After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2285: Collect loot

At this moment, after solving the space dragon, Hua Zhufeng looked calm and calm. Obviously, in his opinion, solving such an opponent is completely like solving a miscellaneous soldier.

He lowered his head and glanced at the heart of the spatial dragon that was thrown on the ground by him.

The heart was obviously not made of flesh and blood, but a polymer similar to energy, which looked like a black crystal.

The whole heart is condensed by the power of pitch black, similar to the power of space. After being taken out at this moment, black electric light flashes continuously on the heart, hitting the ground, making the whole heart suspended. In mid-air.

Seeing this scene now, Hua Zhufeng seemed to understand why Li Zhe let himself keep this heart.

He tilted his head and glanced at Li Huang next to him. At this moment, Li Huang was in a coma. Although the injury he suffered was not serious, it was caused by the power of space after all, which made it extremely difficult for him to heal his injury.

Immediately, Hua Zhufeng stepped forward and walked to Li Zhe's side.

"Thank you seniors for your help."

At this moment, Li Zhe also took a sigh of relief and whispered to Hua Zhufeng.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Hua Zhufeng nodded his head calmly, and then glanced at the cave.

"Call me again next time. Remember to find a place with a good view. It is no different from that of Guixu and there is nothing to see."

Immediately, Hua Zhufeng said to Li Zhe with a faint smile.

Hearing this, Li Zhe was also taken aback, and then smiled: "It will be next time."

"Also, you have to carefully improve your strength, otherwise, like today's enemy, even if there is one more, I can't solve it. Your spiritual power is too small."

Hua Zhufeng stretched out his hand, patted Li Zhe on the shoulder, and said softly.

As he spoke, Hua Zhufeng's entire body turned into a little bit of aura and gradually dissipated in front of Li Zhe.

Obviously, even though Hua Zhufeng's two blows just looked commonplace, they definitely used a lot of spiritual power.

You can hear from his words that the two blows just now exhausted the spiritual power he drew from Li Zhe.

After Hua Zhufeng left, Li Zhe let out a long sigh of relief. The enemy was finally resolved, which made Li Zhe relax a lot.

However, when he looked at the corpse of the space dragon, he also shook his head with a wry smile.

It is true that the immortal's items are sealed here, but I am afraid that Bering did not expect that this immortal's spiritual pet, this space dragon, was actually regarded as that immortal's item, and was sealed here!

Fortunately, tens of thousands of years have passed, and with the help of China and the wind, if the two are usually less than one, I am afraid that Li Zhe and Li Huang will have to explain here today.

Li Zhe took a sigh of relief, and his figure stood up at this time.

Although the spiritual power in his body was almost exhausted, fortunately, Hua Zhufeng left him a trace, and this meeting did not affect his actions.

Soon, Li Zhe stepped up to Li Huang's.

At this moment, Li Huang's breath seemed exceptionally weak, and Li Zhe slowly crouched down, and immediately noticed that there was a force of space entwined in Li Huang's wound.

The power of the space is very gentle, and the spiritual power in Li Huang's body is constantly trying to repair the wounds, and it will continue to be hurt by the power of that space.

But this is not too tricky for Li Zhe.

Immediately, he slowly raised a hand and pressed it on Li Huang's wound. In an instant, along with the surge of Kunpeng's blood, all the power of the space in the sky was sucked out by Li Zhe.

After sucking out all the power of the space, the wound on Li Huang's body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the end, Li Huang is now considered to be the body of the dragon clan, and the healing speed is naturally extremely fast.

Only a few minutes later, Li Huang took a long breath and opened his eyes.

"the host……"

Looking at Li Zhe in front of him, Li Huang yelled weakly.

At this time, he was shocked, he seemed to remember the current situation, and quickly sat up.

Looking back, after seeing the giant dragon's corpse, Li Huang let out a long sigh of relief and patted his chest.

"Master, how did you kill him?"

Looking at the corpse of the space dragon, Li Huang also asked Li Zhe curiously.

Li Zhe raised his eyebrows and said with a faint smile: "I have some means."

While speaking, Li Zhe pointed to the heart of the space dragon not far away, and whispered, "Is that what you want?"

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Li Huang's eyes turned and he looked at the heart of the dragon of space.

I saw that the heart was prismatic, like a purple-black crystal, and the lightning condensed by the power of the space continued to radiate around it.


Li Huang swallowed his saliva, then nodded, and said to Li Zhe: "Master, I am about to start absorbing the power in this. I may fall into a deep sleep. Then I will bother you to send me off. gone back."

When the voice fell, Li Huang couldn't wait to wave his hand at the heart fiercely.

In an instant, the heart floated to Li Huang's.

Immediately, Li Huang raised a hand, opened his mouth to bite, and bit out a wound on his palm.

Then Li Huang waved his hand, dripping the blood from his palm onto the heart.

In an instant, I saw the power of the space above the heart, and it teleported to Li Huang's head in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the heart melted instantly and turned into a pitch-black color, directly wrapping Li Huang's body in it!

Upon seeing this, Li Zhe narrowed his eyes slightly. He could perceive that Li Huang's condition was recovering rapidly. Although he was weak, it seemed that Li Huang still had enough ability to absorb the heart.

Immediately, Li Zhe raised his hand and summoned his Urifei Palace.

Then he sucked Li Huang's body into it, and then put the Uri Fei Palace away.

Li Huang's affairs are basically completed, and then Li Zhe only needs to wait for him to stay on Baidao, so that he can retreat with peace of mind.

At this moment, Li Zhe also let out a sigh of relief. He was not in a hurry to find the magic weapon left by the immortal. Instead, he crossed his knees and entered the jade bottle space to recover.

Anyway, what Bering gave them was three hours of time, and now it was less than half an hour, and it was enough to recover.

In a twinkling of an eye, time has already passed half an hour, and Li Zhe is also in the jade bottle space, recovering for five hours.

He was not injured this time, it was just that his spiritual power was exhausted. Naturally, he recovered extremely quickly in such a situation.

At this moment, Li Zhe has once again returned to his peak state.

Upon seeing this, he slowly closed his eyes, and his consciousness began to sweep rapidly in this room.

Soon, Li Zhe opened his eyes again, but there was still a bitter smile on the corners of his mouth.

He stepped slowly, and walked before the giant dragon's corpse, with a wave of his wrist, a burst of spiritual power surged out instantly, supporting the giant dragon's huge figure.

At this time, Li Zhe also saw that in the corner of this cave, that was hidden by the dragon, there were still two corpses.

Those two corpses now only have bones, but based on the information I got before, I am afraid that these two corpses are the two real people in the Purple Mansion Realm who lost the fairy mountain gate here!

When the people of the fairy mountain gate came, it was a thousand years ago. At that time, I am afraid that the strength of the dragon of this space has not declined so far.

Thinking of this was also one of the main reasons that the fairy mountain gate gave up the ruins and left.

As for the immortal artifacts that the immortal left here, they were probably destroyed by this giant dragon. In this cave, there are all kinds of fragments of artifacts.

Probably because it was fighting or trapped for too long, it was really difficult to calm down. It was because of the use of these magical instruments to vent its anger.

Li Zhe smiled bitterly and shook his head, and began to slowly collect the fragments of magical artifacts scattered everywhere.

In less than a quarter of an hour, all these fragments were put into storage bags by Li Zhe.

After collecting all these things, Li Zhe gently waved his hand and lowered the body of the dragon to the ground.

The chain tied to the dragon's body was made of some kind of material, and there was a powerful reinforcement rune on it, even Li Zhe could not remove it.

Therefore, now, the only thing Li Zhe needs is the things in the forehead of the dragon of space!

He took a sigh of relief, a flash of light in his hand, took the Magic Devouring Spirit Sword in his hand, and suddenly cut it towards the forehead of the dragon's corpse.

Now, without the blessing of spiritual power, this forehead is not as hard as before.

With just one sword, Li Zhe made a cut.

At this moment, under the dragon's skull, there is a palm-sized dark purple crystal.

This is similar to the dragon ball of the dragon clan, but this space dragon is a variant of the dragon clan, not a real dragon clan. Therefore, it does not condense the dragon ball, but can only condense this crystal.

Looking at the crystal, Li Zhe also nodded slightly.

The reason why he knew this was the information he had obtained from the Kunpeng bloodline when he faced the dragon in this space before.

Obviously, this space dragon is in Kunpeng's recipe, and it seems that Kunpeng will also specifically capture this space dragon to feed the young Kunpeng larvae.

Now that there is only more than one hour left before the time given by Bering, Li Zhe will naturally not absorb the power of this crystal here, after all, there is not enough time.

Immediately, Li Zhe turned around, left the cave, and went back the same way. The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: I read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: read it on my mobile phone after I found the fairy bottle: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 2285 Collecting Trophies) , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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