After hearing what Ye Shuang said, Zhixia and Linlin were obviously disappointed. If they couldn't find a teacher in charge this semester, the light music club would not be able to survive, which was the last thing they wanted to face. "I can ask about this for you." Seeing the two people's disappointed look, Ye Shuang thought about it and said. "Really?!" The eyes of the two girls suddenly lit up. "Well, but I'm just asking for help. Don't expect too much." Ye Shuang said that he would never say things that he was not sure about, because Ye Shuang knew that the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. "That's OK!" For Zhixia, some hope is better than nothing. Afterwards, Zhixia and Linlin added Ye Shuang's contact information, which meant that if Ye Shuang contacted the teacher, she could just tell Zhixia directly.

Finally, his eyes turned to Bai Yuyou, and Ye Shuang also said to Zhixia and the others, "Yuyou is a slow-tempered child, and she is also slow in some aspects. I hope you can take care of her more."

As he said that, he gently patted Bai Yuyou's head.

Bai Yuyou also whispered to the two of them, "Thank you."

"No need to thank us, our Light Music Club still welcomes Xiaobai." Zhixia said, pulling Bai Yuyou's hand, "Let's go, classmate Yuyou, let's continue practicing guitar."

Bai Yuyou turned back to look at Ye Shuang, who just smiled and nodded.

"Then thank you for your hard work on the teacher's matter." Linlin also said to Ye Shuang.


After seeing the three of them return to the classroom, Ye Shuang stood at the door for a few seconds and left.

"If Yuyou wants to participate in club activities in the future, will she come home later?" Ye Shuang said as he walked down the stairs, with a little emotion on his face. This girl's life is getting more and more exciting.

Maybe there will be a day when Yuyou no longer needs me?

"Why do you sound like a complaining woman?" An Shiyu asked.

Ye Shuang: "..."

"Why haven't you left yet? Do you plan to follow me all the time?" Ye Shuang asked.

"Well." An Shiyu said, taking out a lollipop from his pocket, tearing open the package and putting it in his mouth, his teeth and candy made a crunching sound, "Uncle, accompany me to buy milk tea."

Ye Shuang refused very straightforwardly, "No."

"If you accompany me, I will help you solve the problem of the responsible teacher." An Shiyu said lazily, with a smile in the corner of his eyes, "Uncle, you don't want Bai Yuyou's club to be ruined, right?"

Ye Shuang had a blank expression, "So you can help? Then why didn't you say anything when I looked at you just now?"

"You didn't ask me."


"But this is just a simple thing." An Shiyu said with a small tiger tooth, "But everything has a price."

Ye Shuang heard this, thought about it, it was just to buy a cup of milk tea.

"Okay, let's go."

After the two of them came to the underground garage, Ye Shuang originally wanted to drive An Shiyu out, but the other party walked to the side and threw a helmet over, "Here, put it on."


Ye Shuang looked at the helmet in his hand, but found that An Shiyu was standing in front of a motorcycle, and it was the same model as Chen Hai's motorcycle!

"Your car?" Ye Shuang was a little surprised to see An Shiyu sitting on the motorcycle. Did this guy buy Chen Hai's motorcycle last time?

The girl put on a black helmet at this time, and her eyes in the goggles looked over,

"Yes, but I regretted it after buying it."


"My legs are not long enough."

Ye Shuang looked at her pantyhose legs that were still some distance from the ground: "..."

What a simple reason.

Ye Shuang also put on a helmet. He wanted to drive it himself, but he saw that An Shiyu had no intention of letting go of the handlebars. Obviously, this meant that she wanted to drive the motorcycle herself.

After seeing this, Ye Shuang didn't say much. He sat behind An Shiyu and asked, "Where can we buy milk tea?"

"Stand at the door."

"So far?!" Ye Shuang was obviously stunned. Isn't it more than ten kilometers?

It's better to order takeout.

An Shiyu didn't answer Ye Shuang. He just stepped on the accelerator and started off directly-

"By the way..."


"Can you drive a motorcycle?" Ye Shuang asked. He always felt that An Shiyu was not a good person in some sense.


"It's just a toy. I can fly helicopters and yachts." An Shiyu made a muffled sound while wearing a helmet.

Ye Shuang said, "I can fly the helicopter in the game."

"I can fly the real one, too." The girl replied.

An Shiyu didn't say much more. After driving out of the school section, Ye Shuang pointed to the corner on one side, "That's the section in the city where motorcycles are prohibited. You have to turn around here and go around."


"Don't look like you don't know anything, eh?!"

"It's okay, uncle can't catch up with me."


"You should surrender yourself. I don't dare to sit."

An Shiyu turned around in the direction Ye Shuang pointed. It happened that there were few cars on that road, so An Shiyu twisted his head directly to seventy or eighty - and at this time Ye Shuang's sitting posture was very strange. He held the metal edge next to him with one hand, but didn't touch An Shiyu's waist.

This posture is a little hard.

"Uncle." At this time, An Shiyu's voice came with the wind.


"If you don't want to be in pieces, it's better to hold my waist. Of course, you can rub the slime." An Shiyu's voice was teasing, but after thinking about it, Ye Shuang still held An Shiyu's waist for safety.

An Shiyu's waist is very thin, which is beyond Ye Shuang's expectation. The school uniform of Yinshan College is really a magical thing. It can cover An Shiyu's waist and Bai Yuyou's schoolbag, and can't show the original size.

Of course, Coco is an exception.

At this time, An Shiyu drove faster.

"Slow down." Ye Shuang listened to the whistling wind and felt that his eyes went dark.

This feeling is completely different from driving. Driving even at 100 will not feel much.

"The speed limit here is 100."

"Even if the speed limit is 100, you can't drive at 100 directly?" Ye Shuang said. Although this section of the road is straight and there are no traffic lights, it is not like a highway. If there is a passerby crossing the fence, the iron-clad motorcycle cannot save your life like ordinary vehicles.

"Slow down!" Ye Shuang stretched out his hand and pinched An Shiyu's waist. The latter trembled and immediately slowed down honestly.

"It's really a perverted uncle." A faint voice came.

"Who told you to drive so fast."

"Very slowly."

"You are so young, don't take your life lightly." Ye Shuang said seriously.

The other party was silent for a moment, and then said,

"It's useless to take it seriously."

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