"Take my car." Su Shen drove the car today. Rarely, after the college entrance examination was over, the old man in the family finally agreed with him to drive the car out.

"Don't worry, I already got my driver's license, and my driving skills are very good." Su Shen was absolutely confident in his driving skills.

On the other end of the phone, Qiao Xi didn't answer the phone, Lu Huo's face darkened and he became more and more worried.

"Where is the car?" Lu Huo looked at Su Shen.

"Outside." Su Shen quickly took Lu Huo to his car. Like other men, Su Shen also loves cars, and he chose a cool sports car for the first one.

"Car key." Lu Huo looked at Su Shen.

Su Shen hesitated for a few seconds, then he took out the car keys.

Lu Hu took the car keys, he opened the door directly, and sat in the driver's seat. When Su Shen saw this, he immediately got in the car and sat in the passenger seat.

Su Shen raised his peach blossom eyes, "When did you learn it? Can you do it? Why don't I come?"

"Fasten your seat belt." Lu Huo said this, and in the next second, the car sped away like a beast.

A huge thrust came, and Su Shen leaned against the back of the chair.

Looking at the scene outside the car window like lightning flashed past, Su Shen's heart beat faster for the first time, and Lu Huo went crazy.

Su Shen thought that his driving skills were powerful enough and exciting enough, but he didn't expect Lu Hu's speed to make him tremble with fear.

Su Shen didn't even dare to speak to Lu Huo, for fear of distracting him.

I don't know how long it took. It was a blink of an eye for Su Shen, and a very long time for Lu Huo.

The car braked suddenly and stopped.

I saw a mess and a lot of noise in front of me. Many people gathered around to watch, and some of the people who escaped were rejoicing. They were still in shock, and many people were even crying.

Fire trucks have arrived and started to rescue people and put out the fire.

Su Shen glanced at the apartment in front of him. He didn't know which floor was on. The fire was huge, and the smoke was billowing. The firelight illuminated half of the night, dazzling the eyes.

The scene was chaotic, the situation was very bad, and I didn't know what happened to Lu Hu's girlfriend Qiao Xi.

The raging firelight fell on Lu Huo's dark eyes, and his eyes became darker.

He got out of the car quickly and ran over.

When Su Shen saw this, he also chased after him.

Lu Huo called Qiao Xi's cell phone again, and his eyes quickly searched around.

There are people who have just escaped and haven't had time to put on their shoes, people with foam on their heads and wet hair, children crying in terror, and even injured and being helped out...

Without Qiao Xi's figure, Lu Huo searched quickly, but did not find the slender figure of the girl.

Lu Huo's eyes finally fell on the apartment in front of her. The floor that caught fire was below the floor where she lived. It is very likely that Qiao Xi could not escape.

Lu Huo was ready to go in and find her.

"Lu Huo, do you want to go in?" Su Shen quickly grabbed Lu Huo who wanted to rush in. He felt that Lu Huo was crazy. "The fire is very big now. If you go in like this, you will die at any time."

"She's still inside." Lu Huo said in a deep voice.

"Even if Qiao Xi is inside, the firefighters will save her, so don't act impulsively." Su Shen has no experience in love, and he doesn't understand love, and he doesn't understand even more. He knows the danger inside, so why is he as smart as Lu Huo and wants to rush. go in.

"You calm down, there are firefighters here, Qiao Xi will be fine, you can't do anything if you go in, but you may risk your own life." Su Shen tried to make Lu Huo sober and calm down.

"Let go!"

Su Shen looked at the fire in the apartment and didn't want to see Lu Huo doing stupid things. He felt that Lu Huo's IQ was zero now.

Lu Huo didn't argue with Su Shen, but with a backhand, he grabbed Su Shen's hand, and he pushed the person aside. When Su Shen turned back, Lu Huo had already rushed in, and even the maintenance staff couldn't stop him. live.

"Lu Huo!" Su Shen watched him stubbornly rush in, with a helpless expression on his face.

He has long said that people in love have zero IQ.

Now Lu Huo was even more terrifying, and he was still dying.

The fire in the apartment is getting bigger and bigger, and people have escaped from it one after another. Some people say that there are still many people trapped inside.

Against the crowd, Lu Huo rushed in.

The elevator was no longer available, and Lu Huo walked up the stairs.

The old man who escaped from above saw that Lu Huo wanted to rush up. The old man was still clutching the towel in his hand. He kindly reminded: "You can't go up, young people, don't go up, the fire is very big."

"Thank you." Lu Huo didn't stop. Even on the third floor, he could already feel the heat coming from above. The raging fire was like a heat wave, trying to devour everything in the building.

The further up, the bigger the fire, the boy's face was calm and his whole body was tense.

Things kept falling, and the fire almost cut off the road ahead. Lu Huo knew what it meant if he didn't leave.

However, as long as he thought of Qiao Xi being helplessly trapped in the fire, crying while waiting for someone to rescue him, the apex of his heart tightened to the point of pain.

He sighed, as if accepting his fate, and continued to dodge the falling heavy objects, looking up for Qiao Xi.

At this time, the firefighters came down with a little girl. The little girl should have been frightened, and she couldn't stop crying.

The fireman anxiously wanted to send the person out. When he saw Lu Huo, he quickly stopped him, "Go down, there is no way up."

Lu Huo said, "I'm looking for someone."

"The fire is too big, you can't go up."

Lu Huo didn't listen to the other party's words and ran away.

"Uncle." The little girl hugged the fireman, and she sobbed, "The kitten is still there, kitten..."

The fireman patted the little **** the back, "Don't be afraid, uncle will save you." As for her cat, I'm afraid it will be swallowed by everyone.

Lu Hu went up to another layer. He found a damp cloth and could barely cover his mouth and nose. Even the temperature of the ground on the upper layer was burning hot to his feet. The front was red and he couldn't move forward at all.

He dodged the falling heavy object again, and the clean white shirt he had previously rubbed against the ashes at some point, turning a large area of ​​black.

Where can the youth still be clean and fresh on weekdays? Now he is embarrassed.

Suddenly, Lu Huo heard a faint cat meowing.

Lu Huo's expression froze for a moment, he listened carefully to the source of the voice.

With his eyes quickly searching, Lu Huo avoided the flames and walked to the corner of the corridor.

At a glance, he saw the snow mass lying on the ground, one leg pressed by a heavy object, unable to move, and she cried weakly.

In the firelight, the dark eyes of the young man reflected the scorching firelight and lit up, "Xixi."

On the ground, the little white cat in the snow group raised its small head, and only a tall figure could be seen in the blurred sapphire blue eyes. There were too many tears in front of her eyes, and she could not see the appearance of the other party.

Hearing the familiar voice, the little white cat thought he had hallucinations.

She seemed to see Lu Huo appear.

Originally tonight, Qiao Xi was going to rest early, and not long after she lay down on the bed, she changed back to a little white cat, because Lu Huo was going to a party today, and she hadn't come to her to help touch her tail.

However, not long after she turned into a cat, she heard movement from outside. When she went out to the living room, she looked through the window and saw thick smoke rising from the lower floor.

Qiao Xi realized that it should be a fire.

Because she turned into a cat, she struggled to open the living room door and ran out.

When she was a cat, she was too small, only a little bigger than when she was a milk cat. She rushed towards the stairs, trying to escape. However, when she got to the stairs, many people were also crowded in the stairs.

In the chaos, Qiao Xi was stepped on a few times, and the pain caused her to burst into tears.

What's more, she was kicked down the stairs.

Qiao Xi's whole body was in severe pain, and her weak, delicate body could hardly move.

She was worried that she would be trampled to death by the crowd, so Qiao Xi tried her best to move to a position near the wall in the corridor, lest she be trampled by others.

The fire was getting bigger and bigger. After Qiao Xi relieved her breath, she wanted to escape, but suddenly the heavy object fell and pressed on one of her legs.

Where does the little cat have the strength to push away the heavy object? Seeing others escape one by one, and the surrounding fire getting bigger and bigger, Qiao Xi shouted, hoping that someone could take her away.

At such an urgent and dangerous moment, everyone is already panicked, afraid of fear, and has no time to pay attention to a cat, nor to worry about the cat's life or death.

The fire was getting bigger and bigger, and Qiao Xi was screaming loudly. At such a critical moment, the cat's meow was almost covered by the noise and the sound of the fire.

Seeing the fire getting closer and closer, Qiao Xi was desperate. I'm afraid, she will end here today.

Qiao Xi didn't know if he would go back after he died here.

The big blue eyes were covered with a layer of water light, and gradually, the water light condensed into teardrops, which rolled out of the eyes uncontrollably.

The little white cat was lying on the ground, crying pitifully, and one of her calf was still pressed and unable to move.

This time, Qiao Xi really wanted to cry from the bottom of her heart. It was ugly to be burned, and she didn't want to be burned alive.

She is so good-looking, if her skin and flesh were torn apart, Qiao Xi would not dare to imagine her body turning black, almost like carbon.

Tears kept flowing, Qiao Xi looked at the tall figure approaching her, and the hazy tears made her think she was hallucinating.

As the figure approached, Qiao Xi not only smelled the thick smoke, she also smelled the tempting fragrance.

It's not an illusion, it's Lu Huo here.

In the blink of an eye, her head was lightly stroked, and then Qiao Xi felt her body fall into a warm embrace, her head resting on her chest, and the scent became clearer.

"Lu Huo." However, there was only the sound of a cat meowing.

"Xixi, don't cry, I'm here, I'll take you out." Lu Hu's fingertips wiped the water droplets from the little white cat's eyes, then hugged her tightly, started to escape, and left the building.

With heavy objects falling behind him, Lu Hu hugged Qiao Xi and swiftly avoided the fire.

With the constant danger around, Qiao Xi nestled in Lu Hu's arms, hugged and protected by his big hands.

In her ears, she could only hear the boy's rapid breathing, and smelling his fragrance, she was not afraid of anything.

Before coming out of the building, Lu Huo was still injured. The heavy object with fire fell on his hand. The sleeve of the white shirt was immediately burned, and he burned his arm.

"Lu Huo." Two low cat meows sounded, a little anxious.

Lu Huo ignored his injury, but hugged the little white cat in his arms tightly and didn't let go, using his body to protect it tightly.

Su Shen had been waiting outside, and he could see from the outside how fierce the fire was. He was worried about Lu Huo's safety.

I don't know how long it took, but no one escaped from the inside. Hearing that the fire had spread to the first floor, Su Shen's heart sank, and a look of pain appeared on his face.

For someone as powerful as Lu Hu, how could God be willing to take him away?

Just when Su Shen had a bad idea, a tall figure appeared at the door.

Su Shen blinked his peach blossom eyes, and wiped away the worries in his eyes. He hurried forward, "Lu Huo, you finally came out, I thought...it's fine."

When the words fell, Su Shen immediately responded, "Where's Qiao Xi?"

Instead of seeing Qiao Xi, he saw Lu Huan holding a cat?

Lu Huo touched the head of the little white cat in his arms, and the corners of his lips pursed tightly until a nice arc appeared, "She is safe."

"Your hand is injured." Su Shen noticed that Lu Huo's sleeve was burnt and his hand was injured.

Lu Huo glanced at his arm and didn't pay much attention to it, his eyes fell on his arms, "Go to the hospital."

This time, Su Shen was in charge of driving the car. He sat in the driver's seat and saw Lu Huan holding the snow-white but dirty cat sitting on the passenger seat. He couldn't bear to put the cat down for a moment.

"This cat has an owner, right? You want to take it away and not return it to its owner?" Su Shen started the car.

The little white cat in her arms had stopped crying and returned to her pitiful and lovely appearance. Lu Huo touched her head, "She is mine."

Qiao Xi raised his head from Lu Hu's arms, and his big sapphire blue eyes met his. She was full of joy and pain.

Lu Huo took the risk to save her and was injured.

She rubbed her head against the palm of his hand and saw the burns on his arm, she leaned over, stretched out the tip of her tongue and licked the ashes next to his wound.

It was a bit bitter and astringent, but Qiao Xi didn't dislike it.

The wound was painful, and the place next to the wound that was licked by the little white cat was a little itchy. Lu Hu quickly held her head down to prevent her from moving, "Dirty."

Su Shen glanced over from the corner of his eye, only to see that Lu Huo's cold Jun face was full of tenderness, and he lowered his head and kissed the cat's head.

I don't know, I thought Lu Huo was not holding a cat, but his girlfriend.

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