The old man was very happy.

"Yes!" Qin Yi replied.

"Then go take a hot bath first. When you're done, I'll tell you all the stories." Gu Rumeng smiled.

Driven by curiosity, Qin Yi immediately took a set of clothes to the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, Qin Yi, who had just finished taking a bath, saw Gu Rumeng sitting on the sofa with a photo frame in her hand.


Gu Rumeng waved, and Qin Yi immediately walked over.

In the photo frame was a photo of two people.

A woman who looked about forty years old, and a girl who looked only fifteen or sixteen years old.

The two stood shoulder to shoulder, making scissors hands to the camera, with happy smiles on their faces.

"Is the one on the right Sister Rumeng?" Qin Yi asked curiously. He felt that the girl in the photo looked very similar to Gu Rumeng. "Yes, I was just in high school at that time. Wasn't I very young? I look much better than now, right?" When Gu Rumeng said this, her fingertips unconsciously touched the young self in the photo, as if she was reminiscing about the past. "Sister Rumeng used to look very beautiful." Qin Yi paused and shifted his gaze from the photo to Gu Rumeng's face: "But I think Sister Rumeng is more beautiful now, because since I met Sister Rumeng now, sometimes I wonder if Sister Rumeng is an angel sent by God to save me." "What angel? You are talking nonsense again." Gu Rumeng wrinkled her nose and pretended to be angry, but she couldn't hide the smile in her eyes: "You are so good at praising girls now. When you go to college in the future, I dare not think how many girls will be fascinated by you." "I am just telling the truth." Qin Yi's face was full of sincerity. "Okay, sister believes you." Gu Rumeng said dotingly, and her eyes returned to the photo.

"Sister Rumeng, the one on the right is you, so is the one on the left sister Rumeng's mother?" Qin Yi asked again.

"She is the family member who loves me the most in this world, but she is not my mother, but my aunt."

Gu Rumeng paused for a few seconds, and added with a sad look: "An aunt who is not related by blood."

The words "not related by blood" immediately made Qin Yi think of himself and Gu Rumeng.

Before he asked, Gu Rumeng had already explained:

"I used to live in an ordinary but happy family."

"But when I was seven years old, the factory where my father worked suddenly began to lay off a large number of employees. Unfortunately, my father was one of them."

"After he lost his job for a while, he suddenly had the idea of ​​going into business."

"So he left home and took a train to another place. Before leaving, he borrowed a large sum of money from relatives."

"That time he left, it was a long, long time."

"So long that I Later, I almost forgot what he looked like. It was so long that my mother, who had been raising me alone, suddenly changed her temperament. ”

Speaking of this, Gu Rumeng closed her eyes, as if she recalled the scene she least wanted to remember:

“She was like a different person, and she often started drinking.”

“Every time she drank, she would scold me, beat me, and tell me to get out of the house.”

“In those years, I always lived cautiously, and sometimes I didn’t dare to go home.”

“Every time I went to school, whether it was summer or not, I would wear long sleeves. I was afraid that my classmates would see my mother. The red marks that were pulled out on my arm would laugh at me. "" I didn't understand it at the time. Why did the gentle mother look like that? "" I didn't know that my father had a new family in the past few years. "Divorced" "and during that time, my grandmother happened to die because of illness." Every night, my father was looking forward to going home, but in the end, it was in exchange for such a result. "After that, I became an orphan."


Relatives took away the few valuable things left in my house in the name of debt collection after my mother passed away. "

"In the end, I didn't even have a place to live."

"I remember the day I became homeless very clearly. It was a rainy night."

"It was the same rainy night as the day I met you. It was also on this old street outside the community that I met the person who gave me a second life."

"It was the aunt in the photo. Her surname is Gu."

"Qin Yi, I think this is fate."

Gu Rumeng smiled, but her voice was muffled and her eyes were slightly red.

Qin Yi's eyes fell on the face of the middle-aged woman on the left side of the photo.

For some reason, he felt that this aunt gave him a particularly kind feeling.

Maybe it was fate, as Sister Rumeng said?

"On that rainy night, Aunt Gu picked me up and brought me home."

"Aunt Gu has no husband or children, but she is very kind and treats me very well, just like treating her own daughter, which reminds me of my once gentle mother. ”

“She also introduced me to many people in the old street. I met your sister Mingyue and sister Xinrui because of this.”

“Oh, by the way, there is also Mrs. Ding. Sometimes Aunt Gu is too busy with work to take care of me, so Mrs. Ding will let me have dinner at her house.”

“Most people in the old street are very kind.”

“In such an environment, and under the care of Aunt Gu, I gradually forgot my previous miserable life and learned to face a new beginning.”

“But I don’t know if kind people always get bad rewards, or if I was born to bring misfortune to others.”

“The year I was admitted to university, Aunt Gu was diagnosed with a serious illness, advanced leukemia.”

“The year she passed away, I can’t remember how I got through it. I only know that during that time I felt as if the sky had fallen.”

“To be honest, even though it has been a long time, I still can’t get over it. ”

“Without Aunt Gu, my life seemed to have lost its direction. I was often confused about what the meaning of my coming to this world was. ”

“Until that rainy night when I met you.”

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