"Roumei..." Zhou's mother looked distressed. Seeing her daughter resisting her like this, her heart was naturally as painful as a knife. No one knew how she had survived all these years since she lost her daughter. She had hardly slept soundly. Whenever she closed her eyes, she could always hear her daughter calling her, "Mom, I'm cold." "Mom, I'm hungry." She was worried that her daughter was not well dressed or well fed. From the few words of Chen's father and mother, she concluded that her daughter was indeed living a very bad life, and was even kept in a pen like a livestock. Thinking of this, Zhou's mother felt that breathing was painful, and the self-blame in her heart was strangling her heart every moment. "My dear girl, come home with mom, okay? We'll live in a big villa, eat big meals... Mom will take you on a trip, go shopping every day... Let's forget about the unhappy things, okay?" Zhou's mother said with a trembling voice.

Zhou's father didn't seem to be very good at speaking, but his eyes were red.

But when Bai Yuyou heard the word "home", her resistance became more intense. She seemed to be refusing with every pore in her body. Her little hands tightly grasped the clothes in front of Ye Shuang, and her body began to tremble.

"My dear girl, tell me, mom can satisfy you whatever you want, as long as you are willing to go home with me."

"No... don't!" The girl rarely raised her voice, as if a sharp sword pierced Zhou's mother's heart fiercely.

Zhou's mother burst into tears immediately.

Ye Shuang also realized that Aunt Xian's words were hitting Yuyou's minefield. Looking at the girl sitting in his arms, he first patted her back gently, and then said to Zhou's mother,

"Aunt Xian..."

Seeing that the other party seemed to be out of control, Ye Shuang sighed in his heart. How many families would this damn human trafficker destroy before he would give up? Obviously, Yuyou could grow up healthily like a little princess, instead of staring at the small window in the dark attic.

"Chen Qin." Ye Shuang looked at Chen Qin beside him at this time, "Please help me take Yuyou to the living room to sit for a while. I want to talk to Aunt Xian and the others alone."

Chen Qin stood up after hearing this, but Bai Yuyou was unwilling to get down from Ye Shuang's arms no matter what. It was not until he comforted her a few more words that Bai Yuyou was led by Chen Qin to sit on the sofa in the living room.

After the two separated for a while, Ye Shuang saw that Zhou's mother's mood had gradually calmed down, so he spoke,

"Aunt Xian, Yuyou's current situation... Although it's just my personal opinion,

her current situation is not suitable for her to go back to the port with you."


"Because she was kidnapped when she was about two or three years old, the memory of that period is too vague,

or even completely forgotten,

In other words...you are now almost like strangers to Yuyou."

Ye Shuang's words left Zhou's father and mother speechless for a moment.

"You've seen that she's very dependent on me..." Ye Shuang continued,

"But some time ago, the situation was not like this at all. Yuyou lived alone. She was locked up in the attic for eight years when she was seven or eight years old.

After she came out at the age of sixteen, she went to school under the arrangement of the community."

"Not to mention that she was beaten by Bai Laoqi every day before she was eight years old. She might not even have enough food to eat, and she was often abused."

"When she lived alone later, no one taught her how to live on her own and how to live in school - in a modern society, she didn't have a mobile phone, didn't know how to recharge her meal card, and because she didn't know how to wash clothes, she always wore clothes that hadn't been dried, which made her classmates dislike and bully her..."

"Even if she had money, she would only buy instant noodles. She may not have eaten a hot meal in all these years."

"Because she was locked up for a long time, her language ability was almost lost... She couldn't communicate with others. In the eyes of others, she was a freak, a fool, a mental patient, and a despised existence."

"Because of this, she was locked up in the bathroom for a whole night without being able to ask for help, her hair was burned with a lighter, she was kicked to the ground while walking, her class seat was broken and even filled with garbage. Even if she was falsely accused, she had no ability to defend herself and could only apologize subconsciously."

She should have hated all the injustices the world had done to her, but she didn't.

Ye Shuang continued, "When I was the most down and out, it was this child,

because I thought I might be hungry, and I also knew that being hungry

How uncomfortable she felt, she just handed over the instant noodles she just bought..."

"She is really a very kind child."

The world kissed her painfully, but she responded with songs.

Because Chen's father and mother couldn't bear to tell Zhou's father and mother too many things, when they knew that Bai Yuyou had experienced these things, Zhou's father and mother finally couldn't hold back their emotions and couldn't say anything for a while.

"Then, then why didn't you let me take her back?" Zhou's mother choked.

Ye Shuang didn't answer, but continued, "I was also taken back to her house on that rainy night. It's a bit ashamed to say that the relationship between Yuyou and me is more like mutual warmth."

"I had nowhere to go at the time, and she just felt sorry for me, so she didn't want me to leave, and she stuffed all the money into me."

"After I found out that she had no ability to take care of herself, I began to take care of her life as a reward."

"At the same time, I began to teach her how to clean, wash clothes, how to bathe herself... blow dry her hair. ”

“Teach her how to cook…”

“Of course, I also went to the college where she was studying and secretly helped her solve some small problems in school.”

Ye Shuang said one by one, smiling, “Now, she has made new friends,

goes shopping and eats desserts with friends like a normal girl, and will say no to things she doesn’t want to do.”

“Her academic performance has also improved, and she can gradually talk to others.”

“By the way, we also picked up a kitten. Because the medical expenses cost 10,000, we named it 10,000.”

“She even received love letters and was confessed to in public, instead of being the stinky girl she used to be.”

Ye Shuang muttered, and he found that the things between him and Yu You seemed to be endless. Finally, he continued to smile and said,

“I originally planned to leave after Yu You succeeded in becoming independent.”

“But…that day when she came out of the police station and said that she didn’t want her parents but Ye Shuang, I seemed to find that…her dependence on me was stronger than I thought. "

"I have thought it through now..."


Ye Shuang stood up, bowed solemnly and said,

"Aunt Xian, Uncle Zhou, if possible, please do not disturb Yuyou's life before she becomes independent."

After all, she is my treasure.

The air was deathly silent, and everyone's eyes were on Ye Shuang.

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