storage bag now, do you want to take it out?"

Li Zhe nodded and said to Bering.

He remembered that the man told him that this flower could only be taken out in front of Bering.

Bering took a deep breath and asked Li Zhe, "The flower you got should be a rhizome, right?"

Li Zhe nodded, answered, and then asked curiously: "Why is this flower like this?"

Immediately, Bering explained to Li Zhe.

This so-called broken road flower is a kind of peculiar flower that naturally grows in a place where there is no heavenly covering.

This peanut will bloom where there is no heaven, but it must be where heaven exists!

Therefore, as long as Li Zhe takes it out, it will bloom.

In the same way, this broken Dao flower has a special power, and that is the place where it blooms. Within ten miles, it will shield the power of the Dao!

"You also know my current situation. As long as I'm under heaven, all my actions will be noticed. Therefore, I can only use this flower to conceal my actions."

Immediately, Bering said to Li Zhe.

Li Zhe was taken aback for a moment, and then asked in confusion, "Then you tell me this here, wouldn't it be exposed as well?"

"It's not the same, it won't be exposed here."

Bai Ling chuckled lightly and said softly.

At the moment his voice fell, golden lights lit up inside the tent.

At this time, Li Zhe was also aware that this golden light actually isolated his Dao aura from that day!

"Well, you take it out, and then walk outside the tent and wait for me. The Dao Dao flower will only bloom for three hours before it will dissipate, so let's go faster!"

Immediately, Bering said in a deep voice to Li Zhe.

Hearing this, Li Zhe nodded slightly and responded.

Immediately, he got up and left the tent quickly, and walked outside the tent.

As soon as he arrived, Li Zhe took the ruined flower from his storage bag.

After taking it out, there was no response to the Dao Daohua. Li Zhe frowned slightly, asking whether he had to inject spiritual power into it.

However, at this moment, a lavender light suddenly lit up on the stem.

Immediately afterwards, a very coquettish flower was exposed on this stem, and it grew rapidly!

In a blink of an eye, Li Zhe held a fist-sized flower on the stem.

At the same time, the aura of the Dao between heaven and earth dissipated in Li Zhe's perception at this moment!

"Good guy, I didn't expect it to be so amazing!"

Li Zhe also murmured to himself while looking at the Dao Dao flower in his hand. The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: will read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: read it on my mobile phone after I found the fairy bottle: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 2281, the master of spiritual practice), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf ! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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