After the incident with Luo Che, several days have passed.

The matter of Xu Huan's family has come to an end, and Tang Niu has naturally been detained, because what awaits her is the lawsuit of Chen Qin's company.

If a person has traffic, then he needs to be cautious in his words and deeds, and not instill wrong ideas and values ​​to his fans who love him. The man who once stood in the chicken square and shouted Gaia has also given the answer.

After all these things, the day of the school anniversary has finally arrived.

Apartment, early morning.

"Brother, look, Yiwan has a belly now." Tang Keke held Yiwan's two front paws, and its body was like an elongated bread dough, golden yellow.

"Cats grow faster." Ye Shuang said.

Yiwan is now five or six pounds, which is completely different from the palm-sized and skinny appearance at the beginning. Moreover, Yiwan is a long-haired cat, which makes it look even fatter and more furry.


Ye Shuang looked at the orange cat. At this moment, it was swung around by Tang Keke and then held by Bai Yuyou. Seeing the scene of one person and one cat, Ye Shuang couldn't help but smile.

Yiwan's growth is actually quite similar to Bai Yuyou.

Growing up little by little, day by day.

Ye Shuang was wearing an apron and cooking breakfast. Today, he was rarely interested in making dumplings with pork and shrimp fillings.

"Brother, why are you frying dumplings?"

Tang Keke looked around and found that Ye Shuang was frying dumplings in a frying pan. He couldn't help but ask curiously.

At this moment, the kitchen was full of the tempting aroma of flour fried in oil. Ye Shuang just smiled, "Keke, how do you eat dumplings at home?"

"My mother likes to put all the dumplings in a pot when stewing, but the dumplings are rotten when they are cooked." Tang Keke gestured the scene of eating dumplings at home, "A bunch of lumps, like what pigs eat."

Ye Shuang said, "Your mother will be sad if you say that."

Bai Yuyou also smelled the fragrance and stood on the other side, and even Yi Wan stretched his neck,

"Ye Shuang, it smells so good."

"Carbohydrates and oils, how can it not smell good?" Ye Shuang said, mixing a portion of flour water, "This is fried dumplings."

When the bottom of the fried dumplings is golden, you can pour the flour water in. After a little more than two-thirds of the way, Ye Shuang covered the pan.

"Brother, if you add water to cook, won't it be the same as my mother?" Tang Keke's little face was full of pity. If you eat it directly at this time, it will definitely be delicious.

The dumplings were in a mess, and Tang Keke had a psychological trauma.

"No." Ye Shuang smiled.

Soon, the flour and water in the pan evaporated, and at this moment, there was only a sizzling sound in the pan - after Ye Shuang opened the lid, the two girls' eyes lit up,

"It smells so good..."

"It didn't rot?"

Seeing their curious looks, Ye Shuang smiled and continued, "Right, it won't turn into a mess, and it won't rot."

As he said, he took out a small jar and sprinkled some black sesame seeds on the dumplings.

After being placed on the plate, the bottom of the dumplings formed a layer of golden crispy shell due to the flour and water, and with the embellishment of black sesame seeds, Tang Keke was stunned,

"Brother, you are my mother?"

Ye Shuang: "?"

Male mother?

However, this pan-fried dumpling received unanimous praise from Tang Keke and Bai Yuyou. Considering that a certain girl had a big appetite, Ye Shuang fried three or four plates and finally fed Bai Yuyou.

Seeing the two eating happily, Ye Shuang, who was sitting beside him in an apron, felt satisfied.

"Ye" Bai Yuyou would pick up a piece to feed him from time to time.

"Eat it yourself, I can pick it up myself."


After breakfast, Tang Keke and Bai Yuyou washed all the dishes. Before leaving, the girl buried her face in Ye Shuang's arms for a while before reluctantly leaving.

"Brother, today is the school anniversary. Remember to come to school early. There are many fun things to do."

"Well, be safe on the road. Contact me if you have any questions."

"Hehe, OK."

After the two girls went out together, Ye Shuang also updated today's novel - because the apartment was relatively quiet, Ye Shuang's inspiration was also very good today. After finishing the novel in a flash, he found that there was a cat sleeping on his thigh.

"Okay, it's almost time to set off." Ye Shuang stretched out his hand and scratched Yiwan's chin.

"After a while, it's almost time to sterilize

, right? Ten thousand?"

"Nei?!" The fat orange cat, who was enjoying being tickled on the chin, rushed to the second floor as soon as he heard this.

And the moment he landed, his feet slipped, and he slid on the spot for a few seconds like he was on a treadmill.

After seeing this, Ye Shuang felt a little funny, "Did you understand?"

He drove to the school, and when he was about to enter the gate, Ye Shuang saw a scene that surprised him enough-

There were a lot of people.

A lot of people.

Ye Shuang looked out of the car window and found that it was full of people. Even from the angle on the side of the road, he couldn't see the school gate.

"The school anniversary of Yinshan College can actually attract so many people? "

When Ye Shuang drove the car slowly forward, he found that there were a steady stream of vehicles entering the garage of Yinshan College.

At the entrance, students with armbands were directing traffic.

At this time, a student knocked on the car window gently. After Ye Shuang rolled it down, he heard her say,

"Teacher, the vehicles for faculty and staff turn left, that side is full."

"You know I'm a teacher?" Ye Shuang was a little surprised. How did you tell it apart?

"Yes, because the door card here shows that you are a faculty member." The student pointed to the sensor.

"Hahaha, okay." Ye Shuang felt stupid. He couldn't help but laugh. After all, the temporary card is different from the registered faculty card, and the gate can distinguish them.

With the help of the other party, Ye Shuang turned left into the internal parking lot for faculty and staff, and the outside was left for tourists.

Fortunately, there are not many cars in the internal parking lot.

"It's exaggerated. "After Ye Shuang got out of the car and locked the door, he found a pink chopped pepper fish head slowly parked next to him.

The car door opened and a short-haired girl came out, "Hey, uncle."

"Changed the car again?" Seeing the mini electric car behind An Shiyu, Ye Shuang asked.

"Yes, it feels quite fun, and the 4.0 displacement is enough."

Ye Shuang: "..."

What did you do to it?

Thinking of Master An from a taxi app, Ye Shuang suddenly felt a bad memory attacking him.

"Slipped away." At this time, An Shiyu also left with his hands in his pockets.

Ye Shuang didn't care and took the elevator to the first floor of the college.

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