The pancakes were so delicious that they were so delicious.

"Hey, Yuyou."

"Thank you." At the lemon tea stall, Bai Yuyou reached out to take the pancakes handed over by Tang Keke, and then ate them in small bites.

The crispy and fragrant taste made her lower her eyes and look at it, "Delicious..."

"Right, this is the pancake made by our college security guard. I heard that he is from Shandong, and he calls this thing...nianing." Tang Keke said, also eating the pancakes in small bites - she bought a lot and gave them to Zhixia and the others.

But Bai Yuyou put it down halfway through, and folded it with the oil paper bag.

"What's wrong, the taste is not suitable?" Keke asked curiously.

Bai Yuyou shook her head, "It's delicious, leave half for Ye Shuang..."

"Silly child, it won't taste good after a while if it gets damp, why not buy a new one for your brother later?" Tang Keke said.

"But, it's almost time to close the stall." Bai Yuyou said, there was no party tonight, so the food court would close early.

"Then you can eat it when it opens tomorrow. If you don't eat it now, it will become soft and not taste good." Tang Keke gave a thumbs up, "You have to eat this thing hard, the harder it is, the better, and it's crispy."


Just as Bai Yuyou was eating the pancake in small bites, a customer came to the stall and said in a coquettish voice, "Excuse me~~~"

"Here you are." Zhixia walked over, but found that the customer was dressed a little strangely, wearing a pink windbreaker with black lipstick, very thin and with prominent cheekbones, and even pink eyeshadow.

Zhixia blinked, but still asked, "What do you need?"

"I just want to come and see if our baby is here?" Aunt Li looked at the stall and finally found Bai Yuyou eating pancakes, "This way."

"Aunt Li..." Bai Yuyou also noticed the other party and walked over quickly.

"It smells delicious. Is it dinner?" Aunt Li asked with a smile.

Bai Yuyou shook her head and stretched out her hand, "Aunt Li, do you want to eat?"

"Eat it yourself. Auntie, I've been losing weight recently... I feel fat again." Aunt Li sighed and asked, "Where is Xiao Shuangshuang?"

"Go shopping with Sister Chen Qin." Bai Yuyou said.

"Is that so..." Aunt Li looked at Bai Yuyou, and suddenly moved closer and asked with a smile, "Will you be unhappy?"

Bai Yuyou shook her head when she heard it.

"Okay, you'll understand it later." Aunt Li touched the tip of the girl's nose with her finger, stood up and turned to Zhixia and said, "Cute little bean sprouts~"

"Huh?" Zhixia was stunned for a moment and pointed at herself, "Are you calling me?"

"Yes, give me a cup of lemon tea without ice and sugar."

"It will be very unpalatable if you remove the sugar, sir." Zhixia explained. After all, if you remove the sugar from hand-made lemon tea, it will taste bitter.

"It's okay, do it."


Two minutes later, the lemon tea was served. Aunt Li paid and took a sip, "Hmm... It's really hard to drink."

"Ahaha, I just told you." Zhixia also smiled helplessly, "I'll make you another cup, no charge."

"No~" Aunt Li pointed at the air with her orchid finger and continued to drink lemon tea, "You know, drinking more lemon water can make your skin whiter."

Then he thought about it, as if a little distressed, "Well, it's useless to say this to you children who are still in their prime. For someone as old as me, alas..."

"Aunt Li, it's pretty." Bai Yuyou said on the side.

Aunt Li heard this and immediately laughed happily, "Naughty, you are the only one who is sweet and says these to coax me."

Bai Yuyou was not actually coaxing the other party, because she was not sensitive to the aspect of appearance, just as she herself did not know that she was actually very beautiful. For a girl, a good person is equivalent to a good-looking person who is willing to get close to her.

Li Fugui may be a complete freak and a weirdo in the eyes of outsiders, but this is not the case for Bai Yuyou. She has no prejudice against anything and will not generalize.

Just as Aunt Li was drinking lemon tea, she suddenly noticed a commotion not far away, and several students were gathered around.

"What's going on over there?" Zhixia asked.

"Shall I go over and take a look?" Linlin said, and also went over to take a look.

After half a minute, Linlin came back, "It seems that there was a stall selling oysters, and then the charcoal fire fried it, and the juice in the oysters splashed on a customer's hair."

"Why are there so many people around?" Keke was a little surprised, because this was not

What a big deal, right?

"Is it possible that the customer's head is on fire?"

Linlin said, "The customer was very angry and said that the stall owner must pay 100,000 yuan."

"100,000 yuan?!" Keke was almost dumbfounded, "My goodness, the oyster juice splashed a little on my hair, just wash your hair, it won't be 100,000 yuan even if you want to compensate?"

"100,000 yuan... The stall owner selling oysters seems to be a student, let's go over and take a look?" Zhixia said.

"Let's go, let's take a look." Aunt Li also slowly put down the lemon tea, stood up and walked over with her arms folded.


"Do you know how expensive it is to get my hair done?! You actually splashed oyster juice on my head!" There were many people gathered in front of the oyster stall.

The man who was shouting was tall and had curly hair. At this moment, his face was red and he angrily scolded the two girls in aprons in front of him.

Perhaps because they were frightened by the other party's fierce attitude, the two girls' eyes were red.

At this time, a student union member who was maintaining order came forward to persuade, "My guest, such an accident was not intentional, and our classmate just apologized sincerely. Why don't I take you to a nearby barber shop to wash your hair?"

"No!" The man said directly, "One hundred thousand, if you don't have one hundred thousand, I will call someone to smash your stall!"

The student union members looked at each other and had to call the security guard over. Who knew that when the security guard came, the man's tone became even more excited, "You are playing hard to me, right?!"

He pulled out a switchblade and grabbed the wrist of a female stall owner, "You dare to touch me?!"

The girl was scared and cried.

"Calm down!" The security guard immediately said, "Put the student down first."

Even the security guard was numb. Why was this guy so excited?

"Then get out of here, and you too!" The man scolded after seeing the onlookers.

The onlookers seemed to be afraid of irritating the man, so they retreated one after another.

"And you guys, you want to die too, right?" The man noticed Aunt Li and waved his bright silver switchblade.

"Oh, ha ha ha, then tell me, how do I want to die?" Aunt Li laughed after seeing this.

Upon hearing this, the man immediately pushed the girl away, then walked towards Aunt Li with the knife in hand!

"Hey, brother... sister, be careful!" Tang Keke was terrified when she saw this.

Who knew that the man stood in front of Aunt Li for a while, and suddenly, with a plop, he actually knelt down!

"?" Everyone present was stunned.

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