After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 991: Hand over inheritance

However, when I thought that I and others were also held by the real Yuan Ying this time, I was forced to come to identify this fierce god, supported by the real Yuan Ying, what are they afraid of? No matter how strong this person is, can he be stronger than Yuan Ying's real person? The courage immediately became stronger.

And Senior Brother Liu of the Bitaomen bowed and said to the old man in front of him:

"Elder Wen, it is this person who took the Bibozong inheritance and broke my Bitaomen plan!"

The disciples behind him who had entered the Bibozong Immortal Palace ruins were a little unnatural.

After all, Li Zhe saved their lives on the sea boat when they came, and later let them go in the Bibozong Immortal Palace site. It can be said that he has a lot of kindness to them. Now he is waiting for others. But he was going to deal with Li Zhe, and he was really reluctant, and he was quite unhappy with Senior Brother Liu.

You know, the elder Wen of their Bibozong didn’t come here after hearing the news like the other two Yuanying monks, but this brother Liu immediately used the secret method in the door after leaving the fairy palace ruins. Come.

Their Bitaomen originally faced Bibozong’s fairy palace inheritance. It can be said that they are determined to win. Although in order to avoid being too eye-catching, they only sent a group of Void God disciples, but if it is according to the original plan, as long as they find it right The position of the main palace should not be difficult to win the inheritance of this fairy palace, but for some reason, the main palace was suddenly generous and attracted everyone, and Li Zhe was killed on the way.

The unwilling Senior Brother Liu was immediately in the door of communication. This elder Wen was one of the several Yuanying monks in the door. After learning the news, he also rushed to capture the blue waves for them. Zong inheritance.

After hearing this, Elder Wen looked towards Li Zhe, while at the same time the other two Yuanying monks also looked at Li Zhe.

I saw that Li Zhe’s Taoist robe was ordinary, but his body was extraordinary, especially the pure mana. The three of them, as Nascent Soul cultivators, could see through Li Zhe’s golden core cultivation at a glance, but still Was surprised by Li Zhe's full mana.

Moreover, the things that made these three people feel a little uneasy, looking at this junior's overall aura and purity of mana, as well as the obvious immortal decent aura, it is definitely not a casual cultivation for no reason, it is most likely a disciple of which major school. That's a little difficult.

Originally, they thought, if this Bibozong inheritance was taken by some overseas casual practitioner, it would be directly killed and seized, but if Li Zhenai was a disciple of a major immortal sect in Dongzhou, it would be a little difficult to handle, they used Yuanying Zhizun bullied a golden core monk, if he really did something like this, I'm afraid he will have an enmity with the school behind him!

Just as Elder Wen and the three Yuanying monks were thinking about it, Li Zhe was neither humble nor overbearing, but he bowed his hands and said in his mouth:

"The juniors have seen three real people. I don't know what can happen to the three real people here?"

A monk who has cultivated to the Nascent Soul Realm can be honored as a real person. It can be said that both the strength of the cultivation level and the status of the status have undergone a huge change.

How many monks have stopped in the Golden Core Realm, and will never get the honorary title of "real person" from others in their lifetime. It can be said that the Nascent Soul Realm monks are already the mainstay of the entire monastic world. They are just rare existences, and these powerful abilities are generally deep in the simple practice of the self, and will not go out to walk at all.

So in this monk world, the Nascent Soul Realm can be regarded as the top of the pyramid.

Faced with the three Nascent Soul Realm cultivators, Li Zhe did not dare to neglect. Although he had already guessed the purpose of these three Nascent Soul Realm cultivators, Li Zhe only pretended not to know, if he really feared these three people, That's not enough.

The identity of Li Zhe Donghua’s true inner sect disciple, even the three true souls, I’m afraid they have to weigh, if the three of them really want to **** the fairy palace inheritance from them, Li Zhe still has one in his hand. In addition to serving as a status symbol for the true disciples of the Donghua School of Inner Sect, the Urifei Palace can withstand the attacks of certain Yuan Ying monks.

Above these three people is nothing but a cloud, and they are all the cultivation base of the first stage of the Nascent Soul. If you want to come to the Uri Fei Palace, you should be able to resist for a while.

Seeing that Li Zhe's salute is neither humble nor overbearing, and his advances and retreats are well-founded, the three Yuan Ying real people are all secretly praised from the bottom of my heart. A Jindan beginner cultivator can have this kind of tolerance when facing Yuan Ying real people. .

However, the more so, the more it shows that Li Zhe is obviously not a groundless casual cultivation.

But the Bibozong inheritance is too important to the Bitaomen, so Elder Wen of the Bitaomen was the first to speak:

"You junior, let me ask you, this Bibozong inheritance is for you?"

Although he had already expected it, Li Zhe smiled bitterly after the real Yuan Ying asked him. This is another scapegoat for Feng Chuhuan. Even though he has been practicing in this fairy palace for half a year, he has gained it again. Some benefits, but this Immortal Palace inheritance is really not given by myself.

This Bibozong inheritance has long been a destined person, and he has no relationship with this Bibozong. Where can I inherit this Bibozong inheritance?

But I am afraid that none of the people present will believe Li Zhe.

That day, outside the main hall of the main palace of the fairy palace, but everyone present at the time could see clearly, Li Zhe’s sword light flew out of the main hall of the main palace, and later Li Zhe used his own power to rely on that. Jianguang, who was superb and fast to the extreme, fought alone more than a hundred monks of the Void God and six Jindan monks.

You have to say that you are not working so hard for the inheritance of the fairy palace. Who will believe it? Besides, nobody is blind anymore. Moreover, Li Zhe spent half a year in the fairy palace under the sea before coming out. You said you didn’t get it. The fairy palace inheritance of Bibozong, then what are you doing underneath these six months?

Is it possible to fish below!

All in all, now Li Zhe is yellow mud falling in his crotch, not **** but shit, he is back with this scapegoat!

It can be said that Feng Chuhuan's hand in the main hall of the main palace will kill Li Zhe. Who would have thought that a disciple who had just entered the Void God Realm could obtain this Bibozong inheritance.

Li Zhe also sighed helplessly:

"Friend Feng Dao, it seems that I'm betraying this illegitimate pot for you, that's all! This Bibozong's chance and fruit are not so well distributed. Once you have the benefit, you have to take this cause and effect."

Immediately Li Zhe also raised his head and said:

"This kind of chance inheritance has always been for the virtuous. How can real people enlighten me?"

Although Li Zhe didn't directly say that he had the Bibozong inheritance, listening to everyone's ears was equivalent to directly acknowledging this.

Seeing that Li Zhe's words seemed to be contradictory, the real person from Bitaomen immediately felt unhappy in his heart, saying that he was teaching:

"This Bibozong inheritance has a lot to do with my Bitao Sect. Your junior is trying to monopolize it, or return it to my Bitao Sect early!"

Li Zhe almost didn't laugh when he heard this old-fashioned remark. The dignified Yuan Ying Realm monk was able to say such shameless words, which really made people laugh, and he immediately retorted:

"The real person is joking, why this ancient Bibozong has something to do with your Bitao Sect again, and so what if it is related. According to the real person, this Bibozong inheritance is worthy of your Bibo Sect, but other people are involved in it. No?"

There were two other Yuanying monks who came here besides the Bitaomen Yuanying monk, and Li Zhe followed the words of the Bitaomen Yuanying monks to arouse the dissatisfaction of the other two.

Sure enough, when Li Zhe asked Li Zhe to hand over the Bibozong inheritance to them, the other two Yuanyings were already showing dissatisfaction. At this moment, Li Zhe finished talking. Can't help but speak:

"It's wrong to hear from fellow Daoist, your Bi Tao Sect has some origins with this ancient Bibo Sect, but I am afraid that Xu Yuanyuan wants to monopolize the Bibo Sect inheritance?"

"It's a bit too overbearing to hear that Daoyou is doing things. Could it be that Daoyou Chen and I have come here to hang out?"

The other two Yuanying real persons, one surnamed Wu and the other Chen, are from the Xianmen sect above Dongzhou, and their respective sects are generally considered third-rate sects with the Bitaomen.

The real person at Bi Taomen frowned, and he was caught by this junior when he was inadvertently speaking. If the two opposing people joined hands, it would be very difficult to do at that time, and immediately said:

"The two Taoists misunderstood. The poor Dao is to monopolize the Bibozong inheritance. The most important thing now is to let this junior hand over the inheritance."

"This is natural, but we have to say it well. Don't want to monopolize this Bibozong inheritance. Don't break the rules. Otherwise, I won't blame me for being ruthless!"

When Bitao heard that the real person saw that the two people spoke poorly, they could only nodded and acquiesced to it.

But at this moment, Li Zhe’s laughter sounded in the ears of the three real Yuan Ying:

"The rules of the three real people do not know what the rules are, but the younger generation would like to hear the details, I wonder if they are consistent with the rules of my Donghua school!"


The three real Yuan Ying people all fell in love at once, Donghua faction!

This is a super fairy gate that has surpassed Dongzhou for countless years. Although they are Yuan Ying cultivators, they are still just ants in front of this absolute fairy gate school. The younger generation in front of them is actually a Donghua school disciple!

These three words of Donghua School are not ordinary words in the land of East Continent. As long as these three words are mentioned, the monks will think of the huge monster that is pressing on the continent of East Continent.

The three of them were dumbfounded now, this is not a joke, and the real person immediately asked:

"What are you talking about? Are you a disciple of the Donghua School?"

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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