After chatting with the old man for a while, Ye Shuang returned to the house where he used to live with Bai Yuyou. There is a saying that makes sense, that is, if a house is not occupied, it will get old very quickly - when Ye Shuang took out the key and opened the door, he found that everything around him was covered with a layer of dust, even Ye Shuang's vision was covered with a layer of white plastic bags. "Ahem... so much dust." Ye Shuang opened the sluice gate, washed his hands first, and then put the bought vegetables away. Although he had lived here for a short time, Bai Yuyou's shadow could be seen in every corner, whether it was when he was learning to cook for the first time, or when he fell to the ground and didn't move due to hunger, or when he was running around naked. Ye Shuang thought he was not a nostalgic person, but after seeing those furniture, he couldn't help but smile.

If it weren't for Bai Yuyou's safety, it wouldn't be impossible to live here all the time.

It doesn't need to be a big house, as long as it can accommodate two people.

"Although that's the case, who can stand it if someone pries the door and someone else comes in?" Ye Shuang complained in his heart, and then began to look for Bai Yuyou's documents and some information.

Ye Shuang basically took away most of the important things, but he didn't do it carefully last time for time efficiency, so when Ye Shuang found some boxes in the corner, he found that there were indeed some more important documents in them.

"Hmm..." Ye Shuang flipped through the books and found that even the marriage certificate of the trafficker who abducted Bai Yuyou was in it, but he naturally wouldn't touch these, but Ye Shuang just wanted to find something about Bai Yuyou.

After rummaging for a while, Ye Shuang suddenly found an old mobile phone in the box.

It was a model from many years ago, a Nokia keypad phone as thick as two fingers, but it didn't seem to be broken from the outside - it had been so long, and the battery inside was probably exhausted and couldn't be turned on.

Ye Shuang stared for a while, and the window appeared.

[Item: Nokia 8210

A model released in 1999, it can open walnuts and play Snake. Maybe you can try to turn it on? ]

"Turn it on or something." Ye Shuang smiled. Although he didn't take it seriously, he found a matching charging cable and a universal charger for this phone in the box.

Thinking that there might be something about Bai Yuyou in it, Ye Shuang connected the charging cable to this old-fashioned keypad phone.

Then Ye Shuang continued to rummage through the box, but there was nothing else worth paying attention to, but Ye Shuang still found a photo of Bai Yuyou.

She was probably a few years old, wearing a beautiful princess dress, with an innocent and cute face, smiling at the photo taken by the camera.

"If Yuyou could smile now, she would be that cute." Ye Shuang looked at the yellowed photo in his hand, and it overlapped with the face in his mind.

He silently put the photo into his pocket.

At this moment, Ye Shuang noticed that the mobile phone placed beside him actually vibrated.

He looked over unexpectedly, and then tentatively pressed the power button for a long time. With the appearance of the handshake pattern, the phone actually turned on successfully!

"So awesome?" Ye Shuang couldn't help but say.

He pressed it and found that the functions could be used normally, so he clicked on the contact.

The contact above only had a wife and a mobile phone number without a name.

Ye Shuang glanced at the number, but didn't take it seriously.

Then Ye Shuang looked for the information of this mobile phone again, and finally accidentally clicked into the inbox.

In the past, keypad phones basically did not have Internet access. It was not until a wave of technology developed that network keypad phones with up, down, left, and right control buttons appeared. However, they could only use 2G, and the Internet speed was very slow, so a mobile phone that could hang QQ was considered a high-end phone.

This phone naturally did not have Internet access, so basically all information was exchanged through text messages and phone calls.

There were several messages in the inbox, one of which instantly caught Ye Shuang's attention-

The sender was the number in the contact list that had no remarks.

[Half of the money has been transferred. Don't let me down. Go to the agreed location to take the child away. Don't contact me in the future. Remember to delete the message. Remember. ]

Such a sentence made Ye Shuang look at the message for a full ten minutes!

In the quiet room, at this moment, only Ye Shuang's own heartbeat could be heard


What does it mean?

Was Bai Yuyou's abduction not a random case, but someone deliberately arranged it?

Who was that person?

A member of the Zhou family?

Or someone who had a grudge against the Zhou family?

Ye Shuang sat on the bed, staring at the mobile phone number above. He first used his mobile phone to silently write down the number, and then used this number to search for the WeChat account.

The search was not successful.

After thinking about it, Ye Shuang directly dialed the number.


"Hello? Who?" The call was quickly connected. There was a young woman's voice on the other end of the phone. Ye Shuang was silent for a moment, then smiled and said,

"Beauty, are you the owner of this mobile phone number?"

"Otherwise, crazy." The phone was hung up quickly, as if Ye Shuang was regarded as a telecom scammer.

Ye Shuang looked at the mobile phone number and thought about it, and suddenly found that many things did not match up-but after pondering for a while, Ye Shuang quickly understood that this mobile phone number was most likely recycled by the operator and then sold to a new user.

After all, so many years have passed, and it is not new for the mobile phone numbers recycled by the operator to be resold!

"Huh." Ye Shuang exhaled. He originally just came back to find out if there were any documents that Bai Yuyou missed, but he did not expect to be involved in such a thing.

However, it seems difficult for him to find the original owner of this mobile phone number, or it is hard to say how many owners this number has changed.

And you have to know that there was no real-name verification when applying for a mobile phone card back then, that is, you don’t need to bring your ID card to open a card like now. In the past, you only needed to pay money and choose a number.

In other words, it is almost impossible for Ye Shuang to determine who the person who sent the message is through this mobile phone number.

After pinching his eyebrows, Ye Shuang continued to search the mailbox of this mobile phone, trying to find out if there are more valuable messages.

As a result, when he just clicked on the next message, the phone screen suddenly went black and turned off automatically!

Ye Shuang: "..."

No way, sir?

The black screen of the mobile phone also made Ye Shuang's eyes black.

There was no other choice, so Ye Shuang had to pick up the phone, plug and unplug the charger, and try to restart it.

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