"Die! Die for me! You can't even complete the task assigned by Master Gu Chen, what's the point of you stupid pig surviving? Die for me!" In

the refining room where the fire was burning, the sound of whips whipping the flesh crackled at this moment.

And at this moment, Gu Chen also fell from above, put away Ye Zhou, and directly listened to the whipping sound and the man's wailing from inside, and his heart moved slightly.

"Woo woo, Master Yuan, it's not that the small ones can't be completed, but the time is too tight. "

It's only half a month, even if the small one works overtime without sleep, it's really difficult to complete!" "

The back stabbed, at this moment, Zhu Zhishan was in rags, collapsed to the ground in embarrassment, and kept being ruthlessly whipped by Yuan Lianmeng, screaming in pain.

Hiding outside the door and peeking inside, Gu Chen didn't expect Yuan Lianmeng to be even more ruthless than himself.

After talking about a month, I didn't expect that in order to complete the task assigned by herself, she actually gave Zhu Zhishan half a month to research and develop, and now she is even whipped constantly, and the punishment is cruel.

And looking at the old injuries on Zhu Zhishan's body, it is obvious that whipping is not a matter of a while, he was abused by Yuan Lianmeng a long time ago.

This bad woman is simply the embodiment of capital, a greedy witch, it's really terrible!"


really couldn't stand it and Zhu Zhishan was tortured and ravaged, and Gu Chen, who came to the door at this moment, coughed tactically, and suddenly woke up Yuan Lianmeng, who was immersed in merciless punishment.

"Master Gu Chen, why are you here?"

"Hurry up and take a seat, the slave family will pour tea for you now."

As soon as he saw Gu Chen's appearance, Yuan Lianmeng's little face instantly became happy, and he hurriedly put away the whip to make hot tea for Gu Chen.

"Ahem, no need, I'm just looking at the progress of the project for a while, and by the way, I'll explain the matter of my good brother. Frightened

by Yuan Lianmeng's murderous side, Gu Chen didn't dare to relax his vigilance against her too much now, and directly shouted to stop and let her rest on the side.

"Really, Lord Gu Chen won't say a word to the slave family if he wants to come over, it's not as good as this unsightly scene, the slave family won't let the master see it anyway. "

Hey, you stupid pig, get away, don't disturb Lord Gu Chen's Yaxing."

One second ago, he was coquettish to Gu Chen with an affectionate face, and the next moment Yuan Lianmeng directly kicked Zhu Zhishan, who was lying on the ground and couldn't stand up in pain, and drove him to climb to a place where he couldn't see it.

"No, no need, Yuan Lianmeng, you sit down and drink tea first, I'll just talk to Zhu Zhishan, and I'll leave soon." I

don't know if it was because of the psychological shadow of the three women of Leng Nu Peak, Gu Chen couldn't help but tremble when he saw the woman's cold appearance, and he was scared in his heart.

So he hurriedly took the initiative to pour tea for Yuan Lianmeng, and then helped Zhu Zhishan, who was crying bitterly, to sit on the chair.

"Really, how can you make such a thing as pouring tea make Lord Gu Chen bother, the slave family is really flattered, hehe...... "

I didn't expect my performance just now that the master liked it so much, and he personally appreciated the tea to express his praise, Yuan Lianmeng's heart was sweet, and he was very happy.

Pick up the teacup and drink it lightly.

And Zhu Zhishan saw that Yuan Lianmeng finally stopped, so he dared to talk to Zhu Zhishan quietly.

"You guy, why do you make her angry like this?"

"Woo woo, Brother Gu Chen, Zhishan and I are also miserable." The

man didn't flick when he had tears, but as soon as he heard Gu Chen's comfort, Zhu Zhishan, who was tormented by a bad woman, couldn't help crying, and wiped his tears with his little hands.

"As soon as Master Yuan came just now, he asked me to speed up the progress, and we must successfully develop and debug it half a month ago.

"But how can this be done, Zhishan, I don't believe that Brother Gu Chen, you can speak like this, so I dared to refute Lord Yuan, saying that I want to meet with Brother Gu Chen, but I didn't expect ......

" "Lord Yuan's backhand is to give Zhishan me a whip, and the next thing is Brother Gu Chen, what you see."

"Although I usually ask a female cultivator to whip Zhishan in Yichun Building, I don't have such a hard and painful effect!"

"I...... Ahem. Hearing

Zhu Zhishan crying, Gu Chen cautiously looked at Yuan Lianmeng, who was smiling lightly and drinking tea, his eyes looked quietly, and finally dared to try to tempt.

"Yuan Lianmeng, you ......" "Hehe, Master Gu Chen, you say, the slave family must know everything!" was

shouted by Gu Chen, Yuan Lianmeng

immediately responded with a smile, Gu Chen saw her like this, and gradually let down his vigilance, and then sat on the chair seriously.

"Regarding the research and development of mobile phones, let's give Zhu Zhishan a month, and ensure that he has the most basic two and a half hours of sleep during this period.

"So Yuan Lianmeng, you are responsible for monitoring him, you don't need to whip and urge, we have to maintain the cattle and horses at the most basic...... Phew, the employee's right to life.

"Hehe, okay, whatever Lord Gu Chen says, the slave family will definitely do it!"

Without any objections, Yuan Lianmeng responded to Gu Chen with a smile.

She originally urged Zhu Zhishan for the sake of Master Gu Chen, but now he himself hopes to ensure that it is on the same time.

Then I just accidentally whipped Zhu Zhishan quietly and urged him to be a little faster.

"Thank you! Brother Gu Chen's kindness to Zhishan will be remembered in the next life!" Seeing

that he was finally about to get rid of the hell of whipping and punishment, he wished Zhishan to see the sun and see the light again, and the joy in his heart was indescribable.

But he forgot that at the beginning, he was just to repay Gu Chen for saving his life, but he didn't expect that now he has become a cow and a horse.

"Okay! Everyone is happy, now I have one more thing, I hope you can help you.

Squinting his eyes, the corners of his mouth raised, Gu Chen, who didn't know that he was also a fantasy capitalist, hugged Zhu Zhishan affectionately at the moment.

"Zhishan, isn't it the sect's Xiaobi in three days? So brother, I want you to help make something out.

"But don't worry! This is very simple, with your ingenuity and intelligence, Brother Zhishan, three days is more than enough. Anyway

, Gu Chen didn't give the shocked Zhu Zhishan any chance to refute, and directly called Yuan Lianmeng, who was looking forward to it.

"Lord Gu Chen, what do you want the slave family to do now

?" "Yuan Lianmeng, didn't you say that you are one of the five daughters of Fenghua in the Hehuan Sect? Then with your status, there must be a close junior sister or something, right?"

"After the development of the mobile phone is successful, you can introduce a few

to Zhu Zhishan!" "What?!"

As soon as he heard that there was a girl to know, Zhu Zhishan suddenly woke up from his sluggishness, and his eyes were extremely clear.

"If Brother Gu Chen, you really have a fairy to introduce to Zhishan, then I promise to do my best to complete your request!" "

Lord Gu Chen...... "

I didn't expect Gu Chen to introduce his junior sister to such an obscene man, Yuan Lianmeng was a little embarrassed now, and he was hesitant to face Gu Chen.

But Gu Chen's operation in the next second directly caused Yuan Lianmeng to fall instantly.

"Then what if I say, I'm going to add this?"

With that, Gu Chen's fingertips with a wicked smile suddenly rose a cyan arc, staggering, and Yuan Lianmeng's little face turned crimson, his eyes were blurred, and he couldn't help biting his lip.

"Obey, Lord ♥ Gu Chen~".

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