The teacher said that the teacher was very happy.

"Welcome to the next visit, Master!!"

Amid the energetic voices of the maids, Ye Shuang and the others finally finished the omelette rice before leaving the classroom - the rice was a little undercooked and the Sprite was a little flat.

However, places like maid restaurants that sell services really can't ask too much of these students. After all, many boys have already fallen into hallucinations in the sound of "Master" when they come in.

"Well... what else is delicious and fun?" Chen Qin looked around and seemed to be very interested in such a class theme. After all, there were no such things when he was in school.

"You didn't eat?" Ye Shuang asked.

"I've eaten some, but I feel like I can eat more."

"Then why didn't you eat some at the food court downstairs just now?"

"I didn't like anything."

Ye Shuang didn't ask any more questions. He just accompanied Chen Qin to visit these class themes. Because there were so many grades, the two of them walked all the way to an area that even Ye Shuang had never been to before.

"oi——Lin Daiyu makes a scene in Black Wind Ridge, come and see it?"

"Muscle Man Restaurant, yeah~♂"

"Wowotou, four for one dollar."

"The high-quality animated short film, "Hibiscus King vs. Rick 5: My Lungs Are Itchy Now" is being shown."

It seems to be more lively here. Ye Shuang and Chen Qin walked side by side, and it seems that it's not bad to stroll around like this.

"Hey, are you a couple? We have an event here!"

Just at this moment, a student jumped out of the classroom next to him and asked with a smile.

"We don't..."

"How do you know?" Chen Qin hugged Ye Shuang's arm, almost pressing her soft body against him, "Hehe."

Ye Shuang glanced at her and found that Chen Qin hugged him tighter. The power of the giant slime firmly locked his arm. While he could feel the temperature, a pleasant smell of hair also entered his nose.

"Because the brother and sister look very compatible." The student laughed.

"You can talk, here's a red envelope for you." Upon hearing this, Chen Qin's pretty face immediately showed a smile, and she took out a red envelope and handed it to the student in front of her.

The student took it subconsciously, with a question mark on his head, "Eh?"

It feels like there are several banknotes?

Wow, rich man.

"Um... um, do you want to join our event?" The student came back to his senses and did not forget to introduce the activities next to him. "It's like this. We have a princess hug event for male and female couples. You only need to hug for more than one minute to get a prize."

"Princess hug..." Chen Qin's eyes lit up and he immediately turned to look at Ye Shuang.

That begging look made Ye Shuang a little stung and unable to open his eyes for a while, "I'm such a thin dog, I can't hug it."

"Where are your muscles?" Chen Qin poked Ye Shuang's belly with her slender and white fingers, "You went to the gym a lot when you were in high school, didn't you?"

"It's all back to the beginning."

"Didn't you just say you would agree to one of my requests?" Chen Qin's eyes turned.

Ye Shuang nodded, "That's true."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hug me for a minute."

"Plus delete the black history." Ye Shuang said.

"No, delete at most one post." Chen Qin said.

One post...

That's fine.

Ye Shuang glanced at the timer next to him, and then at the prizes, "Why are there so many prizes?"

"Because if you persist for more than one minute, there will be different rewards at each stage."

"So that's how it is."

Before Ye Shuang reached out his hand to Chen Qin, he smiled and asked, "You shouldn't have gained weight recently, right?"

Chen Qin blinked, "Even if you gain weight, you still have to hold me well."

Ye Shuang reached out his hand and held Chen Qin horizontally, which is the so-called princess hug - at this moment, Chen Qin's head was pressed against his chest, and she could even clearly feel the other's strong heartbeat.

How she wished time would stop at this moment.

"So honest?" Chen Qin was actually not heavy. After Ye Shuang picked her up, he found that this guy was particularly honest in his arms, and even reached out his hand to put on his shoulder.

At this time, some students who were watching also looked over. After Ye Shuang noticed it, he turned her position slightly, so that her skirt was facing the wall.

"Hehe, am I heavy?"

This sentence is a fatal question. After hearing it, Ye Shuang just answered, "Is it too light?"

"Are you scolding me or praising me?" Chen Qin immediately said coquettishly, her face also reddened.

Soon, one minute passed, and the student standing beside the timer smiled and said, "It's already one minute."

Chen Qin originally thought that Ye Shuang would put her down, but found that he was still holding her.

"Huh?" Chen Qin asked, "Are you still okay?"

"Men can't say no." Ye Shuang continued to hold Chen Qin, and then glanced at the prize over there - the best reward required ten minutes of persistence.

"Really?" After hearing that Ye Shuang could continue to persist, Chen Qin also shyly put her arm around his neck.

Time passed in a flash, and five minutes passed again.

There were a lot more students watching, and even Chen Qin was surprised that Ye Shuang could hold her for so long.

"Aye, why don't you put me down? I'm afraid your arm blood circulation is not good. You are already very good." Although Chen Qin wanted to be held by Ye Shuang like this, she was a gentle person who was easy to feel sorry for the other party. Seeing Ye Shuang's arm muscles bulging, she couldn't help but say.

"Not bad." Ye Shuang said, in fact, he felt that he could still hold on for a while.

"Oh..." Chen Qin was a little surprised, then smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

And now there are more and more people watching, causing her ears to turn red and bury her face.

Finally, the student next to her also spoke, "Brothers and sisters, it's been ten minutes, you can get the highest reward!"

After hearing this, Ye Shuang slowly put Chen Qin down.

After twisting his arm, there was a click sound, and Ye Shuang took a stuffed bear from the prize column, "Classmate, is this okay?"

"Yes, of course." The student said.

"Here, remember to delete a black history." Ye Shuang stuffed the doll into Chen Qin's arms, "I remember you like bears, right?"

Chen Qin was stunned for a moment, staring at him blankly, "So that's why you persisted for so long?"

Chen Qin really likes cartoon bears, especially the bear doll in the "Mr. Bean" drama.

Seeing Chen Qin seeming very happy holding the little bear like this, Ye Shuang looked away and touched his nose with his fingers.

"Hmm... about the same, I hope I remember this correctly."

"I love you so much!" Chen Qin pounced on him.

"Hey, hey, don't hug me like this suddenly? You're going to be exposed!"

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