"Not fat." Ye Shuang saw Bai Yuyou join the topic, reached out and rubbed her head and said with a smile. On the contrary, Bai Yuyou's figure is quite good, with meat where it should be, and a flat belly without a trace of fat. Ye Shuang even hopes that Yuyou can be fatter, so that she will look healthier.

Perhaps when a person really cares about the other person, what he hopes is not to make the other person skinny for the so-called deformed aesthetic of white, young and thin, but to make the other person white, fat and healthy.

Ye Shuang originally wanted to ask Yuyou if she could eat more, but considering her original appetite, it seemed that there was no point in saying it - this girl's appetite was already quite terrible, as can be seen from the lunch boxes she was carrying. If a passerby saw it, they would think that Bai Yuyou was helping to get food for several people.

Little did they know that this was just the normal amount of Bai Yuyou's meal. Ye Shuang also used the system to check Bai Yuyou's condition, and there was no problem with her health.

After arriving at the rooftop, there were some raised concrete areas that could be used as tables and chairs. As soon as Ye Shuang sat down, he found that his thighs were warm and heavy. Bai Yuyou actually sat horizontally on his thighs, and her shoulders were directly against his chest.

And when Ye Shuang looked over, the girl's delicate face still revealed a hint of innocence and confusion.



"Why do you want to sit on my thighs?" Ye Shuang asked.

"Because... there are no chairs here..." The girl answered expressionlessly.

"You can actually sit here." Ye Shuang pointed to the empty space next to him, as if Coco had sat down directly and was looking over, even with a strange smile.

But Bai Yuyou shook his head, "I like it this way."

"It's not convenient to eat like this." Ye Shuang said, how could he eat with his thighs sitting like this.

Bai Yuyou looked left and right, and finally stretched out his palm to touch his abdomen. He didn't know what he was doing, as if he was studying.

"What's wrong?"

Bai Yuyou paused for a few seconds, and finally whispered, "I'm not fat..."

"It's not that you are fat that affects my eating, it's that your posture is blocking me from eating, idiot." Ye Shuang stretched out his hand with a smile and cried, and gently knocked on Bai Yuyou's head and said.

Bai Yuyou understood, she slowly got up and changed direction, changing to a posture facing Ye Shuang and sitting on his legs.

Ye Shuang: "..."

Isn't this posture worse?

And it rubbed the wound.

Ye Shuang had to put his arm around her waist to prevent her from falling backwards, and then asked, "Is there a possibility... that you can't eat in this position?"


After the three of them sat down steadily, they began to eat.

"Isn't the school anniversary coming soon? What theme do you plan to hold in your class?" Ye Shuang asked.

Tang Keke said, "I haven't thought about it yet, but a classmate in the class said he wants to open a movie theater."

"Movie theater?"

"Yes, just use the projector that we usually use in class, put more chairs, and then play movies." Tang Keke gestured, but from the scene she described, it can be seen that there is no appeal.

"Uh..." Ye Shuang thought for a moment, "Isn't this just a complete waste of activity time, and there is no movie-watching experience in the cinema?"

"Yes, so it was rejected." Tang Keke continued, "Some boys in the class said to set up a maid cafe and let the girls in the class play maids or something."


Ye Shuang thought for a moment, looked at Bai Yuyou on the side, and finally asked, "Did you say who will be the maid?"

"Not yet, but the class teacher seems to be planning to let Yuyou be the maid. After all, she is very popular in the grade now, and she can attract customers at that time."

Ye Shuang heard this, but said in a light tone, "How can such a good thing happen? When I bullied Yuyou before, I made her a ghost. Now that she is beautiful, she is a maid to attract customers. What do you think of her? A useful tool?"

Even though he ignored Bai Yuyou who was playing a ghost, he now thinks that he can arrange it at will because she is popular?

Thinking of this, Ye Shuang said to Bai Yuyou who was concentrating on eating beside him,

"Yuyou, don't participate in this year's class theme. Wait until the fourth grade is divided into classes."

After the fourth grade, it is the grade for major division. At that time, in addition to the students who are going to the school, there will be a group of students who are admitted through examinations. When the majors are divided, there will definitely not be many students who were originally in the same class with Yuyou. If you really want to invest

Class activities, or helping classmates, at least those guys before were completely useless.

"Class teacher..." Bai Yuyou tilted his head.

"It's okay, if he really wants to force you, I'll solve it." Ye Shuang said with a smile, "Didn't I say that you can find me if you encounter any difficulties."

The girl nodded obediently, "I will listen to Ye Shuang..."

A few seconds later, she suddenly asked, "Ye Shuang."


"I encountered a difficulty..."


"It's... the difficulty of taking a bath together at night." Bai Yuyou stared at Ye Shuang with beautiful eyes and said seriously, as if her face was writing that I really encountered difficulties.

"Except this." Ye Shuang frowned.


After eating, several people basked in the sun for a while - the weather was good today, and it wouldn't be too sunny even in the afternoon. The rays of sunlight fell on their bodies, as if bringing sparkles to this peaceful day that could not be blown away.

Ye Shuang and the two girls sat with their backs against the wall, watching the clouds in the sky slowly moving their bodies, as if time had slowed down.

The sky was good, the clouds were good, and even the wind was good, but it also brought a little laziness, so that after Bai Yuyou looked for a while, he couldn't help but lean on Ye Shuang's shoulder and closed his eyes.

People always like to relax in the most secure place, just like the girl at this moment. When the fatigue of the morning study course came over her, she chose to take a nap beside Ye Shuang - that is, the place where she felt safe.

Tang Keke fell asleep soon, and she leaned on Bai Yuyou's shoulder to take a nap.

Ye Shuang turned his head and looked at the two girls with their eyes closed, and felt a little interesting. Although nothing happened today, the peaceful days made him like it more now.

He used to think that only the days of accepting challenges every day were called life, and sitting here looking at the sky like this was a waste of time.

But now Ye Shuang doesn't think so, instead he thinks such peace is rare and precious.

Every ordinary day we spend may be a series of miracles.

At this time, Ye Shuang smelled the mixed fragrance coming from the tip of his nose and closed his eyes slightly.

Just like that, let's take a rest.

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