The crowds gathered and the crowds gathered.

There were nearly 10,000 spectators outside the stage, so a huge screen similar to a concert was built outside the stage, and many people stood outside to watch the performance.

The number of students at Yinshan College far exceeded 10,000, and with the tourists and faculty and teachers coming in from outside, this number can only be said to be not very large.

And many people came here for the invited stars, because there will be popular stars performing on this stage, about five stars, which can only be said that Yinshan College is rich.

The students had already bought glow sticks, 5 yuan each, which was not very expensive. When everyone took their seats, the voices of hawkers also rang out,

"Peanuts and melon seeds are sold in the front row, peanuts and melon seeds, garbage bags, cheap, cheap."

"Bawang cup lemon tea, a must-have for summer heat relief, only 8 yuan."

"Same stockings, same stockings, schoolmate's cat claw white stockings."

"Chicken olives, chicken olives, delicious and not expensive, eat Ba Gu and become Ah Xiang."

After all, with so many people, it is also a good time to make money, and those vendors will naturally not miss such a good opportunity. And with so many people, it also takes a lot of manpower to maintain order, so almost all the security personnel and members of the school's discipline inspection department are dispatched. Even all the students from the Propaganda Department and the Student Union were pulled in, which was barely enough.

"Wow-oh my god, so many people." Tang Keke also watched the stage performance last year, but she was a spectator at that time, so she didn't feel anything after sitting in her seat.

But on the stage, the girl turned pale with fear when she saw the crowd of audience outside and the glow sticks that looked like stars.

If the performance was not good, wouldn't it be a huge embarrassment?

"After all, it's the 70th anniversary celebration, and some of them are fans of stars who come here to watch their own stars perform for free." An Shiyu stood aside and folded her arms and said, "It's great to get something for free."

"This is more than many stars' concerts. This college is really exaggerated." Ye Shuang couldn't help but say.

After graduation, won't these students talk about its goodness all day long?

Hupu rating colleges and universities were very popular before, and this college's score was frighteningly high. Ye Shuang now understands why, because it gives students everything they want, especially students who start from the first grade. There is no so-called evening self-study, and the class time is shorter than other high schools. It pays more attention to the cultivation of other aspects, and activities are held non-stop. In addition to the anniversary celebration, there are also some small activities, similar to the winter solstice party.

Almost once every two months, and often lasts for a week.

It is no wonder that so many students come from other places after the college entrance examination. However, as a local school, Yinshan College has different score lines for local and non-local students. Compared with local students, it is too difficult for non-local students to get in.

So every year, there will be many students who accept the adjustment and squeeze in regardless of their majors. This is not a new thing.

"Yuyou, are you afraid?" Ye Shuang also showed Bai Yuyou the number of people outside. Compared with Tang Keke's appearance, Bai Yuyou was much calmer. She pulled Ye Shuang's clothes,

"Don't be afraid, Ye Shuang is here."


While everyone adjusted their mentality, Linlin was the most abnormal one. She seemed a little absent-minded, and she didn't respond until Zhixia called her several times.


At this time, the sound of the microphone exploded from the speaker, but it quickly adjusted.

"Good evening, teachers, students, and guests who come to attend the 70th anniversary of Yinshan College!" The energetic voices of the two hosts, a man and a woman, kicked off the evening party.

By the way, in addition to the performances of student clubs and invited stars, teachers and even the aunties in the cafeteria can sign up to perform.

In the performance list, you can also see skits prepared by the aunties and chefs in the cafeteria. Because they will not force sublimation and will not force dumplings, these skits are much more interesting than those seen on TV.

It's better than the dumpling photo studio, right?

After the host finished speaking, he asked Director An Shi to make a speech at the opening ceremony.

"Ahem." An Shi Ichiro, who was sitting in the guest seat, patted the microphone in his hand, and then said, "Go! Just do it!"

"Go! Go! Go! Just do it!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

Accompanied by Director An Shi's words

After the rush, the students also laughed and shouted "Come on, come on, come on", which is also a reserved program in the college.

"Okay, then the first program is the song "Only by Hard Work Can You Win" brought by our Principal Huang, please welcome with applause!"

Principal Huang is from Hujian, so he brought a Minnan song-

"Three fainting pigs Dang~ Seven fainting by big pancakes~"

(Three points are destined by heaven~ Seven points depend on hard work~")

"Ai Bingang Jia Hui Yang~"

(Only by hard work~ Can you win~)

Although many people don't understand, they still waved the fluorescent sticks in their hands to give warm support.

"Oh oh oh oh, Principal Huang, we like your big pancakes!"

"It sounds good!"

"Principal Huang, didn't you say last year that you would sing in women's clothes? !"


"Wow, show your talent and get other principals to eat big pancakes! "

The students in the audience were also happy. After all, Principal Huang was a humble person, and they actually liked him.

Soon it was the turn of other performers. In the front, it was basically the teachers who performed first. As the programs appeared one by one, two school doctors came over and said,

"Teacher Ye, it's our turn for the school doctor team."

"Yes, I'm here." Ye Shuang responded and walked out with them.

After seeing Ye Shuang leave with the others, Tang Keke and others looked at each other, and then a question mark appeared on their faces.

What happened?

Why did Ye Shuang leave with the others? It's not our turn yet, right?

"It turns out that Teacher Ye has other performances. "Several girls peeked at the stage, and now they knew that Ye Shuang had more than one performance.

The school doctor group's performance was actually just singing a song. Because there were not enough people, Ye Shuang was the one who was invited midway.

The song was not difficult, after all, Ye Shuang was the one who made up the numbers, so he only needed to sing with the school doctor who was singing the lead.

"I want to give you a love that never sets--"

It was the song "The Sun Never Sets", and it was a tenor version.

Accompanied by the man's deep voice, the originally sweet song instantly turned into a passionate song, as if praising the sun.

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