The old man was lying on the bed, and the old man was lying on the bed.

"Hmm~" On the bed, Chen Qin slowly opened her eyes. She stretched out her hand to rub her slightly curly long hair, stretched her body and made unclear sounds.

Then she looked around casually with a lifeless look, and finally murmured, "Grind a cup of coffee for me."

"Hmm?" Chen Qin came back to her senses after a few seconds and found that this was Ye Shuang's apartment. She glanced at the bed and remembered that she slept with Ye Shuang last night.

"Where is my Ye Shuang?" Chen Qin climbed down the bed in a daze, and walked to the glass railing to see the man who was cleaning the dishes downstairs - accompanied by the slow sound of the faucet, he was washing the dishes at this time, and at the man's feet, there was an orange kitten with its head tilted up.

Chen Qin lay on the railing, one hand supporting her innocent face with a smile, perhaps because she was not fully awake, her expression was still a little silly, "Hehe, it's great to see Ah Ye so early in the morning."

Ye Shuang, who was washing dishes at this time, may have felt the sight, he looked up and asked, "Are you up?"

Chen Qin still looked lazy, the nightgown she was wearing slipped down to reveal her snow-white shoulders and half of her breasts, but she still said softly, "I slept comfortably, stay with me every night in the future."

"I think too much, and don't sleep with three people in the future." Ye Shuang said.

"What's the matter? Are you afraid you can't help it?" Chen Qin played with her long hair, her beautiful eyes half-closed, "Anyway, I don't care, but you can't do anything to Yu You... She doesn't know anything."

Ye Shuang didn't answer, but raised her eyes and said, "Come down first to wash up, and then we'll go to the hospital."


After Chen Qin finished washing up, it was half an hour later. Looking at the other party's moist face, Ye Shuang could probably guess what she had done.

But he didn't say much. It's normal for women to dawdle when they go out.

Chen Qin sorted out her clothes, turned her head and looked at Ye Shuang and asked,

"Ye Shuang, which hospital did you make an appointment with?"

"Zhong Wu Hospital." Ye Shuang said, there are not many hospitals in Haizhu City. Apart from the People's Hospital, Zhong Wu Hospital is close to home and has a good level.

"Oh..." Chen Qin was originally thinking about whether to make an appointment with an expert she knew, but after thinking about it, it didn't matter. Just treat it as getting along with Ye Shuang.

Anyway, it's not a serious illness. At least Chen Qin didn't feel very uncomfortable. At most, she had gastrointestinal problems and loss of appetite.

And almost every year, the family would have a regular physical examination, so Chen Qin was not very worried about her health.

After breakfast, Chen Qin changed into dried clothes and followed Ye Shuang out.

"Do you need to put on makeup when you see a doctor?" Ye Shuang drove the car and asked after glancing at Chen Qin beside him. If you go to see a doctor, you don't really need to put on makeup, right?

Chen Qin was applying lipstick in front of the mirror on the sun visor. Facing Ye Shuang's question, she just sipped her lipstick and smiled, "You don't understand this, I'm dressed up beautifully, don't you look good when you take me out?"

"As long as you like it." Ye Shuang didn't say anything more and concentrated on driving.

Ten minutes later, Ye Shuang and his team also arrived at Zhongshan University Fifth Hospital. The full name should be the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Zhongshan University. At this time, there were so many cars queuing to enter the parking lot that Ye Shuang drove the car to the negative third floor.

"Sally, there are so many people." Chen Qin glanced at the rearview mirror and found that the front and back were full of cars, even though this was the third floor below ground.

"Isn't it Monday today? Don't you have to go to work?"

"You don't look at the date when you are sick." Ye Shuang said, but he just happened to find a car that was about to leave, so he squeezed in directly.

"Let's go."


After taking the elevator to the outpatient clinic, Ye Shuang and his friends got the registration form and sat on the chairs in the waiting room waiting for their numbers to be called.

"Please ask patient A017 Chen Qin to go to the No. 5 clinic." The radio also sounded at this time. Ye Shuang took a look and said to Chen Qin beside him, "Let's go, don't be dazed."

"Don't be nervous, I'm fine."

After entering the clinic, the doctor asked about the situation and arranged for Chen Qin to do a gastroscopy. Chen Qin didn't seem very willing to hear that he had to be intubated for a gastroscopy. After all, no one likes such a long tube to go all the way down the throat into the stomach.

"Aye, can I not do the gastroscopy? Just take some medicine." Chen Qin put her hands together, swaying them left and right to act cute, totally unlike the strong look she has in the company.



It hurts to have a gastroscopy. If you don't feel it, don't worry." Ye Shuang grabbed Chen Qin expressionlessly and went to pay.

"I would rather eat a piece of lard candy than have a gastroscopy!"

"Shut up."

After a morning of tossing and turning, the results of the gastroscopy came out. Ye Shuang looked at the report in his hand. It did say something like gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer A 1, but he didn't understand it very well, so he still needed to show it to the doctor.

"Do you want to see it?" Ye Shuang asked Chen Qin beside him with the report.

"No, it looks a bit disgusting."

Ye Shuang: "..."

Isn't that your body?

After re-entering the consulting room, the doctor looked at Chen Qin's report, but his brows were slightly locked. "I just saw it on the spot. The ulcer is not big, 0.2*0.5 in size..."

Ye Shuang asked, "Doctor, there shouldn't be any big problems, right?"

"Well, it doesn't look like a big problem. I'll prescribe some medicine first. You must come for a follow-up visit after a while. "The doctor continued, "If this ulcer doesn't get better, a biopsy is needed."

"Biopsy..." Ye Shuang frowned slightly, then glanced at Chen Qin beside him, "Okay."

After prescribing the medicine, Ye Shuang took Chen Qin to the first floor to get the medicine. At this time, Chen Qin stood by and smiled, "The doctor said it's okay, you're too worried."

"Don't be happy too early." Ye Shuang thought of the biopsy the doctor mentioned, and carefully checked Chen Qin's system page. After confirming that it was not gastric cancer but gastric ulcer, he retracted his gaze.

He felt a lot more at ease.

This is not a melodramatic novel, and Ye Shuang has read some medical knowledge, so he is still very concerned about Chen Qin's illness.

"Take the medicine on time." Ye Shuang said, tapping the medicine box with his fingernails.


"I will remind you regularly. I know you are very busy at work, but if you forget to take the medicine, you will be dead if you get gastric cancer. "

"Wow, you are too much, you cursed me to get cancer." Although Chen Qin said this, she was still happy to hear that Ye Shuang cared about her so much.

"Let's go, I'll take you back to the company." Ye Shuang said.


"If you don't want to, take a taxi."

"Oh, what are you doing..."

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