Hearing Lu Huo's words, Qiao Xi's beautiful eyebrows curved happily.

He tightened his grip on the tail of the girl's skirt, and the fluffy touch made his palms itch.

Feeling the movement behind her, Qiao Xi looked back, only to find that Lu Huo was playing with the tail on her skirt.

The white fluffy tail was tightly squeezed by his big hand and pressed and rubbed, Qiao Xi blinked her watery eyes, she raised her small face, and said happily, "Lu Huo, I want to play with your tail too. ."

It's fair.

With bare feet, the girl stepped on his instep, with a pair of white cat ears on her head, and she told him that she wanted to play with his tail.

Lu Huo's jaw tightened so much that his heart pounded wildly against his chest, causing him to feel pain.

Not getting the desired reaction, Qiao Xi became impatient. She released her hand around Lu Huo's neck, and the hairy bracelet on it rubbed against Lu Huo's chin.

She wants to back away.

Where could Lu Huan still be tense?

His eyes were extremely dark, and the bottom of his eyes were surging and rolling, and his fingertips turned blue and white due to restraint.

He let go of the tail on the girl's skirt and picked her up. He pressed her ear, almost gnashing his teeth, "Let you play!"

Lu Huo hugged the girl and strode inside.

The tail behind Qiao Xi drooped, following Lu Huo's walk, she swayed step by step, very provocative.

She was placed on the bed by Lu Huo, and before she could react, Lu Huo's handsome face enlarged in front of her, and her thin lips fell on her small mouth, crushing heavily.

Qiao Xi's eyes met Shang Lu Huo's, only to feel that the bottom of his eyes was very dark, as if in a second, she would be engulfed by the stormy waves in his eyes.

There was still the scent of roses in the girl's little mouth. The smell was very light, but it was tight. He scratched her teeth and directly searched for the soft tip of the tongue, entangled with him fiercely.

Qiao Xi's head was even more dizzy, she only felt a pain in her lips, and her small mouth was not much better. She was too plundered, and she was almost unable to breathe.

The little foot kicked feebly.

Lu Huo's eyes were so dark, the girl with a soft body, like a ball of cotton, was very comfortable. Her watery eyes looked at him, the tip of his heart was soft and soft, but his lips were bullied even more. vigorously.

Qiao Xi was extremely aggrieved. She obviously wanted to play with Lu Hu's tail, but now she didn't touch his tail and was bullied.

Where does she want to?

She broke free from Lu Huo's thin lips, and stared at him resentfully, "Your tail hasn't come out yet."

Lu Huo laughed softly, "Come on." His fingertips rubbed the soft flesh of her chin, and coaxed softly, "If Xixi cooperates, the tail will come out."

Qiao Xi felt that it was too difficult to play with Lu Hu's tail. In the past, it was enough to kiss a few times, but now he has kissed more than a few times, and he still insisted.

"Liar." Qiao Xi looked at the small leaf buds on top of his head, the two cute little leaves were shaking wildly, and she didn't believe his words.

living comfortably without anybody's help.

Qiao Xi's small hands slowly descended along his waist.

She was wearing a circle of white fur on her wrist, which scratched across the skin, making it very itchy. It was torture, and Lu Huan was no exception. He quickly squeezed her messy little hand.

"Xixi, don't move." Lu Huo's voice was too low.

Why would Qiao Xi want to listen to him? When she is sober, she is not obedient, let alone someone who is half-awake and half-drunk.

Her other small hand was raised from the side of Lu Hu's neck, and pinched the lovely tender leaf sprout on top of his head.

As if being attacked violently, the small leaf buds trembled in her fingertips, and the two fragile small leaves also trembled pitifully.

Lu Huo was stunned for a moment, and his body instantly softened.

Qiao Xi's sneak attack was successful, she was proud, and now she can change, where is Lu Huo bullying her? It was her who deceived Lu Lu.

Her fingertips used some strength again, and Xiaoyeya trembled more and more pitifully.

Correspondingly, Lu Huo's breathing was short, and his cold and white face was flushed. The man who was able to restrain himself just now has almost clenched his teeth.

"Xixi, what have you done?" Qiao Xi's hand tightly tugged at the quilt beside her, her knuckles arched, turning white from her exertion.

Qiao Xi was reluctant to tell him that this was her little secret against him.

She stared at him innocently with a pair of watery, dark eyes, as if she didn't understand what he was talking about?

Lu Huo's thin eyes were flushed red, he pressed close to the girl's ear, breathed a few times, and instantly hooked Qiao Xi to the point where he lost his soul, "Xi Xi."

His voice was so hoarse that Qiao Xi's ear bones softened, "Wait."

Then, under Qiao Xi's stunned eyes, he gritted his teeth and stood up.

He was still wearing a black windbreaker, because of the dawdling just now, only the hem was a little wrinkled.

He got off the bed and glanced at the quilt. She wore a pair of cat ears and looked as pretty as a goblin. Lu Hu supported her body with all her might, and walked out of the room in a panic.

The room suddenly fell silent. Under the light, Qiao Xi blinked, and those jet-black eyes became even more moist.

The brain is a jerk, but it doesn't prevent her from feeling aggrieved.

Lu Huo left like this?

The water in the beautiful big eyes is about to overflow, and the end of the eyes is also wet.

Qiao Xi sat up, looking at the skirt covering her thigh, the sling on one side slipped on her arm, the cat ear on her head was rubbed crooked at some point, and the tail behind her hung down on the side of her thigh.

With snowy skin and black hair, a small mouth, and dark eyes, Qiao Xi was a cat fairy who was alive and well, so Lu Huo had such great self-control and was able to leave.

Taking the phone, she sent a message to Ye Zixin in disappointment, "Clothes are useless at all."

On the other end of the phone, Ye Zixin was just having dinner with her boyfriend Han Yu. When she received the message, she was a little surprised and quickly replied, "You're wearing that outfit? Lu Huo doesn't like it?"

Qiao Xi was disappointed, "He doesn't like it."

He all left, obviously not liking it.

Ye Yexin was so startled that he was about to jump up from his seat, "I'm going, Lu Huo is blind? He doesn't like it?"

You must know that even if Qiao Xi doesn't dress up and wears rags, she looks too good. She is a girl, and she can't help but like Qiao Xi, not to mention that Qiao Xi is dressed in that cat-like dress. She is just imagining it. , I'm going to have a nosebleed, what kind of aesthetic vision does Lu Hu have?

Lu Huo can't do it?

Of course, Ye Zixin didn't dare to ask Qiao Xi like this, "It's okay, maybe men don't know how to appreciate it."

Bah, as long as he wasn't blind, he would 100% think that Qiao Xi looked so good-looking, but Lu Huo definitely couldn't!

Ye Zixin comforted her friend: "Xiaoxi, it doesn't matter if Lu Huo doesn't appreciate it, I will, I like everything you wear, Xiaoxi is the most beautiful..."

Qiao Xi was amused by Ye Zixin.

After coming out of the girl's room, Lu Huo's flushed face was tensed, and the ends of his eyes were red.

He walked quickly, the black coat slid through the air, causing a fierce wind.

The cells in his body were clamoring to be released, but no one knew that Lu Hu's whole body was so tense and painful, the eyes in the bottom of his eyes were too dark, and contained a bit of madness to the extreme.

He strode into the elevator.

Inside, there was a beautiful young woman who was applying lipstick in front of a small mirror. When she saw someone come in, she looked up and her heart was beating wildly.

The other party's cold and white face was flushed, his eyes were fierce, and his whole body exuded a deadly breath, and the young woman instantly softened her legs.

She was so shy that she quickly put away the lipstick in her hand, her heartbeat kept accelerating, and she couldn't help but turn her eyes to the side. It was the first time she met a man who was more handsome and dazzling than those internet celebrities or even male stars.

The young woman's face was red and her heart was beating.

She desperately wanted to do something.

Just when the elevator was about to open, the young woman ruffled the hair on the side of her ear. She turned her head and looked at Lu Huo, smiling softly, "Are you here for vacation too?"

Lu Huo's dark eyes looked at the descending numbers of the elevator. He called with a hoarse voice, "Wait at the door of the hotel."

The young girl didn't expect the other party's voice to be so nice, deep, and magnetic. As long as such a voice was on the bed and whispered a word to her ear, it would soften her body.

Her face turned redder.

"My name is Lin Weiran, can I exchange contact information with you?" The young girl daringly asked, seeing that the elevator was about to go down to the first floor.

Such a superb man must not be missed.

The next second, the elevator door opened.

Lu Huo refused, "No."

With that said, he strode out.

Seeing the tall man with long legs striding away, and the young woman's eyes glued to the other side, it was a pity that she didn't expect the other side to be so cold.

Usually, she takes the initiative to meet the boy who makes friends, and the other party will readily agree to see her appearance.

She followed quickly, trying to find another chance to get to know each other. However, when she walked out of the hotel door, the other party happened to get into a black car and left.

The young woman was very sorry.

In the car, Lu Huo pressed down the window and let the cool night wind blow on his face, only to reduce the warmth from his body a little.

He went to the jewelry store for the first time, and then ran to the flower shop.

It took a long time to toss back and forth, his face was also very cold, and the muscles on his body were always in a tense state, as if it would explode in the next second.

When we returned to the hotel, the night was a little darker.

Lu Huo went back to the girl's room. The room card was with him, so he opened the door and went in directly.

However, as soon as he entered, he saw the girl standing by the table with bare feet. The ground was full of broken glass and red wine.

She looked at him blankly, holding a cup in her hand.

Lu Huo was so frightened that he hurried forward, "Are you injured?"

Qiao Xi shook her head. She was like a child who did something wrong and explained in a low voice, "I was thirsty and fell accidentally."

Just now, Ye Zixin called to comfort her. She was thirsty and saw red wine on the coffee table, so she opened it.

I only drank two glasses, but I didn't hold it firmly, and accidentally dropped the bottle on the ground.

Qiao Xi was still wearing the dress just now, her watery eyes looked at him blankly, pitiful, like a little milk cat who had done something wrong and begged for forgiveness. Makes one's heart softened all of a sudden.

"It's okay." Lu Hu picked up the person and put it on the side of the bed. He went to the bathroom to get a clean towel. He squatted on one knee by the girl's feet, pinched her ankle, and wiped the back of her foot. dipped in red wine.

"I thought you left." Qiao Xi's mind was still a bit sober, and of course he remembered the matter of Lu Huo leaving just now.

"Go prepared some things." Lu Huo's movements were gentle, and the girl's feet returned to snow white and clean, "Okay."

Lu Hu got up, he went to put away the towel, and when he turned back, he was holding a large bunch of roses and a small box in his hand.

He knelt down on one knee again at Qiao Xi's feet, "Xi Xi, you can play with my tail. But, you put this on first." He opened the small gift box,

There is a beautiful and dazzling ring inside, "Tonight is a bit rushed, a little rushed, I will supply you with more beautiful ones later."

He didn't want to wrong her.

Time is running out, otherwise, he will be ready for bigger, better.

Qiao Xi turned her head to look at him, a cat's ears hanging on top of her head, and it couldn't fall off.

"Lu Huo, are you proposing to me?"

"No, it's an engagement." She is still young, and when she graduates, he proposes again. Now, he gave her the title, and he also asked her to give him the title.

Lu Huo took out the ring, "My Xixi deserves the best, and I will customize a better ring in the future."

Qiao Xi can now hold grudges, she turned her face away, "You don't even want to touch me with your tail, you still want to tie me?"

Lu Huo laughed softly, put the rose on the ground, and approached the girl.

Qiao Xi lay down on the bed again, her little hand was pinched by Lu Huo, the ring was put on her thin fingers, what she wanted to say, Lu Huo had already said with a smile: "Xixi, my tail is out. ."

He put the ring on the girl's hand.

In the past, every time he was about to lose control, he endured it, thinking that he would not wrong her, and that two people would do such a thing when they got married and gave her a name.

However, he still overestimated his restraint.

He was despicable and shameless, so he coaxed her and helped her put on the ring.

When Qiao Xi heard the tail, she obediently allowed Lu Huo to put on the beautiful ring, "Don't press me, I want to play."

Lu Huo held her small hand, bowed his head and kissed her ring-wearing finger, his chest was full, and his eyes were filled with unstoppable joy and laughter, "Well."

He let go of the girl.

Qiao Xi got up, she saw the golden tail on his body at a glance, and it came out.

Her little hand stretched out and caressed it, smooth and cool, and it felt so good.

Under the light, Lu Huo's golden tail was unbelievably beautiful.

Qiao Xi came to the end of his tail, sat sideways beside his tail, her small hands extended down, a slyness flashed in her watery eyes, when Lu Huan restrained herself, she lowered her head and bit his The most vulnerable position of the tail.

The crazy excitement hit Lu Huo's eyes, and he clenched it into a fist. Because of the force, his fingers were almost broken. He watched the girl lowered her head and bit his tail with her small mouth. On top of her hair, two The cat's ears are crooked, like a little bad cat!

A bad cat that eats fish!

You felt dissatisfied, and she even picked up his fish tail, the water-red mouth contained almost transparent fins as thin as cicada wings.

Going crazy, going crazy!

Lu Huo's eyes turned red, he closed his eyes fiercely, his masseter muscles were clenched so tightly that even his knuckles were stiff.

Crazy unfamiliar numbness kept coming from the tailbone, attacking him, Lu Huo's always clear face was full of twisted forbearance, "Xixi!"

Qiao Xi hugged his fish tail and looked at him with bright eyes. The two white cat ears on top of her hair were hanging on the sides, and they were about to fall off. Her beautiful eyebrows were full of pride. Said happily: "The tail is mine."

Lu Huo's jaw tightened and hurt, he swallowed hard, and coaxed in a low voice: "I have other things for you, Xixi, do you want it?"

Qiao Xi is very greedy, Lu Huo's is hers.

Lu Huo is also hers.

She nodded, and her two cat ears followed her movements and nodded, "Yes."

Lu Huo loosened his numb and stiff hands, and stretched out to her, "Xixi, come here."

Qiao Xi let go of her precious fish tail and moved to Lu Huo, "Is there anything you haven't given me? Show me."

Lu Huo pulled the man into his arms.

Qiao Xi was caught off guard and bumped her head into his broad chest. The next second, her eyes flickered, and she was lying on the bed again.

Then, her eyes turned dark, and she met Shang Luhu's dark red eyes.

Between changing positions, Qiao Xi couldn't see, Lu Hu tried his best to retract his tail and changed back to his legs, pressing down on her slender legs.

Lu Huo's hand grabbed the girl's small snow-white chin, and his voice was too hoarse, "Well, I'll give it to you." He lowered his head and kissed her watery eyes, "Don't cry later."

The skirt that Qiao Xi was wearing was tied with straps. Lu Huo's slender fingers pulled gently, and the extremely thin rope slipped off.

With a chill in his chest, Qiao Xi wanted to scold Lu Hu for lying, but no leaf buds appeared on top of his head, so he didn't lie.

He does have something for her.

Qiao Xi wanted to ask Lu Huo when he would give it, but he bit her little mouth lightly. He let go of the hand that was holding her chin, and instead pinched her wrist, rubbing his fingertips on her wrist. of Buddha beads.

Lu Huo's eyes showed greed, greed, and evil.

The night is getting darker.

The crescent moon in the sky has long been hidden behind the clouds.

Outside, there was the faint sound of the waves hitting the beach, and the white waves pushed forward layer by layer, deeper and deeper into the beach each time. When the waves come in a hurry, there are even small waves that can engulf people.

The girl's white dress fell to the ground at some point, next to Lu Huo's black dress.

The large floor-to-ceiling glass in the room clearly reflected the situation on the bed.

Under the soft blanket, the girl's snow-white complexion was pale pink, the corners of her eyes were red, and her small mouth was also very red.

The little foot accidentally got out of the quilt, and the little goldfish on the ankle kept swaying, which was a bit pitiful.

In the early morning night, there were no more people playing on the beach, only the melodious sound of the waves lapping.

And in the room that was too quiet, only the girl was attacked by a wild beast like a little milk cat, and the voice was low and begging for mercy. However, how could the beast sympathize with the little milk cat, he would only be cruel, eager to swallow her.

The wrists were rubbed red, and Qiao Xi pushed Lu Huo weakly.

"Xixi." Lu Hu squeezed her little hand again, sweat dripping from the bridge of his straight nose, he coaxed her in a low voice: "It will be soon."

Qiao Xi's watery eyes stared at him, how could he believe it?

The small leaf buds on top of his head swayed wildly, and the two small leaves kept shaking without any intention of stopping.

Woo, Lu Huo, this big liar!

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