After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2301: In the demon world

At this moment, Li Zhe had already left that place thousands of miles away.

Now, he has also discovered that the spiritual power of this world does not seem to be full.

At this distance of thousands of miles, the place where he found the most spiritual power was just not much different from the stronghold of the small sect in the world of cultivation.

At the same time, Li Zhe had already roughly guessed that he was probably in the demon world now!

Along the way, Li Zhe scanned through his divine sense, and at least he found thousands of monsters!

However, the strength of these monsters is not high, and you can't see them in the Golden Core Realm. It is estimated that the high-level monsters will probably not be in these places.

Moreover, Li Zhe didn't notice the existence of similar monsters gathering points.

He estimated that the monsters here should be similar to the Western Regions, and they should all exist in the form of tribes.

He just wanted to find a demon beast that had already activated his wisdom to verify whether he was in the demon world.

If you are in the demon world, you only need to find the original world butterfly, presumably Li Zhe will return to the spiritual world to be hopeful!

With this in mind, Li Zhe continued to move forward, perhaps because he was in the demon world. The whole place was filled with demon aura, and Li Zhe could not tell where the demon beast tribe was from the demon aura.

It was at this moment that Li Zhe suddenly looked stagnant.

At this moment, he noticed that several extremely powerful spiritual powers were coming in his direction very far in front of him.

Li Zhe narrowed his eyes, his figure instantly fell into the mountain col below, and at the same time he took out the concealed spiritual umbrella and released it.

That is to say, when Li Zhe finished all this, there was also a row of fiery red lights passing over his head.

With Li Zhe's cultivation base, he can see clearly the things in the escape.

That was the same as the two vultures I had killed, all of which were vultures with fiery red feathers!

Moreover, among the vultures drawn above, there are three in the Nascent Soul Realm and one in the Purple Mansion Realm!

With this level of strength, in a world he was not familiar with, Li Zhe would naturally not be stupid enough to go to war with the opponent.

"Good guy, it seems that this place should be the demon world without a doubt... It seems that the fiery red vulture I killed should also belong to a certain demon beast tribe..."

After seeing the escape light go away, Li Zhe murmured in a low voice.

He didn't need to think too much, he could know that those monster beasts probably sensed the death of the two monster beasts he had killed and rushed over here specially.

The direction they went was the direction they killed the vulture.

Li Zhe shook his head slightly and sighed. He didn't expect that he had just arrived here, and he was inexplicably causing a lot of trouble.

Immediately, after Li Zhe confirmed that the monsters hadn't found himself, he put away the spiritual umbrella, and then drove the light again, and walked aimlessly forward.

In this world, the three suns are extremely scattered, and Li Zhe can't use that sun to confirm the position at all. He can only find a direction randomly based on his feelings.

This demon world was not as barren as Li Zhe had imagined, but was like the cultivation world, basically having all kinds of topography, but the aura was indeed not strong enough.

It's no wonder that the monster race would invade the world of cultivation on a large scale.

When Li Zhe was walking forward, he suddenly condensed his eyes and looked down.

In this realm of practice, there is no such thing as a mortal, and there is no such a great way as the realm of practice.

And in the jungle below Li Zhe, there was a monster beast walking forward.

The reason why Li Zhe's attention was attracted was because this monster was a cultivation base of the Golden Core Realm, and it was already transformed!

He squinted his eyes slightly, and even if his mind moved, he operated the Dragon Breath Technique, transforming his breath into the Dragon Race.

At the same time, Li Zhe also knew that his Dragon Clan aura was too conspicuous, so he silently covered it, and at the same time concealed his cultivation base to the middle of the Golden Core Realm.

In this way, Li Zhe seemed to be a monster race, but the breath was looming, it was difficult to find out Li Zhe's race.

After making this preparation, a spatial fluctuation engulfed Li Zhe's body. In an instant, Li Zhe appeared in front of the monster race.

He sat cross-legged on the top of a tree and waited quietly.

Soon, the monster race came over from the forest below. Li Zhe slowly opened his eyes and whispered, "Where is this fellow Daoist going?"

Hearing Li Zhe's voice, the demon race stagnated, slowly raised his head and looked at Li Zhe on the treetop.

He was also shocked. Before Li Zhe spoke, he hadn't noticed Li Zhe's existence!

However, seeing that Li Zhe's cultivation is similar to his own, he also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are you doing here?"

Immediately, the monster clan asked Li Zhe softly, "There is not enough spiritual energy here, and there is very little blood and food around."

Hearing the words of this monster clan, Li Zhe's figure flashed before he landed on the ground and glanced at each other.

The monster in front of him was only in the middle of the Golden Core Realm, and it seemed that the transformation had not been completed, and a horn was faintly visible on the forehead.

Li Zhe smiled slightly, and this was telling the story of what he had just made up.

Roughly speaking, he was an ordinary monster, who had been cultivating around here, and had obtained some chances, before he reached the current situation.

"Speaking of which I have never left this place."

Speaking of this, Li Zhe also gave a wry smile and said softly.

Hearing Li Zhe’s words, the man looked at Li Zhe up and down, then nodded and smiled: “It’s great to have a chance. This demon brother’s luck is really envious. very."

"How do you call this demon brother?"

Immediately, Li Zhe also bowed his fist and said softly.

Although Li Zhe wanted to make up a name casually, he didn't know the difference between the name of the Demon Realm and the Cultivation Realm. If it was different, it would be easy for him to make up a name casually, so he still planned to ask the other party's name first.

"Under Wu Huiyu, what about your Excellency?"

At this moment, the monster race didn't have much defense against Li Zhe, just whispered softly.

Upon seeing this, Li Zhe nodded his head. It seemed that the name of the monster clan in the demon world should be almost the same as the practice world.

"In Halong Heaven."

Immediately, Li Zhe also took out his pseudonym again.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Wu Huiyu responded with a smile, and then asked, "Brother Dragon is going to continue practicing here?"

Li Zhe raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I want to go to other places too, but I don't know where to go, but Brother Wu, where are you going to go?"

Hearing this, Wu Huiyu stretched his hand to the front and said, "I'm going to Juyun City."

"Juyun City?"

Li Zhe blinked and asked curiously.

He wasn't pretending to be stupid, he really didn't expect that there was actually a city in this demon world.

Seeing the look of Li Zhe's question, Wu Huiyu smiled and explained it.

It turns out that in this world of cultivation, in addition to those tribes, there are still many people who are like Wu Huiyu who have been cultivated from ordinary monsters.

Ever since, slowly, these monster beasts gathered together, and there were these cities.

And their purpose of gathering together is similar to the spiritual world, nothing more than exchanging various resources, each taking what they need.

And the Juyun City that Wu Huiyu was talking about was thousands of miles away from here. It was a relatively large city with everything in it.

Speaking of this, Wu Huiyu also looked fascinated, and smiled and said to Li Zhe: "This is what I learned in the small city where I grew up before."

Hearing Wu Huiyu's words, Li Zhe also narrowed his eyes slightly. According to what he said, he had to go there if he wanted to come to Juyun City.

Immediately, Li Zhe showed a look of fascination, and said to Wu Huiyu: "There are still such places, I wonder if Brother Wu can take me with him?"

Wu Huiyu smiled and nodded, and said generously: "Then let's go together!"

As he spoke, he immediately moved his body and walked forward.

Upon seeing this, Li Zhe also quickly unfolded his figure and followed.

"Brother Wu, do you still know how to fly? Why do you want to move forward like this?"

Immediately, Li Zhe followed Wu Huiyu and asked suspiciously.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Wu Huiyu laughed loudly and said to Li Zhe: "It seems that Brother Long has never left that area. You don't understand this rule."

While speaking, Wu Huiyu began to explain to Li Zhe.

After all, this is the demon world, and many demon beasts will devour other demon beasts.

Like the two of them in the Golden Core Realm, the monster beast that has just transformed, can be said to be the best prey.

If they were flying high in the sky and were spotted by a monster in the Nascent Soul Realm, both of them would not be able to run if they wanted to!

"I heard that monsters of many tribes like to go out for food, which is very dangerous."

Wu Huiyu also spoke to Li Zhe at this time.

As soon as he said this, Li Zhe instantly thought of the two vultures he had encountered before.

Presumably the two vultures came out to look for food, but they happened to be met by themselves.

"Then why is it all right like that kind of city?"

Immediately, Li Zhe continued to ask.

Hearing Li Zhe’s words, Wu Huiyu also nodded and said: “Like this kind of city, there are high-level monsters stationed there. There is nothing wrong with it. As long as we get there, we will be safe. We still have to take your time. past."

Hearing that, Li Zhe raised his eyebrows, and then nodded. He didn't intend to cause any trouble anymore, so he had to follow Wu Huiyu slowly.

After all, this place is also the Demon Realm. It is indeed dangerous step by step, even more dangerous than the Cultivation Realm. Thinking of this, Li Zhe also shook his head with a wry smile. The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: will read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: read it on my mobile phone after I found the fairy bottle: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 2301 is in the demon world), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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