After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2457: One body cannot tolerate two immortals

"This is…"

Li Zhe was also slightly surprised at the dull appearance of this brawny man.

After the strong man's cultivation base was suppressed, they all had the cultivation base of the middle stage of the Nascent Infant Realm. Li Zhe conservatively estimated that the opponent was at least the cultivation base of the Purple Mansion Realm.

Unexpectedly, even the cultivator of the Purple Mansion Realm could hardly resist that inexplicable attraction.

Fortunately, he has that great pure heart tactic, otherwise, Li Zhe would really be like that brawny man today.

He hesitated slightly.

According to Li Zhe's instinct, he must want to take advantage of this brawny man's indulge, and kill it with a sword.

But being here, he also didn't know if he killed the opponent, would it cause a chain reaction.


At the stall where Li Zhe hesitated, the entire cloud space suddenly trembled.

The blood-colored sculpture now seems to have come back to life, with a wicked smile slowly hung on the corner of its mouth, and then a hand was stretched out.

The palm opened, and there was a slight flash of light in it.

Immediately afterwards, the light slowly floated down and flew towards the brawny man.

At this moment, the brawny man also showed a very happy smile, as if he was accepting all this.

Li Zhe frowned, his figure moved slightly, and silently let out a position.

The spot of light slowly floated to the center of the brawny man's eyebrows, and then slowly disappeared.

This brawny man also closed his eyes tightly and made an extremely enjoyable look, as if he had acquired the orthodoxy!

Then, he slowly opened his eyes, this time as if he had come over normally, with an unspeakable smile on his face.

Although Li Zhe was standing in front of him, under the influence of the purple spirit jade clothing, he did not notice the existence of Li Zhe, but turned around contentedly.

At the moment he turned around, the clouds behind him also split a channel in an instant.

In a blink of an eye, his figure completely disappeared in the passage.

Li Zhe frowned slightly. Now, he is affirmed that the evil cultivation back then has such a kind of inheritance.

I'm afraid this is not a real inheritance, but something like the seed of evil cultivation!

Combined with a method of leaving that he had learned before, and gathered 30 **** elixirs, Li Zhe estimated that this place might almost become a production place for evil cultivators!

He took a slight breath and paced slightly at the moment, and walked under the sculpture.

I saw that on the base of this sculpture, there were a lot of runes portrayed. These runes were very familiar to Li Zhe.

At the beginning, he had seen similar runes in the inheritance of the forbidden spirit.

The inheritance of the forbidden spirit is also an immortal tradition. From this point of view, at least what I saw in front of me was indeed left by the immortal.

However, what worries Li Zhe is that he is worried that this is a trap.

It is used for the purpose of deceiving people's mind as just as before. If that is the case, Li Zhe's acquisition of this immortal and humanistic unity, I am afraid it will have to be delayed.

That is, when Li Zhe looked at the rune on the base, when he hesitated, the entire cloud space trembled again.

Li Zhe's eyebrows condensed slightly, he is now very sane, if the sculpture were to be like the talents before, if he were to give himself a light spot of spiritual power, Li Zhe would never absorb it stupidly!

However, at this moment, the scarlet statue in front of Li Zhe suddenly started to move.

The range of the movement was very slight, but after all, the entire sculpture was really too big, and the slight range seemed very obvious.

Li Zhe's eyebrows condensed slightly, with a trace in his heart. Now the movement of this sculpture is completely different from just now.

Could it be that if you are not deceived by it, you can get the true orthodoxy?

At this moment, Li Zhe suddenly surprised his expression. He suddenly realized that the shaking of the sculpture was not because of the action to be done, but it was shrinking continuously!

When Li Zhe discovered this, the entire sculpture had shrunk by as much as 30%!

Li Zhe stood there, although he was shocked, but he did not do much.

Anyway, according to the current situation, this should not be a bad thing, even if it is a bad thing, Li Zhe can only wait.

He originally rushed to this immortal orthodoxy, and it was impossible for him to be upset because of this small change.

Time is slowly passing by, and the sculpture shrinks slowly or slowly.

After about a quarter of an hour, the sculpture was only three to four meters high.

The blood-colored sculpture on his body was even more red and black because of its solidity.

Finally, at this moment, the sculpture completely turned into ordinary people's laughter.

His whole person looked like a man wearing a blood-colored shirt and a handsome face with evil intentions.

Seeing this scene before him, Li Zhe didn't quite understand what was going on.

However, when Li Zhe was puzzled, the sculpture suddenly moved!

As if it had come alive, it gently shook its forehead, then lifted its foot and walked off the base of the sculpture.

"Tsk tusk tusk, my trick of confusing is incomprehensible with a fairy method, you kid is kind of interesting."

When this sculpture came, he looked at Li Zhe and said with a smile.

There was a kind of evil charm in the words, although it did not seem to be a charm, but it would also make people feel like listening to him.

"It's not an immortal method... It seems that the Taoism that the predecessors stayed here is not for mortals."

Li Zhe heard the other party's words, squinted his eyes slightly, and asked softly.

However, this is also confirmed from the side, that the Supreme Pure Heart Jue that Li Zhe obtained from the Green Mountain World should belong to the category of the fairy law!

It's no wonder that any illusion technique has no effect on Li Zhe. After all, the name of fairy technique is not just a name.

But listening to Li Zhe's words, the monk in front of him suddenly let out a hearty laugh.

In the laughter, there seemed to be a little arrogance.

"How can you understand what this immortal is doing?"

After a long while, he stopped laughing and said to Li Zhe: "However, I did leave a copy of the Taoism here. If you get it, you can order all the blood species left by this immortal's layout for many years!"


Li Zhe's eyebrows condensed slightly, and he asked slightly puzzled.

The sculpture nodded slightly, and was about to explain to Li Zhe about the blood.

However, at this time, the sculpture suddenly missed his eyes and looked at Li Zhe.

In an instant, Li Zhe only felt that his whole body was numb, as if under this gaze, everything about him had been thoroughly seen through!

"Raise your hand!"

This sculpture looked serious for the first time, and said to Li Zhelang.

Hearing this, Li Zhe's eyebrows constricted slightly, but he did not refuse the opponent either, and raised his sword-holding right hand.

"Not this one."

The sculpture shook his head and scratched it lightly.

In an instant, Li Zhe's left hand was pulled up by a force.

Immediately afterwards, the forbidden spirit rune on the back of his hand also suddenly lit up.

This was not driven by Li Zhe, but under the power of the sculpture, it made the rune light up!

Looking at this rune, the sculpture frowned, and when he waved his hand, the power that bound Li Zhe suddenly disappeared.

"Since you have obtained the spiritual tradition of Brother Ling, why do you come here to find me and leave the immortal mark?"

The sculpture now looks at Li Zhe, but also helplessly asked.

In those words, it seemed that he was very familiar with the immortal who left the forbidden spirit inheritance.

As soon as this remark came out, Li Zhe's expression was also slightly stagnant.

Although he was aware that the forbidden spirit inheritance was the immortal tradition, but the forbidden spirit inheritance gave him, except for the forbidden spirit's refreshing energy and the extremely limited power of the forbidden spirit, which has been useless so far. Nothing more.

Although powerful, it is still far from the immortal orthodoxy in Li Zhe's imagination.

"This... I did get the Forbidden Spirit Inheritance, but why can't I come here?"

Li Zhe hesitated for a while, and also asked his doubts.

Seeing that Li Zhe seemed to be really unclear, the sculpture sighed. This was the beginning of the explanation to Li Zhe.

This so-called immortal orthodoxy is actually not just a cultivation method left by the immortal.

It also contains the power of an immortal!

Just like the power of the forbidden spirit in Li Zhe's body, that is the power of the immortal who left the inheritance of the forbidden spirit.

As a monk, Li Zhe, no matter how high his cultivation is, as long as he hasn't ascended, he is just a mortal body after all!

Under these circumstances, if he were to acquire the second immortal tradition, he would not be able to resist the energy fluctuations that erupted when the power of the two immortals converged in the body.

The only end is the end that the body can't bear and blew to death!

This is the first time Li Zhe has heard of this, and now he is embarrassed.

Feelings have spent so much effort on their own, but they have done useless work...

But at this moment, the sculpture said to Li Zhe with a little temptation: "Of course, it is not impossible. I will help you expel the spirit of Brother Ling from the body, and you will be able to accept my orthodoxy!"

However, although the words of this sculpture are infinitely tempting, under the influence of the Tai Shang Qing Xin Jue, Li Zhe quickly recovered from it.

He breathed a sigh of relief. Although this Taoism seemed extremely powerful, Li Zhe always felt that the inheritance was not quite right, and it was somewhat evil.

As for the inheritance of the forbidden spirit, I only need to go there again, and with my current cultivation base, I can gain extremely strong power!

Therefore, it is impossible for Li Zhe to give up.

"I forgive the younger generation for refusal, the younger generation has already accepted the predecessor's orthodoxy, and now that it is no longer available, it will not be worthy of the predecessor's wishes."

Immediately, Li Zhe bowed his fist to the sculpture and said respectfully.

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