The child was kidnapped and then escaped.

"Rumeng, do you think it is possible that this child was abducted and then escaped by himself?"

Kong Xinrui pursed her lips. She couldn't bear it and wanted to help the poor child.

Gu Rumeng didn't say anything, but her eyes seemed to have made up her mind.

She returned to Qin Yi's bed and gently held Qin Yi's left hand: "Little brother, do you have no place to live? Do you want to live in your sister's house?"

Hearing this question, Qin Yi raised his head and saw Gu Rumeng's caring eyes. The emotions that had finally calmed down surged again.

"I... I will cause trouble for you..." Qin Yi said, and lowered his head unconsciously.

"Sister is not afraid of trouble." Gu Rumeng gently touched Qin Yi's head,

"Sister actually always hopes that she can have a brother as cute as you, and the cat at my sister's house likes you very much. It was the cat that led me to find you."

"Is it a calico cat?" Qin Yi remembered the cat that took the initiative to crawl into his arms and gave him the only warmth in the cold rainy night.

"Yes, its name is Baozi." Gu Rumeng smiled, "Now you know my name and the name of my sister's cat. Isn't it your turn to tell me what your name is?"

"My name is Qin Yi."

"It sounds nice. How old are you this year?"


Qin Yi paused and added: "I'm only three days away from adulthood."

"You are seventeen years old?!"

Gu Rumeng was very surprised. She thought Qin Yi was only fifteen years old at most.

Because from the outside, Qin Yi is too thin, and his face looks very young. Anyone who sees this look can't imagine that Qin Yi is a 17-year-old boy who is only three days away from adulthood.


Think about it carefully, it's true.

He is so thin and covered with scars. It is obvious that he has been abused for a long time.

It is a blessing to be alive in such an environment.

Thinking of this, Gu Rumeng felt even more uncomfortable.

What a good boy, why did fate torture him like this?

"After hanging this bottle of glucose, let's go home, okay?"

Gu Rumeng held Qin Yi's hand again.

Qin Yi pursed his lips tightly and didn't answer for a long time.

"Are you worried that your family will come to your door to embarrass your sister?"

Gu Rumeng seemed to be able to see through Qin Yi's thoughts.

"I don't have a family."

When the word family was mentioned, Qin Yi's eyes seemed to lose their luster.

He has never had a home that truly welcomes him, so how can he talk about family?

"Then what are you worried about?" Gu Rumeng asked again.


Qin Yi opened his mouth, but couldn't answer.

Maybe he had been hurt too much, maybe he was worried about causing trouble to Gu Rumeng, or maybe... he didn't believe that there was anyone in the world who could truly accept him.

He would rather be alone in a corner where no one could see him, and die on his own, than experience the pain of being full of hope but falling into another abyss.

"Give me a chance, believe me, okay?"

Gu Rumeng looked into Qin Yi's eyes.

She could feel that the boy in front of her was actually very wary.

Mostly due to the influence of long-term abuse.

Although his body was weak, he had already unconsciously built an invisible high wall in his heart, preventing people from outside from entering and preventing himself from leaving.


Qin Yi was silent for a long time. At this time, he saw Kong Xinrui standing at the door holding a mobile phone and making a call.

"Hello? Hello, is this 110?"

"It's like this, I met a lost child here, I want to ask what to do after sending him to the police station?"

"Oh, contact his parents to send him home?"

"But the child seems to have some communication barriers. We have been asking for a long time but still don't know his parents' contact information. What should we do?"

"Can you check the file? That's good, you should quickly pick up this child and send him home. It's raining late at night, and his parents must be worried!"

The voice was not loud, just enough to reach the ears of the two people present.

Qin Yi's face changed immediately: "Sister Rumeng, I can go to your house!"

Gu Rumeng was holding Qin Yi's hand. Since she heard Kong Xinrui advocate sending Qin Yi home, she immediately felt Qin Yi's hand become cold.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Gu Rumeng quickly got up and held Qin Yi's head in her arms:

"I won't send you back, don't be afraid, be good."

As she said, she looked at the person standing at the door.

, Kong Xinrui, who happened to be looking in, cast a blaming look.

Kong Xinrui blinked innocently, and then quietly turned on her phone that had been turned off.

In fact, she didn't call at all.

Sorry, Rumeng.

This child is too vigilant, your best friend, I can only do this!

Kong Xinrui thought secretly in her heart.

She had already seen Qin Yi's scars all over his body, and she didn't have time to feel distressed, so how could she bear to send Qin Yi back to hell?

"Sister Rumeng..."

Qin Yi, who had recovered from the panic, blushed a little, and it took a lot of effort to break free from Gu Rumeng's arms.

"What's wrong?"

Gu Rumeng was a little confused. Was this child going to regret it?

"Nothing... just... I will find a way to make money to pay you back for the money for the drip today... and the rent for living in your house in the future." Qin Yi's eyes were extremely serious.


Gu Rumeng showed a gentle smile.

She was not short of money, and there were empty rooms at home. Adding more people would only mean adding more pairs of chopsticks.

The reason she did not refuse was that she saw the little stubbornness in the boy in front of her.

But she did not mind, because this just showed that the boy in front of her was kind and upright, and very sensible and principled.

If he had not been born in an environment of long-term abuse, he would probably be a very mature, gentle and sunny boy now.

Thinking of this, Gu Rumeng felt a little sad.

Children who are too sensible always make people feel distressed.

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