After eating the whole box of salad, Ye Shuang finally showed a satisfied expression. "How do the cherry tomatoes taste?" Bai Yuyou's eyes were a little erratic, and she slowly looked away, but still whispered, "Delicious." Ye Shuang smiled. Lunch time is over, and it's almost time to play other projects. There are many amusement facilities here, and since Bai Yuyou led Ye Shuang to play, it was a lot of fun after one round. "Shall we go to the souvenir shop?" Ye Shuang asked. "Dolphins..."

"There are no dolphins here." Ye Shuang said. After all, it is linked to Pokémon. The souvenir shop here should sell Pokémon peripherals.

After leading the girl in, Bai Yuyou fell in love with a pillow at first sight.

Seal Ball ¥99

"This... I want it..." Bai Yuyou stretched out his hand and pulled Ye Shuang's sleeve and said.

"This?" Ye Shuang picked up the pillow and asked.


Ye Shuang said, "Okay."

Then he seemed to think of something and continued, "I'll deposit the money into the card your mother gave you."

Before, he was worried that Bai Yuyou might be cheated of money, and he didn't have a bank card, so Ye Shuang deposited the money into his own card. Now that he has the card given by Aunt Xian, even if a large amount of money suddenly comes in, it should not be checked.

And Bai Yuyou will not be cheated so easily now.

"Deposit into the card?" Bai Yuyou looked up at Ye Shuang.

"Yeah, that's right."

"Ye Shuang... are you leaving?" Bai Yuyou asked.

"Why do you ask?" Ye Shuang was stunned for a moment.

"I don't know..." The girl lowered her eyes, "I don't want the money, Ye Shuang... what you spent on me is enough."

"Ye Shuang... please don't leave, I'll give you all the money."

Ye Shuang didn't expect that his words would touch the sensitive part of the girl. He stretched out his hand and gently pinched the other's soft face, "Okay, I won't leave, didn't I say..."

"I will wait for you to grow up."

Bai Yuyou stretched out his hand and hugged Ye Shuang, burying his face and not moving.

Ye Shuang gently patted the back of the girl's head. At this time, many tourists had already looked over, but they just regarded them as a close couple. In places like amusement parks, there are even many couples taking selfies while playing cigar rolls, so it's almost nothing to be surprised about.

However, when Ye Shuang was hugging the girl, he suddenly noticed a strange figure in his inadvertent glance. It was a man in his twenties, but he was wearing thick clothes and deliberately lowered the brim of his hat.

Perhaps because he looked at it for a while longer, the system interface popped up.

[Character: Xu Huan

He has been irritable and petty since he was a child and loves to fight. He is planning revenge because he was cheated. He seems to be carrying some dangerous items. Please stay away! ! ! ]

Dangerous items...

Ye Shuang looked over and found that the man was staring at a couple not far ahead. His hand was in his coat as if he was groping for something.

He frowned slightly, as if he understood something.

But the next second, the girl in the couple in front seemed to turn back inadvertently and met Xu Huan's eyes——

"Xu Huan, why are you here?!" The girl exclaimed in surprise.

"Damn bitch, what do you think?" After Xu Huan saw that the girl had discovered him, he took out a shiny machete from the interlayer of his coat, rushed over and stabbed the boy next to the girl in the abdomen!

"Ah!!!!!!!!!!" The girl's scream immediately caused chaos in the souvenir shop. After seeing this scene, many people were so scared that they rushed to the door!

Xu Huan pulled out the machete and slashed at the girl again, "Let you cheat on me!"

"Damn, I just cheated on you once, and you dared to cheat on me back? Are you worthy?!"

After several consecutive slashes, the girl had no strength to shout. At this time, the people in the store were panicked and crowded at the door of the store and could not completely get out.

Xu Huan stood up and looked back, and rushed over with a knife in a fierce manner, as if he was bloodshot, "You couples, you deserve to die! You must have cheated on others too!"

Ye Shuang saw the man rushing towards him with a machete, and he was numb.

Where did the madman come from?

But Ye Shuang would naturally not let Bai Yuyou get hurt. He immediately picked up the Pokémon ceramic jars on the shelf nearby and kept throwing them at the man!

One of them hit the other's forehead accurately!

The man screamed in pain and covered his head.

"What are you standing there for? Come and help? A knife scares you like this?" Ye Shuang said to the tourists who were gathered at the door to escape. He and Bai Yuyou were standing in a corner and couldn't leave at all, not to mention that the only exit was blocked by people.

But when those tourists saw the bloody machete in Xu Huan's hand, they didn't dare to get close at all, especially Xu Huan was tall and strong. This thing would be fatal if it cut into the fatal part.

However, some tourists didn't get close, but took out their mobile phones to take pictures of it and send it to Moments.

At this time, Xu Huan also recovered. Ye Shuang's action of throwing things at him just now undoubtedly aroused Xu Huan's anger.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Seeing that the other party was anxious, Ye Shuang quickly pushed Bai Yuyou in his arms aside, and then picked up an umbrella on the shelf to hold Xu Huan's wrist.

When the two were in a stalemate, Bai Yuyou imitated Ye Shuang's behavior at this moment. She picked up things from the shelf and threw them at Xu Huan's head, "Ye Shuang..."


At the moment when Xu Huan was distracted, Ye Shuang raised his foot and kicked him between his legs without hesitation.

With a wail, Xu Huan staggered back a few steps and fell to the ground.

Ye Shuang rushed forward quickly and kicked the machete he had loosened away. The blood on the blade drew a red line on the ground!

"Everyone help!" At this time, the tourists saw the knife in the other party's hand flying out, and rushed forward and pressed him to the ground.

Ye Shuang breathed a sigh of relief. Not long after returning to Bai Yuyou, someone screamed, "He still has a knife!"

Xu Huan also hid a dagger in his sleeve. He waved it desperately in his hand. Some tourists were worried that the dagger would cut themselves, so they let go in fear.

This also gave Xu Huan a chance to stand up. He stood up like a mad dog, slashing wildly with a dagger, injuring several tourists who had no time to dodge.

In a hurry, he locked his eyes on Ye Shuang again, "Die!"

At this time, Ye Shuang was still slightly bent over to care if Bai Yuyou was scared, and happened to show his back to him.

There were no shelves here, and there was nothing to protect himself. Ye Shuang didn't even have time to turn around and react. In Bai Yuyou's pale face, he chose to use his body to protect the girl in front of him.

"Ye Shuang!"

But the expected pain did not happen.

Ye Shuang turned around-

I saw a furry yellow mouse holding Xu Huan's arm.

"Pikachu?" Seeing that it was a person wearing a Pikachu doll costume grabbing his wrist, just when Xu Huan was still distracted, he only felt his sight flashing, and he was actually thrown out by the other party with a shoulder throw!

"Bang!" His body hit the shelf with a loud noise, and all the souvenirs fell on Xu Huan.

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