The girl was so hungry that she couldn't eat anything.


"Buy it."

"Ye Shuang, there's also this..."

"Buy it."

After a while, Ye Shuang had bought a lot of snacks for Bai Yuyou. The girl ate them in small bites and didn't forget to put some into Ye Shuang's mouth.

"Okay, eat it yourself, I'm not hungry." When Ye Shuang saw Bai Yuyou raising her arm to feed him, he smiled, took a small bite symbolically, and let her eat it herself.

Perhaps he noticed something, Ye Shuang took out a tissue and gently wiped the oil stains on the corner of the girl's mouth, "Eat slowly."


The two walked side by side, but Bai Yuyou's outstanding appearance attracted many people's attention. At this time, Bai Yuyou was attracted by a small pool.

There were several people around the small pool, and there were many goldfish swimming in it.

"Do you want to try the game of catching goldfish?" Ye Shuang asked. The so-called game of catching goldfish is to use a paper net to catch the swimming goldfish. You can take as many as you catch - if you don't take them away, you can also exchange them for corresponding gifts.


Bai Yuyou seemed to be attracted by the goldfish splashing in the water. She squatted down and her eyes moved with the swimming fish.

"How much does it cost?" Seeing Bai Yuyou so fascinated, Ye Shuang asked the stall owner.

"Well, that, five yuan per time." The stall owner was a girl in the lower grade. After seeing Ye Shuang's face, she was a little shy and didn't dare to look at her.

After Ye Shuang scanned the code and paid, the other party handed over the paper net. It looked a bit like a shower head, with the center of the circle in the middle being the paper net. If it was broken, it could no longer be used.

"Come on, try it." Ye Shuang handed the net to Bai Yuyou.

Bai Yuyou took the paper net, looked at it with her beautiful eyes, and then reached into the water-

When she just approached the goldfish and was about to scoop it up, she found that the goldfish flicked its tail and the paper net was broken.

"Broken..." Bai Yuyou looked at the paper net with a hole in her hand, and turned to look at Ye Shuang innocently, "Can it still be used?"

"No." Ye Shuang asked the stall owner for a new one.

Bai Yuyou tried again, and this time the paper net caught the fish, but it broke in the air when it was lifted up, allowing the goldfish to dive back into the pool.

"Broken." Bai Yuyou looked a little disappointed, and even her hair was hanging down.

Ye Shuang brought two more paper nets and comforted her, "Let me try."

Compared to Bai Yuyou's cautious movements, Ye Shuang was more open and open. He found the right time to quickly pick up the goldfish closer to the water surface in the pool, and put it into the water tank with his other hand.

This process took only one second, and a goldfish was caught.

Bai Yuyou clapped his hands on the side, as if he was fascinated.

Then Ye Shuang used the same method to quickly catch two more fish, and the paper net was pierced by the water.

"Come on, try again, and move faster." Ye Shuang said.

After seeing Ye Shuang's method, Bai Yuyou planned to try again.

I don't know if it was bad luck, the girl had just put the net in, and the paper net broke.

"Ye Shuang... I can't do it."

"Silly, you can do it." Ye Shuang gently patted her head to encourage her, and asked the boss for another paper net.

This time, Bai Yuyou just took the paper net and found Ye Shuang approaching. He stretched out his arm and went around the girl's back. His broad palm gently held her small hand and grabbed the paper net together, and Bai Yuyou seemed to be in his arms.

"Ye Shuang..." Bai Yuyou felt a strong heartbeat coming from her back. She turned her head slightly and saw Ye Shuang's profile close at hand.

"Come, let me do it with you once."

Ye Shuang gently pinched the girl's hand, and with a splash, he took her to use the paper net to fish out the goldfish in one go!

"Success." After putting the goldfish into the fish tank, Ye Shuang said with a smile.

Bai Yuyou also looked at the goldfish in the fish tank that was spitting bubbles, and couldn't help looking back.

"Ye Shuang, hug..."

"Wait, wait a minute?!"

After a while, Ye Shuang carried a small plastic water bag and led the girl out of the stall.

Just now, Bai Yuyou suddenly jumped into his arms for some reason, and overturned several fish tanks nearby. There was no other way, so Ye Shuang had to pay some money and took away a goldfish as a prize.

"Messed up..." Bai Yuyou whispered, obviously

She knew she had done something wrong.

"It's okay, at least I got a little goldfish." Ye Shuang pointed to the goldfish in the bag that was oxygenated.

Bai Yuyou asked, "Keep it at home?"

"Probably not." Ye Shuang said.


"Well, if you want to give Yiwan a snack." Ye Shuang always felt that goldfish and cats couldn't be kept together, but he thought about it and it seemed that he could buy a closed fish tank.

Although it didn't seem worth buying a fish tank specifically for a few dollars of little goldfish, if you think about it carefully, this was also caught by Bai Yuyou, and it was commemorative.

Then Ye Shuang took Bai Yuyou to play a few more projects. After a round, it was almost lunch time, and they also found a chair under a big tree to sit.

"Are you happy?"


"That's good." Ye Shuang smiled.

"Ye Shuang..."


"What was Ye Shuang like when he was in school?" Bai Yuyou asked in a rare way, which made Ye Shuang stunned for a moment. He stretched out his hand and gently pinched the other's face.

"Why do you ask this?"

Bai Yuyou thought about it and said seriously, "I also want to know about Ye Shuang."

"Is that so?" Ye Shuang seemed to recall some past events, and then said, "School, in fact, the school activities at that time were not as rich as yours. Basically, I had to study as soon as I opened my eyes, but I was a little rebellious at that time."

"Rebellious?" Bai Yuyou didn't seem to understand.

"It's just that I don't obey the discipline of teachers and family members. I prefer freedom." Ye Shuang coughed dryly, "It's all in the past."

"Later, because of some things that happened, I began to calm down and study hard..."

"About half a year, I accidentally became the first in the grade."

Although Bai Yuyou was very curious about what happened, she seemed to find that Ye Shuang didn't want to talk about it, so she didn't ask any more.

At this moment, the phone rang. Ye Shuang touched his pocket and found that it was not his phone.

He looked to his side and found that Bai Yuyou had picked up his phone.

"A message from Coco?"

"No..." Bai Yuyou said, pausing, "Her..."

Only then did Ye Shuang realize that it was Aunt Xian who called.

"Answer it."


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