The next day.

"Yes, teacher, Yuyou is not feeling well today. She will go to school after two classes."

"The Smart School APP has been applied for. OK."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Shuang returned to the second floor - on the bed. At this time, Bai Yuyou was still sleeping soundly. She breathed steadily and held the pillow tightly.

Because the two classes in the morning happened to be physics and chemistry, Ye Shuang would rather let Bai Yuyou rest for a while and take her over when he went to work. As for learning, he would give Bai Yuyou a special lesson to make up for the two missed classes.

On Tang Keke's side, Ye Shuang also explained the situation to her, but she didn't know that she seemed very happy after knowing that Yuyou went to bed late last night.

Ye Shuang returned to the bed. Perhaps feeling the temperature, Bai Yuyou suddenly murmured, fumbled with her little hands, and finally turned over to Ye Shuang's side, and continued to sleep against his thighs.

Seeing the girl sleeping close to him like a kitten, Ye Shuang reached out and lifted her hair, and took the tablet from the bedside table beside him.

The tablet has a magnetic keyboard, and when combined together, it looks like a mini notebook.

Ye Shuang placed the tablet on his thighs, then leaned against the headboard. He flexibly tapped the keys on the keyboard with one hand, and gently pinched the girl's face with the other hand.

Bai Yuyou did not wake up, but rubbed Ye Shuang's palm and slept more sweetly.

In the quiet room, there was only the subtle sound of the wind chimes downstairs. Ye Shuang was concentrating on writing novels. There were more and more readers, and the overall performance seemed to be okay. He estimated that the manuscript fee this month seemed to be good, and he could add a roast duck leg to Yuyou for dinner in the future.

At this moment, the phone vibrated.

Ye Shuang took a look and found that it was a message from Tang Keke——

Tang Keke: Brother, something bad has happened. That woman is spreading rumors about you online!

Tang Keke: She wrote a short essay about you online!

After seeing this message, Ye Shuang didn’t seem surprised at all. After all, Xu Huan’s family was unreasonable and would definitely find ways to mess with you.

That’s why he explained the reason to the onlookers at the beginning, because more people would spontaneously reveal the truth to the unknown crowd after seeing it.

At this time, Tang Keke also sent the link.

Ye Shuang took a look.

【Title: My dad died, and my brother was killed and went to jail in order to get back the loan. Is there really no law in this world?

These people borrowed money from our family, but they were unwilling to pay it back after my dad died unexpectedly. They also slandered us. In the end, this wretched man beat me and my mom...

These people have very strong backgrounds in the local area, and even the official dare not intervene. They are even in the same group. We went to the hospital to assess our injuries, but the hospital, in order to protect these people, said that we were not injured. Look at these pictures——

A few bruises.jpg

A few bloody corners of the mouth.jpg

We just want our money back, because since my father passed away, my mother has also been seriously ill. Now our family is very poor and we really can't make ends meet. But these people not only don't pay us back, but also insult us and beat us, saying that we are just low-level people, migrant workers, social garbage, and don't deserve to live. Family members, I really have nowhere to go, please help me. 】

Likes: 1.2W, Comments: 7988, Reposts: 3.7W

In addition to the short essay, Tang Keke also forwarded a short video.

In the video, Xu Lan was covered in injuries and cried bitterly. She had a runny nose and choked as she talked about her experience.

In the comment section, there were people comforting Xu Lan, insulting Ye Shuang and others, and some people were shouting "The First Lesson of Life" and "We Want to Open the Box for Ye Shuang and others". Of course, there were also some rational netizens who asked why they didn't call the police, but they were soon drowned out by the replies about "The First Lesson of Life".

Some netizens didn't believe it, but were criticized for being nitpicking.

At this time, a big V with millions of fans appeared in the comment section and left a message: It's suffocating!

This reply not only received tens of thousands of likes, but was also reposted.

Ye Shuang looked at the indignant netizens, but his expression was indifferent. It seems that there are still too few people in this world who have the ability to think independently. A small essay can use netizens as a gun, which reminds Ye Shuang of the popular story of poor students being robbed of their relief funds.


The poor student cried and said that his relief fund was taken away by his roommate who wore AJ, and said that he was so pitiful that he couldn't even afford to buy an Apple.

Netizens immediately donated to him, and soon raised hundreds of thousands of yuan. In the end, it was revealed that this poor student rented a house for 4,000 yuan a month, bought a computer for 8,000 yuan, and recharged O God to draw cards, but said that he couldn't afford to eat Apple or drink Coke.

What a funny ending.

Ye Shuang continued to look through the comment area and found that some self-media had already started to repost with BGM to gain traffic, and there were also indignant netizens who rushed into the official comment area of ​​Haizhu.

The matter was getting bigger and bigger, but Ye Shuang was not in a hurry at all.

He even hoped that it would get bigger,

so that they could reunite with Xu Huan's family in prison.


On the other side.

Xu Huan's home.

"Look, mom, many people are forwarding my video, and there are also big Vs with millions of fans who are forwarding it for me!" Xu Lan rushed into her mother's room with her mobile phone and said.

When the aunt saw that there were more than 10,000 comments on her daughter's mobile phone, even if she didn't understand the Internet, she knew what it meant. Her old face suddenly smiled,

"Okay, okay, that's how it should be written!"

"Let him know the consequences of provoking us! Kill him!"

"Do you really think that we are easy to bully!"

The aunt said, and then asked her daughter, "Do you think that man will come to us to compensate us?"

"Of course, many netizens are looking for that man now. Maybe he will be stabbed twice when he goes out." Xu Lan said proudly, "I didn't know it would be so popular if it was posted online. It was originally just for some beauty bloggers. Friends of the host forwarded it. Who knew that when I added keywords such as migrant workers and the lower class, the traffic would increase rapidly. "

"Mom, look, there are still people who pity us and say they want to donate to us." Xu Lan pointed to the red mark at the corner of her mouth, "You can deceive so many people with lipstick."

The aunt glared at her daughter immediately,

"Why don't you quickly create a group and let those who want to donate transfer the money!"

"I know!" Xu Lan said, but pointed to the bed beside her, "Mom, but you still have to cooperate with me to shoot a few videos, and you will wail a few words on the bed later, the more pitiful the better."

"Got it, hurry up!"

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