The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Gu Rumeng's heart skipped a beat, and she said casually, "We didn't discuss anything, we just talked about some topics like college."

But as soon as she finished speaking, she regretted it.

Because this reason was too far-fetched.

"Is that so..."

Qin Yi didn't quite understand why she had to avoid him when talking about college.

But he didn't think much about it.

Because he believed that Sister Rumeng must have her own reasons for doing so, and she wouldn't hurt him.

Gu Rumeng was quietly observing Qin Yi's expression at the moment, and she was actually worried that Qin Yi would have wild thoughts.

After all, she had just left Qin Yi alone in the cake shop, and now she had come up with such an unreliable reason.

In the original plan, she would wait until Qin Yi came back from school and then take him home to welcome the birthday surprise.

However, the arrival of the Chen family, out of courtesy and considering the relationship between Chen Jinghui and Qin Yi, forced her to make a small change to the plan.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoyi."

Gu Rumeng apologized quietly in her heart.

The plan has come to this point, and she really hopes to bring some surprises to Qin Yi tonight.

The cake shop is not far from where she lives.

In less than ten minutes, several people have arrived.

Gu Rumeng took out the key to unlock the door, pushed open the door, and it was pitch black inside.

Qin Yi suddenly felt something was wrong: "Sister Rumeng, where is Baozi?"

Baozi was not in the cake shop tonight, and Qin Yi thought that Sister Rumeng had sent Baozi home a long time ago.

But now when he opened the door at home, he didn't see Baozi at the first time, nor did he hear Baozi's cry.

You know, if Baozi was at home, he would definitely squat on the shoe cabinet to greet her when he heard the door open.

It can't be that Baozi was walking outside and was forgotten by Sister Rumeng, right?

"Ah... maybe he's sleeping."

Gu Rumeng walked into the house, feeling guilty and embarrassed to look at Qin Yi's face: "You also know that he likes to play outside all day. Today, he must have been too tired to play, so he fell asleep."

"Is that so..."

Qin Yi didn't doubt it, and turned on the light in the living room.

As a result, there was no response when he pressed the switch.

"Sister Rumeng, it seems that there is a power outage."

Qin Yi tried to press the switch a few more times, but there was still no light in the living room.

"Maybe it's tripped, I'll go and have a look."

Gu Rumeng changed into slippers, took out her mobile phone to turn on the flashlight function, and then walked straight to the room.

"I'll help too!" Chen Manxin immediately followed.

"And me!" The two siblings followed.

Only Qin Yi was left at the door.

Moving his sight slightly upward, Qin Yi could see that the switch was actually in the hallway.

Logically, Sister Rumeng had lived here for so long, she should know where the switch was.

But why did Sister Rumeng go to the room?

And it didn't take so many people to turn on the switch, right?

Sister Rumeng was really weird tonight...

Qin Yi couldn't figure it out, so he simply didn't bother to think about it anymore.

He opened the door to the living room, and with the light from the corridor sensor light, Qin Yi found a small chair not far from the shoe cabinet.

He moved the chair over, and just as he was about to step on it to see if there was something wrong with the switch, he heard strange noises coming from Gu Rumeng's room.

"Sister Rumeng?"

Qin Yi turned his head subconsciously, and the corridor sensor light happened to go out at this time.

But his sight did not fall into darkness, but instead saw a few gently swaying candlelights.

"Happy birthday to you~~Happy birthday to you~~"

The candlelight swayed gently in the brisk humming.

The faint light illuminated Gu Rumeng's face with a gentle smile, as if covered with a faint golden halo.

She held a large cake in her hand, and the source of the candlelight was the burning candles inserted on it.

Not only Gu Rumeng.

Qin Yi also saw Kong Xinrui, Xue Mingyue, Mrs. Ding, and the three members of the Chen family.

And Baozi was being held in Kong Xinrui's arms.

Seeing this scene, Qin Yi was a little stunned.

He suddenly realized why Sister Rumeng behaved so strangely tonight.

Indescribable emotions quickly grew in his heart, and in an instant it seemed to turn into a tsunami, violently impacting his tear glands.

He almost forgot...

Today is his birthday.

"Why are you standing there stupidly? Come over and make a wish and blow out the candles!" Chen Jinghui shouted with a smile.

Qin Yi recovered a little, he sniffed, and tried to control the tears from overflowing from his eyes.

When he

As he approached, everyone present could clearly see that his eyes were red.

"Silly boy, you should smile happily on your birthday, but you are not allowed to cry."

Gu Rumeng wanted to scratch Qin Yi's nose distressedly, but she was holding the cake with both hands and couldn't free her hands.


Qin Yi nodded, his voice muffled.

In the past 18 years, no one had ever celebrated his birthday, let alone given him birthday wishes.

He could only envy and listen to his classmates talking about birthdays, and then curl up in his bed and fantasize quietly when he went to bed at night.

He once also hoped that such a day would appear.

Especially after he was taken back to the Qin family, he almost looked forward to the scene of "family members" celebrating his birthday in his heart every day.

Until he found that on his birthday, everyone in the Qin family was surrounding Qin Xiaofeng, and he could only be forgotten in the corner, like a rat in the sewer, peeping at the happiness that did not belong to him.

From then on, he no longer had any expectations for the so-called birthday.

But he never thought that the fantasy that had been buried deep in his heart would be dug out and become a reality one day.

He even wondered if he was hallucinating now.


Is this really his birthday?

Qin Yi pursed his lips, his eyes moistened, and he couldn't tell whether he saw a dream or reality.

If it was a dream, he hoped never to wake up.

"Thank you..."

"This is my first birthday..."

"Thank you so much..."

Qin Yi's voice choked uncontrollably.

He still couldn't control his emotions after all, and tears couldn't stop overflowing from his eyes and sliding down his cheeks.

This scene made everyone present feel heartbroken.

Kong Xinrui, who was always carefree on weekdays, couldn't help sniffing at this moment.

Xue Mingyue and Mrs. Ding sighed softly.

Chen Jinghui and his sister cursed the Qin family several times in their hearts.

But the most uncomfortable person was Gu Rumeng. She quickly handed the cake to Xue Mingyue beside her, and then wiped the tears from Qin Yi's face with her hands.

"Don't cry, don't cry, be good."

Gu Rumeng hugged Qin Yi, patted Qin Yi's back, and comforted him softly,

"Xiaoyi, today is your birthday. Let's not think about the past. Let's forget them and look forward with our sister."

"Look, everyone came to celebrate your birthday. We should be happy, right?"

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